

Trakanon Raider
Yes, in fact, not being a dick is actually quite hard for me. Anyway, pirate doesn't use greenskin, skycap, or malkorok. Pirate warrior looks roughly like this. I'm not a huge fan of the Champ/Faerie package, but it's the best way to curve the deck. No real better options for 2 drops, which means you'd be jumping up to things like horserider and wolfrider, which puts a lot of strain on your curve.

Warrior - Deckbuilder - HearthPwn
Crazy. I remember Sjaz? or whatever's early Pirate Warrior plus a few other notable players used all 3, if not 2. I guess that list is more aggressive.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Now I wonder if you use Offensive Play on the same legendary twice if it gets reduced by 6, making my Emperors cost 0, couldn't tell because he conceded.
Yes, 2x Offensive Play stacks. Had a turn 2 Rag played against me. Wouldn't have been so bad if Rag went face instead of nuking my Paletress 2x in a row. (Coin+Offensive Play+Paletress Turn 3 into Paletress Turn 4).

After that I concede np.

I felt like 2x Offensive play wouldn't stack, but then I remember only reason 2x Prep doesnt stack is because Prep is a spell so the 1st prep is used up on the 2nd, in this scenario since Offensive Play is a spell and not a Legendary you can stack them.

I like the brawl though. Heavy RNG but all legendaries are fun to play with. My first Brawl was actually a nailbiter. He got me down to 3 health but then I had Bolf to save my ass and Yshaarj next play which threatened lethal and he couldn't finish me off.

Edit: Sidenote, 2x Prep does stack if you cast 1 before dropping Yogg and then Yogg casts a Prep. Your next spell that turn is reduced by 6


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I played four games and never saw a second offensive play from either side. I assumed it was just the first card you drew every match and that's the only one you get.


Pirate Warrior right now isn't really a Pirate deck, it's a face (mostly) weapon deck. The pirates are just there to buff weapons and add to face damage while being roughly vanilla minions.

It's actually a pretty successful deck (33-24 with it) in the present meta but if you don't have a weapon out early, things are likely to go badly.


Molten Core Raider


Mr. Poopybutthole
Pirate Warrior right now isn't really a Pirate deck, it's a face (mostly) weapon deck. The pirates are just there to buff weapons and add to face damage while being roughly vanilla minions.

It's actually a pretty successful deck (33-24 with it) in the present meta but if you don't have a weapon out early, things are likely to go badly.
It's really no different from how aggro warrior has always been. Incredibly dangerous if your opening hand + first couple draws curve out right, but the deck runs out of steam incredibly easy.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The meta does seem pretty diverse. Most classes have viable archetypes now. Priest and Mage got hit pretty hard, Paladin too but they have some viability. There's some BS mechanics still but at least secret trees and force/roar are gone. The complaints are basically just how HS has always been and will likely always be. Things will continue to morph as they continue to rotate sets over the long haul.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
WTF you're going to be able to log in to B.net with Facebook and stream your Blizzard gaming direct to FB soon? Lol.


Mr. Poopybutthole
65-70% of my matches being against two out of the nine classes is not what I would call a diverse meta.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Wow, ran into a bunch of hyper aggressive decks during lunch today, all different classes. Hunter, shaman, paladin, and zoo (it wasn't normal zoo had shit like bilefins and double soulfire). Good thing mid range shaman does well against aggro.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I used the tempostorm mid-range shaman deck to go from rank 18 or 19 down to 10 with only 2-3 losses. The ones that got me were 2 shamans who drew better and a surprise N'Zoth paladin variant (he played no death rattles until turn 15 or something).

Sir Funk

Lord Nagafen Raider
Is this the worst brawl yet? Man it was frustrating this morning. Had to play like 8 games for my first win--finally was able to double Offensive into Onyxia on turn 3


I finally get another legendary and it's goddamn Anomalus. I'm not sure there is or has been a less playable legendary.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
The first month of expansion was fun as usual with everyone trying new decks and stuff. This month, the fun factor has dropped off a cliff with Shamans everywhere crushing everyone in their path. You know it's a problem when it is nearly mandatory for other decks to have to tech in ooze/harrison to slow down the Shaman rape train.

As a rogue player, it is not fun to be queuing into shaman after shaman after shaman after zoo after shaman after zoo for 6 games straight. It's frustrating at best. I just logged off after that.

At this point in time, it is proven that Blizzard has no idea how to create a balanced online game and the idea that Overwatch will be a serious competitive game in the long run is laughable to me.
I agree about Blizzard balance, all they do is shift extremes back and forth or shift to the same status quo into bigger numbers. I don't care about serious ladder in Hearthstone though so my solution was playing wild instead of standard. Maybe I got lucky these last weeks but it seems like most tryhards are in standard and the wild meta is less lopsided. My only complaint would be that wild is heavy on control while I prefer midrange games but there's nothing you can do to influence that.