Gun control


Unelected Mod
apparently, that means we can't even talk about how theyoughtto decide. Jesus.
I hate to agree with you since you spent like 10 pages calling me a racist, but that is what gets me about Soysauceonrice and Simas. They don't want us to even DISCUSS the constitutionality of these rulings. It's a states rights issue, if we aren't from NY we aren't allowed to talk about it!


Buzzfeed Editor
Talking about anything is fine, but going full on chicken little is just a bit premature I think.
That sounds like big government tyranny to me. It's damn near Sharia law.

But seriously, I'm surprised you're a staunch defender of gun rights but also advocate mandatory ID's to be carried at all times in public.
They already pretty much monitor and track everybody anyways. I don't think the privacy argument holds much weight because the people have collectively shrugged.

Nobody gives a shit about privacy.

and lol at comparing ID's to sharia law.

They already require everybody to have social security cards and such.
I hate to agree with you since you spent like 10 pages calling me a racist, but that is what gets me about Soysauceonrice and Simas. They don't want us to even DISCUSS the constitutionality of these rulings. It's a states rights issue, if we aren't from NY we aren't allowed to talk about it!
Like I said before, I'm a pro-gun commie pinko leftist. That often puts me in strange company on the issue of gun control. However my stance against gun control is one of principle, not utility. That means that I don't have to feel any degree of self-consciousness when it comes to the issue of the difference in gun homicide rates between countries (and that consequently I am not motivated to explain them away by silly, superficial hand-waving about the presence of minorities). It may very well be that the whole of the difference in the gun homicide rate is attributable to the relatively high availability of guns in the united states. I stand unmoved because it is not the case that everything that lowers the death rateoughtto be done.
I hate to agree with you since you spent like 10 pages calling me a racist, but that is what gets me about Soysauceonrice and Simas. They don't want us to even DISCUSS the constitutionality of these rulings. It's a states rights issue, if we aren't from NY we aren't allowed to talk about it!
Lol you are so cute. I don't want to talk about the constitutionality of the New York law ? Then why the fuck was I engaging someone a few posts back about the Heller case and whether or not registration requirements for assault weapons are constitutional ? If you want to discuss whether or not this law is unconstitutional, then by all means, have at it. Find some case law from the SCOTUS discussing the ban of assault weapons and the limitation of magazine size and I'll be more than happy to engage you.

But that's not what you're really doing. All you're doing is bitching and moaning about THE GOVERNMENT when, it seems to me, you don't even have a fucking clue who you are raging at. The Feds haven't given you anything to froth at the mouth about (don't worry, we'll find out tomorrow) so you go and bitch and moan about someone else doing something in their own house that doesn't affect you in any way. Whether or not the law is unconstitutional is unclear, but it will undoubtedly be challenged soon. If you want to talk about whether it is or not, then google some case law and get back to me.
Lol you are so cute. I don't want to talk about the constitutionality of the New York law ? Then why the fuck was I engaging someone a few posts back about the Heller case and whether or not registration requirements for assault weapons are constitutional ?
How about a discussion of the merits of the law irrespective of its constitutionality?
How about a discussion of the merits of the law irrespective of its constitutionality?
So without the constitution as a benchmark, what do we use as a yardstick for the merits of the law ? I mean, the second amendment is in the fucking constitution. So if we throw out the constitution and the 2nd amendment, do we just talk about our feelings ?


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
Voter IDs are blatant discrimination, marriage laws cross state lines and attempt to write discrimination into law, immigration falls under the federal government's jurisdiction historically does it not? But yeah, other than that, these things are all the same!

Or should I say... both sides are bad?
That's why South Carolina's Voter ID law was upheld, right? Blatant Discrimination? Blatant. Sure. Gun laws cross state lines too (that's also been called out in this thread). Immigration does fall under the federal government, yes. However, if they choose to not enforce it, and as a result, the states are forced to pay for that non-enforcement, how do you expect states to react? If the feds want to pay for that non-enforcement, you might have a point. But they don't. The states do.


I think we need bans on assault weapons and excessively large magazines for normal weapons. I support the right to bear arms, but what is the necessary amount of force a firearm should put out. I mean when I shoot a deer for food I don't need it to be pre-butchered before I get to it in the field because my AR-15 blew the asshole out of it at 1000 yards.
That's why South Carolina's Voter ID law was upheld, right? Blatant Discrimination? Blatant. Sure. Gun laws cross state lines too (that's also been called out in this thread). Immigration does fall under the federal government, yes. However, if they choose to enforce it, then the states are forced to pay for that non-enforcement, how do you expect states to react?
Within the confines of the law?
I think we need bans on assault weapons and excessively large magazines for normal weapons. I support the right to bear arms, but what is the necessary amount of force a firearm should put out. I mean when I shoot a deer for food I don't need it to be pre-butchered before I get to it in the field because my AR-15 blew the asshole out of it at 1000 yards.
Who gives a shit about hunting? What if I want to shoot a high-caliber gun at targets for fun? Why should the possibility that someone else might do something fucking crazy with a totally different gun preclude me from doing that?


Unelected Mod
I mean when I shoot a deer for food I don't need it to be pre-butchered before I get to it in the field because my AR-15 blew the asshole out of it at 1000 yards.
You really sound like someone that has never fired a .223 rifle and certainly has never tried to shoot something 1000 yards. The AR-15 is probably one of the last rifles I'd want to use to shoot 1000 yards with. The idea that it would have "too much power" at 1000 yards is absurd.


Agreed, target shooting is fun, but do you need a 1000 round magazine. Target shooting is a skill, not just fun for some jack off to go out and mow down the entire range.
So without the constitution as a benchmark, what do we use as a yardstick for the merits of the law ?
Logic? Morals? Ethics?

I mean, the second amendment is in the fucking constitution. So if we throw out the constitution and the 2nd amendment, do we just talk about our feelings ?
The constitution is mutable. Should it be in the constitution? For that matter, does its presence in the constitution actually matter? In other words, would governments, federal or otherwise, be legally empowered to ban weapons if it weren't? These are not trivial questions and they're not some analog of a discussion "about our feelings." That's reductionist and stupid.


You really sound like someone that has never fired a .223 rifle and certainly has never tried to shoot something 1000 yards. The AR-15 is probably one of the last rifles I'd want to use to shoot 1000 yards with. The idea that it would have "too much power" at 1000 yards is absurd.
I was being dramatic. Of course the only way to hunt from a 1000 yards is with a 50 cal. sniper rifle.
Logic? Morals? Ethics?
K, since I'm such a gracious person, I'll let you have the opening volley on the logical, moral, and ethical ramifications of . . . the banning of new assault rifles and requirement that current assault riffles be registered and renewed every 5 years and the limitation of magazine size to 7 instead of 10. GO !