Hail, Caesar!


Hail, Caesar! - IMDb

Clooney and Brolin Hail Caesar for the Coen Brothers - /Film

The most recent info expands upon that statement, with the revelation that it will be about a character named Eddie Mannix, who works as a fixer for Hollywood studios during the 1950s.

In this case, a ?fixer? is a guy who cleaned up problems and scandals created by movie stars under contract to studios. The idea was that the ?fixers? would keep reputations clean, and keep the worst stories of bad behavior from hitting the gossip rags. Sometimes they did this with simple payoffs, other times with more threatening coersion and strong-arm tactics involving dirt implicating other actors and public figures. We don?t know which actor will play Mannix, but it seems like Brolin might be the most obvious fit for the fixer, with Clooney playing an actor whose rep is at stake.
New Coen Brothers Film Adds Channing Tatum, Tilda Swinton, and Ralph Fiennes - /Film

  • Channing Tatum will play a guy ?described as a Gene Kelly-type star.?
  • Ralph Fiennes will be ?Laurence Lorenz, a studio director.?
  • And Tilda Swinton is a powerful Hollywood gossip columnist, hopefully more in the mold of Hedda Hopper than, say, Nikki Finke.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
A hollywood movie about hollywoods golden age of movie business? In here before the unavoidable oscar shower!

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Dildo Chair!


Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
Saw it today. I thought it was slower than the trailer implied. Enjoyable movie though.