Gun control


<Gold Donor>
Sweden actually has a huge immigration problem.

It's kinda hilarious, because there's like 70 countries with half our gun homicide rate. But we have to act like it's a fucking riddle how they accomplish that.

THEY HAVE LESS GUNS. FUCKIN' PAZZOW. MAGIC. Nobody is surprised by this other than us. NOBODY. It's like we're the only fucking people on this planet who don't accept math.
Yeah, thats great. and how do you suggest we take away peoples guns in this country? All 200,000,000 of them?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Seems like they are. Not trying to be racist, just stating facts. Below is a chart, homicide rates males, by race/ethnicity per 100,000.
When you see a mass shooting reported, you know that statistically, it's a white male.


<Gold Donor>
Well you are a racist, but there I was mad because Flank was insinuating that I was calling you a racist without good reason, but then you proved me right and him wrong.
Why am I a racist, because I posted a chart showing the truth? How did I prove you right?

That moron just put up a chart that's not normalized for ANY relevant factors. You think he's got any grasp of statistics whatsoever?
Go ahead, then. Post a NORMALIZED chart proving me wrong.
Why am I a racist, because I posted a chart showing the truth? How did I prove you right?
You're a racist because you'll take any scrap of information that meets your racist confirmation bias. You're stupid because you'll fail to subject it to even the most basic analysis. You proved me right by being exactly as racist as I said you were.


Ssraeszha Raider
Yeah, thats great. and how do you suggest we take away peoples guns in this country? All 200,000,000 of them?
No clue. It's just not a fuckin' mystery what determines the homicide rate.

GUYS MAYBE IF THE TEACHERS PACK ACRs errbody will be safe! If guns are outlawed only the criminals will have them hurrrrrr.
Go ahead, then. Post a NORMALIZED chart proving me wrong.
I tell you what, we'll play a game. Since you put the word in all caps, I'm going to go ahead and guess that you don't know what I'm talking about. If you can convince me that youdoknow what I'm talking about, I'll spend my precious time coming up with the cross-tabs for that ridiculous table you posted. So here it is: explain what I mean by normalizing for relevant factors.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>



You have two groups of people. One group commits more murders than the other group. Why? You need to look for all of the differences between the groups and decide which of these differences makes them more likely to murder. Then make changes one at a time until the murder rate drops.

Difference 1: One groups is black, the other white. Is there something about being black that makes a person more likely to murder? The genetic analysis that we have so far shows no reason why the average black person would be more likely to murder than the average white person.

Difference 2:...


<Gold Donor>
I tell you what, we'll play a game. Since you put the word in all caps, I'm going to go ahead and guess that you don't know what I'm talking about. If you can convince me that youdoknow what I'm talking about, I'll spend my precious time coming up with the cross-tabs for that ridiculous table you posted. So here it is: explain what I mean by normalizing for relevant factors.
Relevant factors meaning what? Usually calculating a normalizing factor is used extensively in statitistics when you have data sets that use different base values. These are not different base values.


Blackwing Lair Raider
You have two groups of people. One group commits more murders than the other group. Why? You need to look for all of the differences between the groups and decide which of these differences makes them more likely to murder. Then make changes one at a time until the murder rate drops.

Difference 1: One groups is black, the other white. Is there something about being black that makes a person more likely to murder? The genetic analysis that we have so far shows no reason why the average black person would be more likely to murder than the average white person.

Difference 2:...
So according to the chart we'd spray paint people white til they hit 25 and then switch to yellow. Asians really mellow out at 25 apparently.

But I dont doubt higher incidence of homicide among black latino groups, just as I dont doubt higher percentage of whites when it comes to mass murder and overwhelmingly male over female. Very different issue though. One would seem to be more socio-economic and one mental health when you're talking homicide vrs shooting up a school.


Golden Knight of the Realm
The population of whites is much greater than the population of any of the minority groups. What effects might that have on the interpretation of the data?


Lord Nagafen Raider
French people are pussies.......
Getting really sick of that stereotype.

Charles de Gaulle:

Promoted to platoon commander, de Gaulle was involved in fierce fighting from the outset but was among the first to be wounded.............Returning to find many of his former comrades dead, he was put in charge of a company. De Gaulle's unit gained recognition for repeatedly crawling out into no-mans-land to listen to the conversations of the enemy in their trenches, and the information he brought back was so valuable that in January 1915 he received a citation for his bravery. After a more serious wound which incapacitated him for four months, he was promoted to capitaine (captain) in September 1915. Taking charge of his company, he narrowly escaped death shortly afterwards when he was blown up by a mine, leaving him with a wound in his left hand which obliged him later to wear his wedding ring on his right hand.

At the Battle of Verdun in March 1916, while leading a charge to try to break out of a position which had become surrounded by the enemy, he received a bayonet wound to the leg after being stunned by a shell and, passing out from the effects of poison gas, was captured at Douaumont, one of the few survivors of his battalion.[9] Initially giving him up for dead, P?tain, who was later to achieve great acclaim for his role in the battle, wrote in the regimental journal that de Gaulle had been "an outstanding officer in all respects".[19]..........In all, he made five unsuccessful escape attempts
Then there is also Napoleon, Joan of Arc, The French Foreign Legion and the Battle of Dien Bein Phu. Anyways, the French may be poorly organized, but they aren't pussies.

Zombie Thorne_sl

Jesus Christ I hate how PC people are now.

A large part of our gun violence is caused by black men in urban and inner city ghettos. I'm sorry, it is just the truth. Call me racist if it makes you feel better. This is why nothing ever gets fixed and we pussyfoot around the real problems. Why don't we call a spade a spade (hur)


Golden Knight of the Realm
wait, this is a study on the likelihood of being murdered according to your race. for some reason I thought this was tracking people convicted ofcommittinghomicide based on their race.

Oh, because everyone has been talking about it as if that was what the data was about.

This report summarizes these rates, identifies specific population groups with the highest rates ofdeath from homicide, and provides homicide rates by race/ethnicity and year throughout a 9-year period (1999--2007).
Basically you are linking a study that shows how rough black males have it in America. How liberal of you, hahaa.