

King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
So here is my current Reno mage project. I'm basically undefeated against other control decks, this deck is completely unstoppable if I manage to drag it out into the late game as I completely bury my opponent in card advantage. I just haven't figured out how to shore up the early game, which means the deck is weak to the most common stuff on the ladder like secret pally, face hunter, and aggro druid.

Mage - Deckbuilder - HearthPwn

Incidentally, Ethereal Conjurer is a total mvp in control matchups and a high priority for duplicate. If I were running control mage without Reno he would most likely be a two-of.
I disagree with most of Fawe's post except for the Doomsayer, Molten and Unstable Ghoul. At worst, Doom an early one turn stall tactic. It also has uses in the late game and you have limited removal options as a Reno deck. Unstable was only great in the ridiculous Patron deck. Dropping a Molten for free can sometimes just break other decks. Nothing(NOTHING), is more satisfying than dropping a Molten, Reno, and then Y. Brewmaster. Of course you have other ways to get multiple Reno's but you get the point. Have you thought of Refreshment Vendor? It can work with those duplicates fairly quickly to get you back in the game at times. It also has nice toughness.

Fawe's choices fit Reno Lock to a T but I'm not sure they are superior options for mage.

Edit- on another note, I want to like Reno mage but the card draw of Lock is just hard to ignore. I like the early game options better too. Reno mage is a better Reno deck head to head though.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah, the lack of draw when you're confined to singletons is rough. Anyway I decided to finally acknowledge that I'm mostly facing aggro, so I cut rhonin and antonidas for a doomsayer and refreshment vendor. Then went on a massive losing streak as every single opponent was either running some retarded bullshit (like pyroblast in tempo mage) or god drew a perfect curve with counters to all my answers.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Another one bites the dust. Today was a terrible day to play mage no matter what kind of deck i tried.



King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Just played the 20 hitpoint Lock combo and it was pretty damn glorious. That RenoSteed looks interesting but liking this variant so much...not sure I really want to fatigue all the time on purpose.

Edit- The problem with Reno-Steed is the same problem the original deck had. To get really good value out of Steeds, you need to have the Baron in play. Deck is ok but typical Reno-lock has been better. I do want to experiment with Sir Finley or the Spelleater at some point though.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I cut Scarab, it's too slow against aggro. Alex is huge, you must be crazy. Rhonin I'm a bit meh on, but setting up Rhonin into Antonidas is a big part of how I win the games that go into fatigue. Ghoul is more consistent than Doomsayer when you only have 3 freezes, especially when you're dropping it without backup. I'm running 3 secrets, not 1.
Somehow I glanced over the 2x duplicates.

With Echo & Dupes I really couldn't imagine not having Molten in this deck.

The other suggestions are just things to ponder.

Lack of draw is certainly an issue, you should also consider putting in an Acolyte, maybe even Harrison.
Reno decks really need to cycle. 2x Intellects might be necessary here.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I just don't think Reno really works consistently enough outside of warlock. He synergizes perfectly with their hero power.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm playing a LOKShadow's Reno Warrior list. I did swap in a Kezan Mystic since around rank 8 its nothing but Hunter, Mage, Secret Pally.


Trakanon Raider
I just don't think Reno really works consistently enough outside of warlock. He synergizes perfectly with their hero power.
Been messing with a control warrior variant that runs reno (since I'm missing so many legends). I'm liking it


Mr. Poopybutthole
If you don't have the budget for the full arsenal of legends I could see Reno working ok in control warrior, but he's completely redundant if you have the entire list. Normally in control warrior you either die before you would have had time to reliably draw into Reno, or you have enough armor that your life total is completely irrelevant. The only thing that control warrior loses to if you make it into the late game is super greedy decks, none of which are particularly viable on ladder.


<Bronze Donator>
I don't think that guy really has enough of an impact, plus he can just get BGH'd. I really like Sneed's just because he's a pain to remove, especially if they don't have silence.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I don't think you can call him redundant since he has a totally unique effect. You are a greedy control deck that can lose to quick beatdown and he can single handedly win you that match up. The power level of the individual warrior cards is so high I never feel like I'm giving much up by playing highlander.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I don't think you can call him redundant since he has a totally unique effect. You are a greedy control deck that can lose to quick beatdown and he can single handedly win you that match up. The power level of the individual warrior cards is so high I never feel like I'm giving much up by playing highlander.
Really? Because there is absolutely no way I'm playing control warrior without 2 executes, 2 shield slams, 2 fiery war axes, 2 armorsmiths, 2 death's bites, 2 sludge belchers, and probably 2 bashes. Those are how you hold off quick beatdown, not gimping the powerful removal suite warrior has in hopes of drawing one card out of 30 in the match you happen to need him early enough for him to matter.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I agree that control warrior is superior, but kripp did make a fatigue warrior with reno that works. I do feel it's wasteful though, reno is useless if you have a million armor

To each their own