

Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Yea good points, but I'm not judging what the meta might look like right now, we still have no idea. My experience is Paladin is always favored over control warrior. They make control warriors cry. Paladin can delay to turns 4+ easily and the removal tools are too good. Warriors rarely overextend and if they do then Equal+Consec are usually in hand. "Follow the Rules" destroys a couple big threats and Tirion is hard to remove.

The infinite Armor warrior with Giant package is an annoyance for sure, but a Healadin could run Elise and other tools just as easily too. The Healadin deck has a touger time against aggro decks if they don't draw perfectly, also board clear is still limited for Paladin so the sticky minions and board floods pushed the deck out of the meta since Naxx. Luckily Standard removes a lot of the headaches. Should be able to get full clears now.

I don't expect Healadin to look like it did in the past at all. It was a decent deck pre-Naxx for sure, not "shit". Lots of people complained about it and it was a real nuisance. It just didn't last due to Naxx. People were happy to see it leave the meta since it was so annoying for the time.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I have no clue what game you were playing, because it wasn't a decent deck and there weren't lots of people complaining about it. It was a shit tier deck that was only ladder viable in the most generous sense of the term.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
It's ok, you probably weren't playing that Month it was a decent deck

It was only like ~6months between release and Naxx, the meta changed rapidly.
Completely understandable if you missed the Healadin wave.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Love schooling your opponent only to lose because they unstable portal'ed a jaraxxus.

Sad part is I'm always losing to this totally random crap.


Leaked before, but I started looking at the card art some more, the face immediately reminded me of a dwarf, but by the body I guess she's an undead/Forsaken? Also, that shoulder / elbow placement bothers me. Oh well, good card though.



marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Love schooling your opponent only to lose because they unstable portal'ed a jaraxxus.

Sad part is I'm always losing to this totally random crap.
you got reynad'd, fucking hate that card unless I'm playing it.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Love schooling your opponent only to lose because they unstable portal'ed a jaraxxus.

Sad part is I'm always losing to this totally random crap.
Similarly, I had one of my worst Arena beats yesterday.
Mage vs Mage and sitting 4-2 on the run...

I'm manhandling my opponent, getting him to 2 life by turn 6...
He drops a Reno...
And it procs.
Fucking 18 cards still in his deck and none are dupes.
Game drags on a while longer, I lack board clears but he takes tempo with a Flamestrike.
I get tempo back and have an 8/8 Kvaldir Raider and 3 other minions on board.
He is able to clear 2 and plays a Deadly Shot and gets the 50/50 on the Raider..
I'm running out of steam but have a Dragon breath in hand... He's at 8 health, need a fireball.
Next draw is a minion and I have to use Dragon Breath on a minion or I die.
Next draw is a fireball, I'm 1 off lethal.
I die next turn.

Fucking lols.


Trakanon Raider
Healidin was a top tier deck really early after the new rank system was introduced. Mages were rampant over the ladder and people found that a Healidin deck hard countered Mage. Afterward it started to phase in and out of the meta but didn't make a strong return until GVG gave them some good tools.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Just to reinforce my point, lost the next 30 min control warrior mirror because he got malorne and anub off of golden monkey.


Trakanon Raider
It's ok, you probably weren't playing that Month it was a decent deck

It was only like ~6months between release and Naxx, the meta changed rapidly.
Completely understandable if you missed the Healadin wave.
That's just ultimate nerd Gavin always needing to be right and sound smarter than everyone else. Don't mind him, he simply can't pass up a chance to tell someone that they are wrong and he is right. Lul, oh, Gavin...


Mr. Poopybutthole
Healidin was a top tier deck really early after the new rank system was introduced. Mages were rampant over the ladder and people found that a Healidin deck hard countered Mage. Afterward it started to phase in and out of the meta but didn't make a strong return until GVG gave them some good tools.
So you mean during beta? Cause I don't recall mage ever running rampant during classic.

That's just ultimate nerd Gavin always needing to be right and sound smarter than everyone else. Don't mind him, he simply can't pass up a chance to tell someone that they are wrong and he is right. Lul, oh, Gavin...
You really are one sad, profoundly butthurt little turd aren't you? Get over yourself.


Blackwing Lair Raider
That's just ultimate nerd Gavin always needing to be right and sound smarter than everyone else. Don't mind him, he simply can't pass up a chance to tell someone that they are wrong and he is right. Lul, oh, Gavin...
Lol, says the nerd who just starting foaming at the mouth over this. Pot meet kettle.
How is that "somehow got Anub'Arak"? He had the card, put it in his deck, and drew it. Mind blown.


<Silver Donator>
So you mean during beta? Cause I don't recall mage ever running rampant during classic.
There was a bunch of frost mage for a while. Might have been during beta I don't remember the exact timeline, but it was definitely the top tier deck. Was around the same period OTK warrior was popular, then mage also integrated molten giants and you had frozen giants and everyone was bitching about molten giants being broken. That was also back when Pyroblast was 8mana or whatever stupid shit I think? Maybe it was after. Then frost mage faded out for a while(maybe cause pyro nerf, maybe because that's when handlock became a thing, or wallet warrior whichever) until it came back later on, at least competitively.


Mr. Poopybutthole
That was fairly deep in beta. OTK warrior was nerfed at the same time Pyroblast was, and freeze spells got nerfed a month before that. Healadin was never any kind of significant presence on the ladder post-beta.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Thought I would play warrior since its been forever, won the game but 26 health 56 armor later the game ended, fucking stupid long (was a war vs war match)


Mr. Poopybutthole
You've constantly been wrong when you've failed to identify meta shifts ahead of an expansion.
I never said that I'm never wrong, I've been wrong many times in this thread. I was one of the 'Dr Boom is trash' naysayers. Since you bring it up though, the last meta shift I recall predicting was that after a couple months of people running LoE through the wringer, the meta would settle back to just about exactly where it was pre-LoE. Judging from the last few meta snapshots and the fact that Liquidhearth hasn't published a new power ranking since early December, I'd say I was dead on. Out of the 120 cards comprising the 4 tier 1 decks on Tempostorm, exactly 2 of them are from LoE.