Gun control


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Two threads about shootings, no doubt more to happen in the years to come. It's going to be discussed a lot n each thread, but for those who get heated about it, lets try to keep it here.


Elisha Dushku
no doubt more to happen in the years to come. .
A happy thought.

The issue is how to mitigate them, since they can't be prevented.

1. Less media coverage.
2. Background checks everywhere (there you go Numbers)
3. Armed Principals/Vice-Principals
4. Tasers for Teachers.

Otherwise Phoenix is right, Gun control does nothing. Gun-free zones don't work. The baddies will still get the weapons.


Rather then doing an impotent ban, or even something like the AWB, how about spending the time, money, energy, and political clout into something that puts more warning signs out there? Give society as many opportunities to stop these sick people before they can cause harm.

I'd gladly give up my "patient's rights" to hide my own nonexistent mental issues than see actual rights curtailed. And I know the quote about giving up freedom for security, but in this case I'd say that is a fair trade.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
No discussion needs to be had. Criminals don't give a shit whether guns are illegal. Therefore the entire "gun control" topic is moot.

Feel free to make a new thread on the socio-economic problems that are probably more responsible for this kinda shit, however.


I'm British, so I obviously think gun control works. I also think it would be possible to remove the majority of guns from American citizens, but it would take a long time and cost a lot of money. The problem is that the average American has different cultural values to the average Brit. To me, America is a place where people can live with minimal government interference. America is the land of the free. I can see why an American would not want gun control, because you are defined by your rights (to bear arms).

Personally, I would be interested to see what percentage of gun related murders (particularly in schools, malls, cinemas etc) are committed by people over the age of 25. It is a bit of a stretch, because as far as I am aware Americans are able to buy other adult things by the age of 21, but raising the age limit for guns to 25 may help.


I think the people suggesting better mental health services, background checks and so on are being unrealistic. In most cases, there's no way to distinguish todays "Responsible Gun Owner" from tomorrows "Psychotic Gun Man", because everyone of us has the ability to snap.

People in general are stupid, short sighted, selfish and prone to erratic behaviour.

A messy divorce, getting fired, eviction, drugs or just some percieved slight is enough to set people off, and as long as they have easy access to guns, things like this horrific massacre are enevitable. And as horrible as they are, they are really just the tip of the iceberg, when it comes to gun deaths in the US. Until you get serious about restricting access to firearms, this will keep happening over and over and over.

In three weeks this will be out of the news cycle, and the countdown to the next bloodbath will start. But hey, at least you're free right.

Zombie Thorne_sl

The proverbial cat is already out of the bag. Too many guns in the poulation, and too many ppl willing to die to keep them.

Hypothetical situation: The "gubment" comes for our guns.

I'm a gun nut, have multiple gun safes full. But it it came down to it, and the Gun Nazi's were at my door asking for my guns i would give them up. I wouldnt be happy about it but i would. The Gun Nazi's would probably have a pretty easy time of it in the NE and west coast, but once they hit the Mason Dixon line it would likely get ugly. I do not think they could remove all of the guns from legal gun owners without starting a legitimate civil war. And this doesnt even get into the illegal guns out there.


Taking the guns away only removes a multiplying factor. It does not remove the cause or the effect.


I agree. Confiscating guns would be next to impossible, and it would probably take decades to put a dent in the number of guns available. In the short term further gun restrictions would probably have little effect. Perhaps in the mid to long term, you'd see a difference in gun deaths. We see the effects of not doing anything every day though.

The proverbial cat is already out of the bag. Too many guns in the poulation, and too many ppl willing to die to keep them.

Hypothetical situation: The "gubment" comes for our guns.

I'm a gun nut, have multiple gun safes full. But it it came down to it, and the Gun Nazi's were at my door asking for my guns i would give them up. I wouldnt be happy about it but i would. The Gun Nazi's would probably have a pretty easy time of it in the NE and west coast, but once they hit the Mason Dixon line it would likely get ugly. I do not think they could remove all of the guns from legal gun owners without starting a legitimate civil war. And this doesnt even get into the illegal guns out there.


Molten Core Raider
So far, we (as a country) have blamed guns, the media, lack of god, crazy, and games, still have music, and porn to go. I dont claim to have the answers, but we have always had guns, so I am inclined to believe somewhere else we are going wrong. We can guess what that might be and why it happened, but these incidents get more and more common. Something is going to have to give eventually.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
As someone that has lived in both Canada and the US, and therefore experienced both ends of the spectrum as it relates to gun control, I can unfortunately state that gun control will not work in the US. The concept of not owning or having access to guns is one that has existed for generations in Canada, just like the ability to own a gun in the US is treated as some divine right because it's part of the Constitution. While living in Canada I never knew a single person that owned a gun, and if there was a gun store in the city, I certainly had no idea where it was. Conversely, in Dallas, everybody owns a gun and I can name off at least three gun stores I've seen simply through random commuting.

Gun control works in Canada and most Euro nations because nobody already owns guns. The US has walked so far down the dark path, for so long, that everybody and their grandma owns a gun. To enable gun control in the current environment would unfortunately validate the NRA's worry/claim, namely that only the bad guys would have access to guns. So you're now left in this vicious cycle where the "law abiding" buy guns to protect from "criminals".

Gun control will never work in the US unless some means to clean up the millions of guns already in distribution is enacted. Also, this retarded mentality that "it's my constitutional right" needs to go. I just don't get this obsession with treating the Constitution as some sort of holy document that needs to be blindly followed without any rational thought. It was written before the existence of cars and electricity and the spirit of the 2nd amendment no longer applies-- there are no more Indians you need to protect your ranch from, and you won't be raising a militia any time soon to overthrow any corrupt government. The historical basis for the 2nd amendment no longer is valid under the reality that is the 21st century.


Elisha Dushku
I agree. Confiscating guns would be next to impossible, and it would probably take decades to put a dent in the number of guns available. In the short term further gun restrictions would probably have little effect. Perhaps in the mid to long term, you'd see a difference in gun deaths. We see the effects of not doing anything every day though.
Any attempt to confisticate guns would start another civil war.


Gun control will never work in the US unless some means to clean up the millions of guns already in distribution is enacted. Also, this retarded mentality that "it's my constitutional right" needs to go. I just don't get this obsession with treating the Constitution as some sort of holy document that needs to be blindly followed without any rational thought. It was written before the existence of cars and electricity and the spirit of the 2nd amendment no longer applies-- there are no more Indians you need to protect your ranch from, and you won't be raising a militia any time soon to overthrow any corrupt government. The historical basis for the 2nd amendment no longer is valid under the reality that is the 21st century.
It's not being clung to as a holy document and gets used as toilet paper continually if you follow federal or state-level rulings.

The reason the Constitution and Bill of Rights "should be" clung to so dearly is because on the fundamental level it still applies very acutely to contemporary life. Yes, there are no longer ravaging bands of Indians, but there is more than enough gang violence to justify militias and armed watch groups. Besides, with the tension that's building you're likely to see a Federal vs Civilian armed conflict in the next 50-60 years.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Gun control is just bullshit, political agenda-pushing and has no bearing on crime. Baddies will find a way to get a gun and the lawful citizen will then not be able to, which leads to them not having the ability to defend themselves. Besides, if it comes down to it and the gov't tries to actively take guns from American citizens, there will be a fucking war; only the lying, double-standard having, socialist Democrats and their cock-sucking sheep followers think it's a good idea. Gov't already has too much control and the way it's heading is not a good one.


I'm not sure how to feel about gun control. It's not possible for me to own one because of the background check thing, but maybe that's not such a bad thing. I think we place too much importance on firearms.

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
This isn't about gun control but when we catch someone who shot up a school and they don't die when they are found guilty can we torture these people on live fucking television? Start with some water boarding, remove a finger, and slowly kill the guy over the span of a week and have a channel for it that is broadcast across the country? It would do more to stop this shit from happening then getting rid of guns.


This isn't about gun control but when we catch someone who shot up a school and they don't die when they are found guilty can we torture these people on live fucking television? Start with some water boarding, remove a finger, and slowly kill the guy over the span of a week and have a channel for it that is broadcast across the country? It would do more to stop this shit from happening then getting rid of guns.
An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This isn't about gun control but when we catch someone who shot up a school and they don't die when they are found guilty can we torture these people on live fucking television? Start with some water boarding, remove a finger, and slowly kill the guy over the span of a week and have a channel for it that is broadcast across the country? It would do more to stop this shit from happening then getting rid of guns.
Because they killed children, yes, I agree with torture....


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Rather then doing an impotent ban, or even something like the AWB, how about spending the time, money, energy, and political clout into something that puts more warning signs out there? Give society as many opportunities to stop these sick people before they can cause harm.

I'd gladly give up my "patient's rights" to hide my own nonexistent mental issues than see actual rights curtailed. And I know the quote about giving up freedom for security, but in this case I'd say that is a fair trade.
This x10000. That is the solution and probably would be alot cheaper than trying to enforce a gun ban. Anyone diagnosed with depression, anxiety, basically any mental disorder and it should go to the national data base and blacklist you from owning a gun, other than maybe a shotgun for home defense. Sorry to the people who are cured or whatever, but the retards are ruining it for you.