

Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I don't care how bad it'll be, Ill be trying to make a golden monkey deck.

I could see putting it into a Spare part deck (Mage) or even a Rogue deck.

Rogue has lots of board control and draws and even Gang Up and Burgle to create more cards (to eventually become legendaries).

Should be fun for a few matches.

Remember also that these Adventures have historically had the most impactful cards.


Put in in a face deck as the "Oh shit the burn failed" card. Surprise, all of your 1- and 2-mana cards are now legendaries!


I was hoping shaman would get some great cards this expansion, but no. Tunnel Trogg isn't a bad card, but it's not even as good as mana wyrm so it's doubtful it will do anything for the state of the class and the other new shaman cards are straight up crap.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Initial Impressions:

Cards that could see some play are underlined.

Temple of Orsis:

Djinni of Zephyrs:not bad. 6 health is nice. Not much can kill it after its played. Seems best in Druid or Priest, maybe Shaman if you can combo with windfury+rockbiter, heck, maybe even Warrior with Charge+stuff to get 2x Charged minions. I might have to try a OTK warrior with this.

Jeweled Scarab:not bad. Gives you a 3 drop so helps your curve, however RNG nature of it could be bad. But it's still basically a draw-a-card for 1 and puts a 1/1 on board. Really efficient imo.

Obsidian Destroyer:High cost and BGH bait however it's not terrible. The 1/1 taunt will be enough to be really annoying. Forces your opponent to use hard removal or have 8+ power split 2 ways on board. 7 cost is really high so not sure what you would drop. This might actually see play in Fatigue warrior since you just want to drag out the game and the decklist doesn't carry many legendaries to begin with. Might see play in Bolster Deck with Fierce Monkeys

Anubisath Sentinel: Bad.

Summoning Stone: Cost is too high. Can't see how you would even play this unless you can cheat it out, or you have a lot of cheap spells and want to simply load the board with 1/1s. Could be fun to try making work but doubtful it'll be competitive. The Tavern Brawl using this concept was one of my favorites though, ashame this cost so much. 2 mana with less health could have been a lot cooler as you could combo with more stuff.

Dark Peddler: Bad. Scarab is nice cause it draws a 3 drop which you could play on curve but drawing a 1 drop on 2 mana is shit for 2/2 stats, and you wouldnt be able to play the 1drop on curve obviously.

Rumbling Elemental:I like this card a lot. Actually a really nice Shaman card. 2/6 for 4 is awesome stats and it fights hard for board control. Follow up with Drake > Fire Elemental for some serious board contention. This is really good. A shaman card without overload too, unheard of!

Sacred Trial: I can't see this being used in Secret Paly deck and I can't see mid-range or control using it either. If you're expecting your opponent to have 4+ minions then you should take MC Tech.

Ancient Shade:Could replace Fel Reaver or ne added to decks that use Fel Reaver already. The 4 health is really low but the drawback isn't really a concern. since you plan to end the game fast, and if Fel Reaver burns the card you wont take damage anyway.

Reno Jackson: Terrible card. No foreseeable deck will be able to use this. Djinni has same stats for 1 less cost and has a better effect. Makes zero sense to me how this card is so bad.


Tunnel Trogg: This is a mechanic people have asked for. Could be a good mechanic but not at the 1 drop position. Better to take zombie chow over this guy imo.

Ethereal Conjurer: Spellslinger shits all over this guy, with the only exception is you avoid giving a card to your opponent. This is still a terrible card. Only slightly better than Cobalt Guardian.

Mounted Raptor: Bad card. 2 cost stats for 3 mana won't be good. Argent Horserider will be better.

Tomb Spider: Not playable.

Unearthed Raptor:Tricky card. This is a mechanic people have called for and now we have it. Rogue only and they don't utilize too many Deathrattles but maybe this will spawn a new deck type. Combo with Sylvanas for the lols, or any number of huge Deathrattle effects (Sneeds/Shredder/Belcher/etc). I like it.

Fierce Monkey:So warrior get their 3/4 for 3 minion. It's not terrible. This and Obsidian Destroyer put more Taunts into the warrior arsenal. Maybe Bolster Deck becomes a thing. It's also decent in Fatigue Warrior since this can replace Acolytes.

Reliquary Seeker:This has to be in Zoo. Maybe it won't be consistent, but it's kinda insane. Zoo get full boards very frequently. This card will be a nightmare.

Keeper of Uldaman:This card is almost terrible except for the fact you could use it to buff up your dudes and it also trades favorably against any minion without Divine Shield. Probably isn't room for this card, but it's not unplayable. Maybe you add some Nerubian Eggs to the deck too.

Brann Bronzebeard:Needs a deck, and he looks to curve perfectly in Shaman. Brann > Rumbling Ele > Drake > Fire Elemental. Looks insane, and no overload!

Excavated Evil: pseudo hellfire for 2 more cost and a big drawback. Terrible. Auchenai+Circle / Nova / Lightbomb are all far superior.

The Ruined City:

Huge Toad: Not as good as Knife Juggler so probably unplayable. I feel like this would have been decent as a 2/3 instead of 3/2 but then it'd be a strictly better version of River Croc. The only bright side is it does 1 damage without requiring another minion. It could possibly see play in face hunter. It's a 2 drop that can potentially do 4 damage to face.

Gorilla A-3: Too slow.

Dart Trap:Could be decent. Face Hunter might love this. Could be too inconsistent for any other hunter deck. To play against it you would play minion(s) then hero power if you want to avoid face damage, or hero power then play minion(s) if you value board. This could help face hunter get past Belcher or nuke enemy face for even more damage. I see at least 1 copy in face hunter.

Murlocs are going to be a thing again, for sure.

Anyfin Can Happen:Fun card. Obviously only works in murloc deck. Really expensive card. Helps that late game! 2x of this is potentially 14 murlocs in 2 turns, how can you keep up with that?

Murloc Tinyfin:Well we get another 0 cost 1/1 and it has synergy with murloc decks... Having the murloc Race makes this a really good card, especially in combination with the next card....

Everyfin is Awesome:This card is insane, especially in combination with Tinyfin to get the cost down low. Cast this on 3 mana if you have 4 murlocs on board. More buffs besides Warleader will make murlocs insane again.

Pit Snake: This effect is proven to be inefficient. It nerfs Hungry Dragon too. Bad card.

Naga Sea Witch: Interesting effect but not good enough. Helps cheat out higher cost minions. Maybe it finds a home but I doubt it. Paladins can cheat Dragons, Druid have tons of cheats, and any class can use Emperor... but this is still a bit different than Emperor. Maybe Warrior picks it up to cheat out Varian Wrynn/Ysera/Nef or something crazy. Fun card but not ideal.

Entomb:So first question is... does this STEAL the minion? The word "copy" is missing. If this actually steals the minion, which I assume it does, then it's really insane. It is expensive, but this fits right in to the "steal everything" priest deck. This card is going to be annoying as shit. Obviously this isn't as good as Mind Control, so maybe it actually doesnt see much play, but it's definitely a viable alternative.

Jungle Moonkin:This could be a nice card for druid. Makes swipe better and has synergy with beasts. 4/4 for 4 is decent stats too.

Sir Finley Mrrgglton: The first 1 mana Legendary. I guess it depends on what class you are using murlocs in. You would never want to replace Warlock hero power but maybe you want to replace Priest/Warrior with something more aggro. Probably won't be played unless you can get some insane hero power like Ragnaros, then maybe it finds a home.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Glad to see some good shaman class cards to try and fix them being objectively awful. Oh wait, nevermind, MURLOCS.


Sir Finley Mrrgglton: The first 1 mana Legendary. I guess it depends on what class you are using murlocs in. You would never want to replace Warlock hero power but maybe you want to replace Priest/Warrior with something more aggro. Probably won't be played unless you can get some insane hero power like Ragnaros, then maybe it finds a home.
Yeah, it depends what replacements you pick and for which class. It'd work well in paladin murloc (no synergy right now at all and most other powers would be better) and to a lesser extent shaman murloc.


Trakanon Raider
This adventure hasn't reignited any excitement I had for the game. The "Anyfin" Murloc cards make me want to face palm and cry. I can't believe there is a competitive scene around such a childish, amateurish, basic shitty game lol. Sheesh, that tells you just how starved the market is and how little competition exists. Le sigh. And to plop this Adventure out so quickly and say it comes out in a week? Yeah, fuck off.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Wow, didn't take long for someone to bitch "plop this Adventure out so quickly" eh? C'mon Blizz, slow down and take more time in development.


Trakanon Raider
I'm not super impressed. I'll buy it though because there are some usable cards. I actually really like the Discover Mechanic. OMG! Jeweled Scarab is strictly better than Novice Engineer! Power Creep! For Mage I like Animated Armor. Conjurer is neat but the stats suck. 3 health is too low for a 6 drop minion that can pull you something like Asstral Communion. Torch is a neat concept but generally I'd rather have Frost Bolts. It might replace Flame Lance in tempo though.

The Legendaries are meh though. Brann is decent but he's not a 3 drop. If you don't combo him he's not going to get any value so he's a terrible tempo play but I think he has the best effect. Sir Finley is interesting and might be playable but usually part of the reason I'm playing a particular class is for the hero power. Elise is neat and I'm sure people will want to make her work for the monkey but it's too much RNG. Just getting the Monkey into play is going to be challenging enough. Just like Mimiron's Head. Looks awesome on paper but isn't going to be consistent enough to be practical. Arch-Thief is a "win more" card in my opinion. If you can spend two turns to play him and his artifact without dying than odds are you were going to win anyway.


Golden Squire
Some fun cards here but ultimately they need a sweeping rebalance to make this a good game, not "more cards". Will be interesting to see you can make some cards like Brann and Finley work. I think Finley works in decks that typically don't make a great synergy with their hero power such as mid range hunter and mid range paladin (minus QM).


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Actually Itzena raises a good point about Finley, he'll probably work very nicely in Murloc Shaman. And I'm kinda scared for the Rag or Jaraxxas hero power on turn 2.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Shiet, guess I'll have to craft Neptulon because I still never got shaman to 60 and shaman murloc looks to be ridiculous.