Health Problems


A Mod Real Quick
You don't know what advances we've had in garlic treatments. Everytime he gives someone shit that has cancer we get him


> Than U
Did you buy it? Just teasing of course.

I have been thinking about you and your love, hoping all is going well. Again, if there is anything you believe with which I can assist you, please just PM me. I know my way fairly well around the rules and regs with SSA and with CMS (Center for Medicare and Medicaid) fairly well because of my job and also because of the shit G and I faced.
Well it isn't really heath directly so may be wrong thread for this but...
I haven't worked much since November, most due to just feeling exhausted. I wake up, I am ready to go, I go out work 2 hours and just feel like I am dead tired and even get a empty feeling in my chest like my heart isn't there. I am told I am skipping and having weak beats like a relaxed muscle. That is the health part so skip over to Shelly's part. She has continually progressed worse with her issues and is 100% disabled in my eyes. She has been fighting for her disability for almost 2 years legally even though she has been unable to work for more like 4. I had her call her law firm a few weeks ago to tell them the dire situation. I was running out of money again and I may not be around long. They told her to write up a dire need letter which would force a hearing sooner. We wrote one up basically saying I have $100 in my bank account, 0 in hers. No stocks, no savings, no wealth hidden under the mattress and come this time next month unless I can manage to work more probably be in the stages of eviction/no utilities. Pretty fucking dire need if you ask me since we are NOT married and technically she is responsible for 50% she hasn't provided for years.

We got told it wasn't dire enough to submit. That we had to be in process of eviction and utilities had to be disconnected. Are they fucking serious? If it is in process of utilities disconnected and eviction already and it only moves up a hearing to a few months what in the hell do people do or live during that time? Here is the email reply we received.

For SSA to grant an expedited hearing they need documentation of the eviction as well as the electricity being shut off. You make reference in the letter to having received several letters over the last year so just give me copies of those and I will add something in the cover letter about you being able to cover those in the past, but not this time.

I really am not trying to make this more difficult for you, but to ask for this we have to have everything they need. Unfortunately, SSA doesn?t grant an expedited hearing for on the verge of dire straits? have to be smack dab in the middle.

Let me know what you can get.

Shelly thinks it is all a sham that they delay this hoping you die before you ever get it. I just don't get it. We been fighting this for a while now and I printed off 173 pages of medical records tonight from multiple doctors, therapists, lab reports that all say she is screwed. She has been under the law firm for ~10 months now and had it in progress for another 9 or so I think prior to that and was already denied ( twice I think ) the first being automatic and the second because they didn't have enough data which she more than has enough of now. Yet it still seems we are in the same place with it as we were on day 1.

I'm just curious if you know anything else that can be done at this point we are not doing. I would really sleep better if I knew she had something to fall back on as right now she has literally nothing and if I go down and I am going down this year I think for good, she has no family or anything to fall back on.

As for me I have transitioned from denial, anger and hope into anxiety and depression. I cry most nights and I can't feel a damn thing. I can't even tell you if it is a happy cry over memories or a sad or angry cry.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Finally after a week the refill that was supposed to be overnighted Thursday came today! My wife has helped out immensely the past week letting me use more of my pot for the pain than I normally would use. I am so tired of being high. I need a goddamn break man. Fuck pain. Fuck it right in the ass.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
It's been awful. On top of the pain and discomfort I was starting to feel withdrawal effects the past couple nights. Goddamn shakes.


<Bronze Donator>
a vein in my dick appears to be going varicose now that i'm recovering from my left orchiectomy (left testicle removal)

kinda painful during erections. fuck.

back to the urologist.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Kind of a mix of health problems and what rustles my jimmies. Go to hospital for more test where you have spent $30k plus in the last year, cash not insurance. They give you a survey to fill out as you leave and point out to make sure you mail it in. You would be put in the drawing for a $100 walmart gift card. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK you.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Annnnnnd insult to injury I shut my finger in the door coming in the house and fucking broke it. I've never broken any bones and I was surprised how much it hurt. Went to pick my 12lb dachshund up and felt it crack. The sharp pain made me think it wasn't my knuckle cracking. Top finger in the pic is the culprit. It's usually around the same size as the other finger.
Yes I suffer from horrendously dry skin during the winter. It's awful.



Trakanon Raider
Sorry to see that Tred. Sprained one of my fingers when I was a kid, which hurt quite a bit too. Hope they can set it back for you and it will heal over time, i guess.

As for myself, in my on going saga with my Kidney Stones. Had a followup with the urologist today, after they did a follow up CT scan. I still have 'numerous' small stones (2-3mm) in the left Kidney and have the one still left in my right kidney (5-6mm). I am still getting aching on the right side, not consistently, but the urologist still thinks it can't be the stone since its 'non-obstructing'.

The recommendation was either do nothing (thinking the pain is caused by something else, maybe back or muscle related) or go in with the scope. At the time of the visit, I decided to just leave it alone but now I'm thinking having them go in with the scope may be better. But now, I am rethinking that. Given the stone on the right is large enough that it won't pass easily, if at all, its best to just have them go in now and get it plus whatever else they can rather than sit on it and have it get bigger. Plus, then they can test them, since they apparently do not do the 24 hour urine tests.

I've tried to go over the evenets that happen when the pain comes to see if it matches back or muscle pain but it just doesn't fix, at least IMO. For example, last Friday I was on my feet all day at work, with no pain in my side at all, but then I go home and eat dinner and the pain starts after that..... that doesn't fit with muscle or back pain that I know of.... I should have had pain during that day rather than when I'm resting at home.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
My sister is a nurse and she took at look at it and said not to bother getting it checked. It's not fractured and bent at a funky angle. I've got it splinted now and still have like 40 oxy and my doc just gave me a refill for another 80 so I'm good for a long while on pain issues. :p

I had my post-op visit with my doctor today. It's still draining but it's too early to tell if it's still the plugs causing the drainage which is normal or if the fistula didn't heal. Follow up with her in 2 months.
Regardless of if it worked or not at least for the time being this is the best it has felt in about a year. So at the very least I've got some relief while we wait and see if she's gotta carve up my ass further.


<Bronze Donator>
Fuck I'm jealous. For some reason I can't find a doctor that is both willing to prescribe me opiates and competent enough to get me the prescription in a way that jives with the new laws. My primary care physician refuses to prescribe anything stronger than Tramadol to anyone, period. My urologist said "yup we'll get you a refill," but his office is a whirlwind and by the time I realized he forgot about me I was almost out the door. My oncologist said she'd send it over the computer, and I scratched my head over that, but went with it... Made it to the pharmacy and I need a physical piece-of-paper script. And her office is an hour away.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Well my other docs usually give me 30 or so at a time. This one just doesn't fuck around. Really needed the 80 the first two weeks. Was popping 2 every 4 hours. The pain was fucking excruciating.

Oh he's a fucked up gross story for yas from yesterday. One of the spots where a seton band was was tender and plump for a lack of a better description. Checked it out with a mirror to see wtf was up because it was getting really uncomfortable. There was a small clot of blood hanging out. Gave it a swipe with tissue and it popped out and started bleeding profusely for about 2 minutes. Man talk about instant relief though phew! I'm thought it was interesting. Keep in mind I'm one of those sick fucks that laughs his ass off at zit popping and abscess popping vids. People are so goddamn stupid and it just brightens my day sometimes. :p


Just a Nurse
Uh...yeah. Opioids are schedule II drugs and require a physical prescription. And he won't prescribe anything stronger than Tramadol? LOL. I swear...some of these physicians are just so anal and nervous about prescribing pain medication.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
A couple years back my primary sent out a letter to everyone saying they'd no longer be prescribing opioid pain meds at all. Thank you junkies for euini g it for the rest of us.


<Bronze Donator>
I'm in so fucking much pain. Every lymph node on the left side of my torso is swollen up significantly. Woke up yesterday morning and my lower back and hip hurt excruciatingly. Can't even lift my leg up high enough to put my slippers on.