

Mr. Poopybutthole
Meh. After 10-15 games of priest with Elise, I have yet to actually draw into the monkey. The card is garbage. They basically said 'yo dawg we heard you like rng so we put rng inside your rng inside your rng inside your rng so you can rng while you rng while you rng while you rng'


Molten Core Raider
Put it in fatigue warrior (as in I cut Alex, Grom,Ysera) since those don't do much in the aggro matchups and Elise will win you the control matchups regardless. That gives you two extra cards to combat aggro with. Plus a 3/5 for 4 ain't horrible for board control either.


<Silver Donator>
The legendaries you draw are still random hot garbage right? Like you could draw Milhouse into Tinkmaster into Thalnos into Feugel etc and never get anything actually useful correct? I don't really see the appeal, or am I remembering the card wrong? It seems incredibly underwhelming unless you get good RNG on your draws after playing it, and it's already super RNG to get the map then the monkey, sounds kinda terrible. You could very well have better cards left in your deck than the legendaries you're replacing them with, or is it weighted to replace them with high cost/similar cost legendaries?


Molten Core Raider
The legendaries you draw are still random hot garbage right? Like you could draw Milhouse into Tinkmaster into Thalnos into Feugel etc and never get anything actually useful correct? I don't really see the appeal, or am I remembering the card wrong? It seems incredibly underwhelming unless you get good RNG on your draws after playing it, and it's already super RNG to get the map then the monkey, sounds kinda terrible. You could very well have better cards left in your deck than the legendaries you're replacing them with, or is it weighted to replace them with high cost/similar cost legendaries?
The idea is at the end of a control matchup you turn all your shitty conditional spells into threats and win that way. If you turn the coin and extra brawl into a hogger and a cairne, it will probably just win you the game. The average legendary is pretty decent every time I cast it today, and I learned things like: Majordomo erases all your armor when you transform *sad face*, Thoughtseize is stupid good against her... and so on. I also had to put Grommash back in because you can't beat Jaraxxus without him, so meh. I didn't do well, but I think that's mostly due to control warrior being very mediocre right now. I'm not losing games because she's in there instead of Ysera I can tell you that much.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Watching dog play miracle with tomb pillagers looks like the second coming, though im sure its far too early to tell.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
Been watching Strifecro climb the ladder with Anyfin for the past four days. Looks pretty solid as a control/combo deck. No way I'm crafting two Lay on Hands and another Warleader though =(.


what Suineg set it to
The real solution is to go mage, duplicate brann spam your deck full of maps and monkeys!


Mr. Poopybutthole
Been watching Strifecro climb the ladder with Anyfin for the past four days. Looks pretty solid as a control/combo deck. No way I'm crafting two Lay on Hands and another Warleader though =(.
Yeah I got lucky and decided not to disenchant my second LoH back in the day, even though no good paladin list would ever run double LoH.


Poet Warrior
raven idol thoughts? Not sure yet. Minion -> spell I think.
I yanked a Living Roots to put it in my Druid. My thought was that it could theoretically be useful on either turn 1 or turn 10. I only got a chance to play it once. Played in on like turn 15 or something, way late in the game, but it gave me a Tree of Life which allowed me to suck out the win so, *shrug*. I'll play with it more today prolly.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I haven't been doing much ranked lately but finished up the Heroic Adventure today and decided to knock out a 5 win Priest quest... Went 5-0 using an Entomb priest with Curator and Elise.

Curator is a beast. I seem to always get an option to pick an awesome Legendary. Sylvanas/Sneeds have been most common. A couple times when no Legend was offered I still got Shredder and even a Deathlord once when Taunt was needed.

Now that I've played with Elise... I like the card.

What Elise does is allow me to focus my deck around the early game. I don't need to fit in many high costed cards.

I never got the full chain to proc, but that's because all 5 of my matches were against aggro decks. Elise allowed me to win against Aggro simply because she & Entomb have my late game covered.

Also a 3/5 on 4 mana is actually good. She trades evenly with Shredder in most cases. (Loses if shredder is piloted by 4 health or divine shield minion)
Elise will probably make it into a lot of Control decks. She might even see competitive play.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Watching dog play miracle with tomb pillagers looks like the second coming, though im sure its far too early to tell.
Confirmed, 100% win rate.

Haha, just played one game with it to check it out, but it was a lot of fun. I'd say I got a pretty bad draw, but was still able to play gadgetzan + 2 coins + leeroy + 2 preps + 2 eviscerates turn 9 for the win.

Running thisTomb Pillager Miracle Rogue - Hearthstone Decksexcept -1 Sap +1 Kidnapper.

I know for certain I had a golden gadgetzan and I thought I got it after the nerf, but I don't have it anymore so maybe I de'd during the nerf. Also kinda bummed now I de'd the 3 golden kidnappers I've gotten over my career. I always liked the card and thought it could be strong, sap a minion + leave a very threatening body on the board just he was always a turn 7+ play unless you saved coin just for him. I think with tomb pillager he may actually be viable.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Regarding Tomb Pillager, I'm just glad I ended my review of this card with this:

Tomb Pillager:
This card should be good.
Seems like a lot of people were quick to overlook him. I didn't think he'd bring Miracle back but just the stats alone are insane for what's essentially a 3 mana card.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
We knew Elyse would be a bad card, but fun to play.

Elyse herself isn't an awful card, 3/5 for 4 is decent.

The Map can be pretty bad though, it's 2 Mana to do nothing. It also means you're drawing this instead of something more useful.
I had a game I lost on the turn I drew the map...not saying I would have won, or even survived if I had drawn something else...but there were cards in my deck that could have helped me survive a turn or more.

The Monkey is pretty good, 6/6 taunt for 4.

The thing is, aside from coolness factor having your hand and deck become all legendary ended being bad, more often than not.

In one game, it was just a win more card.

In 2 games, I couldn't play it because my hand was too good, and ended winning within 2 turns.

In the other games, it basically didn't really much of an impact, or had a negative one. Basically, you end up playing 1 big minion per turn only...you have no more removal. It's ended up being a huge tempo swing in favor of my opponent.

At no point, did drawing the Golden Monkey became the winning play, or game changing draw.

It just kinda suck, even more than I expected...because it's so bad that it's not actually all that fun.

The concept is interesting though, the payoff is just not worth the trouble...as I said most of the time, I ended up in a worse situation after playing the Monkey.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I agree with Fawe on Museum Curator though, that card is awesome.

The 1/2 for 2 mana is not a good card in itself...but in the 4-5 times I played it, I always got a very very good card from Discover. You almost always have a Legendary to pick from too.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
The Map does "draw a card". You spend 2 mana but by the time you draw map you're probably close to 10 mana and all of your priest cards are typically 6 or less mana, so easy to fit in minion+heal or lightbomb+heal afterwards. Map isn't a dead draw most of the time.