Gun control


Actually, yes you can. That's the entire point of our Constitution you dumb fuck. The government can't just say "Ahhh gosh, this no longer applies anymore! Blacks, back to slavery!" You can't claim the First Amendment is any more timeless than the Second. The Second Amendment, above all others, IS THE POINT!

Want to oppress people with outrageous taxes? Think twice, they own guns!
Want to throw black people back into chains? Think twice, they own guns!
Want to restrict people from publishing words that go against the views of those in power?
Want to make a law that says the President gets first fuck rights to a woman on her wedding night?

A free people's ability and willingness to bring violence to those in power when they overstep their bounds is THE point. The whole fucking point. Nothing else in the Constitution, nor city, state or federal law, matters one shit of a bit without guns.
The only thing owning a gun is going to do in any of these situations is get you killed by law enforcement.

Or maybe the army that enforces martial law will listen to your guns.

Lets all collectively face reality, together. The only reason the NRA exists is money. Making lots of it is their only goal. Realize this then continue posting here. I am a gun lover but I also believe there is a time and place. Of course guns need regulations and of course the NRA wants zero regulations. So lets all man the fuck up, put our pride to the side and do what we know in our hearts is good for the country. Normal people shooting the shit our of cars and stacked tires is fucking awesome, but there is a time and a place to all things and as responsible adults it falls on us to take that responsibility head on.

I also wish the bullshit from both sides would end. If you have never fired a gun then stfu gtfo and go do it. If you are avid gun fan then man the fuck up and do your part.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Hey look it's a retard fight. Aychamo obviously wins though because he's definitely a bigger fucktard than Mikhail.


Just stating the facts of life.

Meth-addicted always drunk hillbilly, probably little worth.
Neil De-grasse Tyson definitely high worth.


Unelected Mod
Lets all collectively face reality, together. The only reason the NRA exists is money.
Silliness. The main reason the NRA exists is that there are a large number of people in this country that do not want further regulation on guns.

Normal people shooting the shit our of cars and stacked tires is fucking awesome, but there is a time and a place to all things and as responsible adults it falls on us to take that responsibility head on.
How does normal people shooting up old cars or stacked tires have ANYTHING to do with gun violence or homicides? If people want to have fun shooting stuff they have, who cares? Do you hate plinking also? Or is shooting old soda cans alright in your book? Please let us know what targets are legitimate in your eyes!

If you are avid gun fan then man the fuck up and do your part.
By supporting things like the AWB that will have zero effect on homicide? No thanks.


It's adorable that you think the NRA represents individual gun owners, not the $12b a year gun industry that is responsible for the vast majority of its funding.


Silliness. The main reason the NRA exists is that there are a large number of people in this country that do not want further regulation on guns.

How does normal people shooting up old cars or stacked tires have ANYTHING to do with gun violence or homicides? If people want to have fun shooting stuff they have, who cares? Do you hate plinking also? Or is shooting old soda cans alright in your book? Please let us know what targets are legitimate in your eyes!

By supporting things like the AWB that will have zero effect on homicide? No thanks.
A. Regulations cut into the profit made by gun sellers, similar to the reason we do not end the war on drugs. To many family's rely on that war to put food on the table. Everything is ran by money.
B. My point was that going to a firing range to shoot your machine gun = responsible, going upto the mountains to shoot down trees, though fun = irresponsible. There is a time and place for everything, machine guns do not have a place in civilian life other then the firing range. Even the military has an armory for equipment like that, have done my share of guard duty to know who takes what home and what stays at the armory.
c. By being able to discuss regulations with an open mind and with all the facts. Shutting down the conversation before it even starts needs to stop.

Lets act adult, even if we arn't. Sure there are nuts that wana take away all guns, but the majority of sane people in this country realize that a few enforced regulations could save lives. I believe it's worth it to try.

edit: The adult comment was aimed at myself and my avatar, not at you or your response to my earlier post.


Unelected Mod
It's adorable that you think the NRA represents individual gun owners, not the $12b a year gun industry that is responsible for the vast majority of its funding.
First of all, so what? The NRA is doing exactly what alot of its members want right now, which is opposing the new regulations.

Second, it is not true that the vast majority of its funding comes from the gun industry.

Some cliffnotes
"Members also are the biggest source of funds for the NRA, supplying $100 million out of a total of $227 million in revenue in 2010."

The strength of the NRA also isn't in how much money it offers, which as the article points out, they actually spend a relatively small amount of money compared to other lobbying groups. Their strength is in their ability to mobilize their members.

The NRA isn't perfect but trying to characterize it as receiving the vast majority of it's money from the gun industry is false. The NRA's influence isn't even based on how much money they bring in, it derives from their active member base.


The NRA uses a variety of mechanisms to obscure how much money it actually receives from the gun industry. I'm not really interested in getting into it with someone who is so heavily propagandized, I just think it's totes adorbz.

The only reason you are getting what you "want right now" is that it coincides with the wishes of the gun industry, who want their sales to not be slowed down. Why do you think that there is such an all or nothing agenda pushed within the NRA? ANY slowdown in sales is unacceptable to their true masters. Anybody who tries to talk about any reasonable measures to limit potential damage is shouted down because of this.

edit: For instance, why doesn't the NRA want magazine size restrictions? Because freedom, or because one of its largest corporate donors is Midway, whose business centers heavily around sales of magazines and ammunition?

If you're outside the bubble, it's incredibly obvious who is actually in charge.


Unelected Mod
Oh, you are a conspiracy theory nut. Got it. Da dark shadowy masters are controlling everything. *glances around nervously*

As for propaganda, I linked to an article from Huffingtonpost. Im sure they are definitely holding water for the NRA, that silly rightwing website!


The point being the NRA has a conflict of interest so should be left out of the conversation. We all know their stance, they have zero to add.


Unelected Mod
Do you feel the same way about the ACLU? Planned Parenthood?

Like it or not (clearly you don't), the NRA is the only gun rights lobbying group that has any real power in congress. Leaving it out of the equation would mean groups like the Brady campaign would be completely unopposed.


Well, clearly, the Gabby Giffords shooting was just a false flag operation to take away your guns.

Since you're the one that brought up conspiracies, I thought I'd mention one of my current favorites.


The notion that we should do nothing does not sit well with me, and that's all I see from the NRA.

Though at the same time doing something just for the sake of doing something seems like an even worse notion.