

Trakanon Raider
Damn I've spent a lot of dust. I've never had the urge to craft this much, so I guess this expansion has been a sucess.


Princess Huhuran
Fandral Staghelm
Ragnoros, Lightlord

(Opened from 52 packs:
Golden Hallzael
Deathwing, Dragonlord
Twin Emperor)

And that's just legendaries.

x2 Shadowcaster
x2 Blade of C'thun
x1 Forbidden Healing
x2 Eternal Sentinel
x1 Faceless Shambler
x1 Twilight Summoner
x1 Darkspeaker
x2 Crazed Worshipper

And then 20 odd rares.

Whoo. Got just about everything now though, but luckily still have 9000 dust to spare. Figure by the next expansion I'll have plenty again. I'm liking the new system. The long break before Old Gods has given a big enough pillow so that I'll always have enough saved up for everything F2P just doing dailies and a few infinite arenas.

Playing Yshaaraj ramp. First time ever playing Naga Sea Witch. Note to self: cast innervate first rofl. Was going to Naga Sea Witch and Ysera on turn 5, whoops. Fandral is fucking amazing. Casting a Nourish on turn 4 and gaining both effects and then casting a Wrath with the 2 new mana and gaining both effects. Wow. How do you cope with a 5/5 and a 4/12 on your turn 5?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
removal for big (high-health) creatures, and mass removal.
Mass removal might be limited, but Rogue have the best removal for big creatures: Sap.
Sap is such a huge tempo swing, as a tempo/mid-range deck, getting your key big creatures sapped usually spells disaster.

I can't count how many times I drop Highmane on 6, get sapped, and unable to recover. It's higher impact against Hunter because they have almost no comeback mechanic once board is lost.

To counter the Sap I try to get board control early but Rogue just has so much control it's very difficult.

Other classes can deal a lot better, except Druid, they get hurt pretty bad too.

~60 wins left on Hunter, it's been rough as pointed out by that meta snapshot I posted earlier, Hunter is in a bad place atm.
I am seeing slightly better success with a hybrid N'Zoth/C'Thun deck.
Focusing on a huge early game with the 2 Gods to seal the deal at the end.

Here's my initial deck design:

Two Gods - Hearthstone Decks

Two Gods

Definitely could use some tweaks, though. I'm very tempted to remove Call of the Wild, also not sure why I have Thalnos, but planning to replace as well.
Deck needs a few more removal options, so will probably add 2x Quick Shot. could also go with Power Shot or Kill Command.

C'Thun doesn't need to be huge to make a difference, I find 10-12 power is good enough. The C'Thun minions help a lot with early control and C'Thun himself is a great comeback mechanic, which Hunter sorely needs.

One thing I never realized until making this deck is Hunter has no C'Thun class minions, yet Druid have 2. Strange imo!


Trakanon Raider
Hunter might not be in a great place right now but it's one of the most resilient classes in the game. Someone will find a good aggro deck for Hunter (there's already a decent SMORC deck out there that I've run for some dailies that isn't too bad). Hunter simply doesn't die. Their basic and classic cards just have so much value that they'll see play again once the meta has a chance to settle.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Hunter still has a lot of strong tools, the deck just doesn't match up well against the current meta and it would take a pretty massive meta shift for that to change.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I played lots of WC3, didn't play the missions or care for the lore at all, but please explain the lore around Rexxar and C'Thun from WC3 and also Malfurian.
Like I said.. "Lore" means shit and can be written to accommodate any narrative.


Trakanon Raider
I played lots of WC3, didn't play the missions or care for the lore at all, but please explain the lore around Rexxar and C'Thun from WC3 and also Malfurian.
Like I said.. "Lore" means shit and can be written to accommodate any narrative.

I'm fucking with you dude.


Mr. Poopybutthole
lol. Playing fatigue war against cthun druid, and while I've kept his board clear, I'm out of removal in hand, we're going into turn 10, and if his next minion is something big I'm screwed. So after debating it a bit, I say fuck it and yolo monkey. Of course he has C'thun, but I have two other minions on the board and c'thun fails to kill monkey. If he has removal for monkey I'm dead. Play Confessor, hero power, get Tyrion. He swipes monkey, kills tyrion with c'thun, and plays beckoner. I topdeck tyrion and confessor gives me soggoth.



Trakanon Raider
I still think this is one of the worst metas the game has ever seen. 9 out of 10 games are against some form of hyper aggro deck (or Zoo). The meta didn't slow down at all with Whispers. It's not fun watching your opponent just vomit their hand onto the board and go face every single game while you're scrambling to keep up due to shit draws. If you play aggro yourself it simply comes down to who draws better and most games are decided on the opening hand.


Started playing this again. Third game I played was against a friend who dropped a Brann I couldn't deal with. Next turn he played Yogg and LoHed once and Sprinted twice. Milled himself into a brutal and immediate death


Trakanon Raider
Lots of Shaman, Aggro oriented zoo, Aggro paladin and I've played against such crap as Aggro rogue and warrior.


Trakanon Raider
I still think this is one of the worst metas the game has ever seen. 9 out of 10 games are against some form of hyper aggro deck (or Zoo). The meta didn't slow down at all with Whispers. It's not fun watching your opponent just vomit their hand onto the board and go face every single game while you're scrambling to keep up due to shit draws. If you play aggro yourself it simply comes down to who draws better and most games are decided on the opening hand.
That's how arena is now too. First 2 arenas I did meh and then I realized how little AoE's where showing up and I up'd my 2 drop picks from 5 to 8 and now I just roflstomp with every class.

Jesus I've climbed from rank 18ish to rank 7 today with like maybe 1 loss thanks to this Yshaarj Ramp.


Molten Core Raider
On the flipside i am totally sick of brawl. Even if I only have one or two minions out, they play an AoP or other little cthun buffer before casting it and it wins every single time. Probably the worst RNG card left in the game.


Mr. Poopybutthole
lol, playing against a tempo mage which is one of my worst matchups, but I've managed to keep the board clear and make him waste a lot of burn on my minions. Then he Yoggs and I figure no big deal. then near the end of his yogg he casts stand against darkness, and im like thats ok, I have revenge ready to go. Then he casts evolve and I'm like welp, just lost the game.

then he casts brawl.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I've hated brawl for a long fucking time, but in a meta with people here complaining about everyone "just shitting out minions" that's the biggest card keeping things honest and probably a major reason why warrior is so strong.


Trakanon Raider
I've hated brawl for a long fucking time, but in a meta with people here complaining about everyone "just shitting out minions" that's the biggest card keeping things honest and probably a major reason why warrior is so strong.
I had a Servant of Yogg Saron played against me on his empty board pull a Brawl out of its ass against my full board. That sucked.