Gun control


Trakanon Raider
Since we are on a gaming forum, they should do what any good developers would do and NERF the shit out of guns. Everyone can still use them and have them, but they're garbage for doing most things.

Obviously they are too OP if they can kill a lot of people easily in a short amount of time. Especially if the grind to get a gun isn't a long process.

You can still use gun's retarded step brother, the bow! Make Legolas proud.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
The president is speaking. For a constitutional expert you think he would have figured out the 2A has nothing to do with hunting.


Obama just showed he cant do a fucking thing without Congress!! lol A REPUBLICAN RED STATE DOMINATED CONGRESS!! L FUCKING O FUCKING L


Buzzfeed Editor
Whatever. I don't see a problem with anything he talked about other than the assault weapons ban.


Trakanon Raider
Any point worth it's salt doesn't require a room full of children and manufactured tears. I actually don't mind giving concessions to gun control, but all this play on emotion is over the top.

Should we bring in a bunch of kids that suck at Math to illustrate the failing educational system for the next presser?


Bronze Baron of the Realm
At least we are going to have an honest discussion right? "It blew the whole front half of the deer off", where do they dig up this shit? Too many movies or video games I guess.


Surprised at how much sense that made. We'll see what all the executive orders do.

AWB is a pipe dream. It's what has already been discussed: reach for the moon and see where you get.
Any point worth it's salt doesn't require a room full of children and manufactured tears. I actually don't mind giving concessions to gun control, but all this play on emotion is over the top.

Should we bring in a bunch of kids that suck at Math to illustrate the failing educational system for the next presser?
It is a play on emotions, but he's doing it because it works, even on him. For his first term, and even after the Giffords shooting and Batman shooting, Obama basically left gun rights alone. Then, 20 kids get riddled with bullets and that's when he finally caved to pressure from the left to "do something". The fact that people died wasn't what tipped the scales. The fact that it was kids, was. So yea, sticking a bunch of kids in front of the camera is a play on emotions, but if you're trying to influence public opinion, if it worked on Obama, it'll work on most of the Joes sitting at home.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah it just seems like a waste of time, and he has to realize that. He may be able to get the universal background check through Congress but the assault weapons ban will never fly and will eat up all his time and momentum. Zero logic there.


Buzzfeed Editor
It is a play on emotions, but he's doing it because it works, even on him. For his first term, and even after the Giffords shooting and Batman shooting, Obama basically left gun rights alone. Then, 20 kids get riddled with bullets and that's when he finally caved to pressure from the left to "do something". The fact that people died wasn't what tipped the scales. The fact that it was kids, was. So yea, sticking a bunch of kids in front of the camera is a play on emotions, but if you're trying to influence public opinion, if it worked on Obama, it'll work on most of the Joes sitting at home.
This is actually probably correct. The Newtown shooting influenced a lot of people. I had actually forgotten about how many shootings there were last year until he started talking about them, and I didn't realize that 70 people got shot in Aurora, what the fuck. But yeah, kids make people have a feel.
I'm not really sure how hard he'll actually push the AWB. That's something he has to go through congress for. It's obviously DOA in the house and even in the Senate where the Dems have control, Reid has gone down on record saying that immigration and the debt fight is more important to him than guns, so who knows when they'll ever tackle it. So many roadblocks that are obvious to us makes me think hes only pushing it because he is expected to push it. I don't see him spending political capital on this when he still has to wrestle with the republicans on increasing the debt limit and immigration reform.


The President was great today. One can only hope that the sane members of the NRA can come out in support of the reasonable measures proposed today. Especially after coming out attacking the President's kids in that ad today.