

Tranny Chaser
I would have preferred that they kicked all of those cards out of the core set and had them be Wild only rather than the route they've chosen. Those are some huuuuuuge changes.

The Blade Flurry change is really unusual. I guess their Future Future League testing showed that Rogue was going to be super dominant?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Well probably not at higher ranks, but for ranking up? Everybody and their mother is going to run tons of fatties to try them out.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Tavern Brawl, every card in deck is Raven Idol
Played a druid. Pulled a card early on that summoned minions for each spell cast. The Raven Idol counted as a spell. I had minions coming out of my ass. Easy win.

Didn't catch the name of it. Summoned a 4/4 minion each time a spell cast. Was hard to keep up with how fast cards were coming in.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I mean I could see an argument for continuing to run 1, but absolutely no way would you run 2 now that it's a 4/2 for 5.


Blackwing Lair Raider
In my tavern brawl my opponent rogue opponent chose spell every time, lol. I think he was trying to kill me in two turns w/ oils and blade flurry. He had cast 4 or 5 oils, but never got a blade flurry.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Druid is all ramp now with all these fat taunters. Everyone else will have to run silences and TBK. With roar unchanged I can maybe see a tempo or midrange beast deck working too.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Druid is kinda fun in the brawl. Get naturalize card after card. Get rid of a minion and all they get are more cards, eventually my opponents hand got full lol.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Haha, nice ninja edit.
Heh. I mean, it's a solid card that didn't fit into the existing playstyle of druid, but going forward, I think they're going to need that silver bullet removal. So by post-nerf standards, it will be a good card, not just a playable one.


BGH will still see play for some classes, depending on how the meta actually shakes out. It's still basically Assassinate that leaves a 4/2 body behind and that's not complete shit. One? Two? Probably one and only in a few decks. Still, a weirdly constrained nerf by Blizzard standards.

So, what else? Keeper nerf is too much. 2/3 *maybe* but 2/2 for 4? Come on. Force deleted, no problem there. AoL hit hard but there we are. Owl's still fine at three. BF nerf is vicious and classic Blizzard style. Let's double the cost **and** nerf the effect! Leper, Golem, Molten all dust I think. Molten might be salvageable but meh. Juggler not hit as hard as I expected but don't really care.

The Ancient_sl

I think I'll take a 4/3 body over the option to do two damage. They definitely fucked up with keeper.

Bgh is not assassinate. I can cast assassinate on so many more minions and it's still not run.

Every class is going to turn back to their hard removal cards, which cost the same or less than Bgh and are more flexible. The 4/2 body after turn 5 is just not that valuable.


Trakanon Raider
Calculated all the dust I'll get from the nerfs. 9600. $$$

I'm really annoyed with the Keeper nerf.

And lol yeah the Blade Flurry nerf is way too much. They only needed to do one or the other, not both. I love how every predicted nerf happened and yet a bunch of scrubs at Hearthpwn kept acting like everyone was talking 100% out of their ass guessing the nerfs.


Trakanon Raider
I'm not getting back as much as I'd like. Even if the card becomes garbage tier I won't disenchant below two copies of a card.

I think everything was expected other than the Blade Flurry nerf. I get why they'd nerf it but they went too far. One or the other would have been fine but both simply kill it. Especially since Oil is rotating out. Hunters Mark is another, somewhat, surprising one but I don't disagree with their assessment. And Master of Disguise is exactly as they say. The effect is too powerful to be permanent and it really does limit card creation. Besides it was a card nobody played because nobody was able to really abuse it.

Druid is taking it bad. Ramp or a mid-range deck might be possible but they're losing a ton. Keeper of the Grove I expected nerfed but a 2/2 is trash. I never thought AOL needed nerfing but I know it was on their radar. The only reason it's too good is simply because Druids have too many ways to cheat the mana curve and get it out early. But played on curve it should be good for a 7 drop.

Neutrals were expected. I pretty much figured they'd hit Juggler and Leper Gnome the way they did. We all knew BGH was getting hit but it was just a matter of how. I guess he's a tech card now. He was, admittedly, too good at 3 mana if he could blow something up. At 5 mana he's purely a tech card for the times when the meta is slow and people are playing big crap. I'm glad to see Molten Giant nerfed a bit but with all the healing rotating out (Healbot) he wasn't going to be quite as good anyway.

I'm surprised Alex didn't take a nerf. I think we all thought she would. I was, personally, expecting to see Ice Block nerfed but I've been expecting an Ice Block nerf since closed beta and it hasn't materialized yet and if it hasn't happened by now it probably never will.


I agree about Blade Flurry. That was first one that I thought was overdone. Rogues are really going to be hurting in the board clear department.

What about Hunter's Mark? Did that really need a change?

I think Leper Gnome will still see play in face decks. (If face decks are even viable.)