

Trakanon Raider
Eh I played about 15 games and had several of those "turn 6 and I have 6 cards and nothing to play" that bad decks get all the time so gave up. Ymmv though.
just realized i wrote 'control' instead of 'aggro' in the first sentence when reading your quote. fixed my original post now.

The whole jade mechanic is just naturally good against control, the druid jade idol almost single handedly wrecks them, but the rogue cards are good enough. Playing nothing on turn 6 against control isn't always a bad thing, if they aren't putting any pressure on you anyway. If you have to save for a 'combo' to get raptor + whatever, that seems fine.

I was playing this as my list btw:


Honestly, there was TOO many deathrattles in it. By the time I'd go to n'zoth, I had no guarantee of which ones I'd get back. Now, if you are getting 6 minions back on nzoth, you are probably fine in most cases. However, it's nice to 'count' on a sylvanas or infested coming back if that's what you specifically need. Plus, there might be a non-deathrattle card that's better for the list. Xaril is likely the first cut, as good as he is you could use the slot to tech more towards a certain matchup, and Brann was me being cute/greedy. Dunno how good he really is just yet.
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Silver Knight of the Realm
I've been using handbuff hunter - went from 17 (or wherever I started after hitting 5 last season) to 11 without even having to make hard decisions. One 7 game win streak. Unlike the decks I saw online, I've been using the 1mana Smuggler's Crate spell. Just feels like it never lands wrong, and most games aren't lasting past 8 or so.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I seriously can't bitch enough about fucking Jade Druid. Holy fuck that is the most annoying bullshit faggot deck I have EVER experienced in this piece of shit game.

All the board flood of Shaman, without any of the drawbacks of Overload + Low Mana Combo for insane card draw that just adds increased board flood. Fuck.

I get SO salty over having a strong board presence. Druid has no minions out. Spends 6 mana on Auctioneer then An innervate and STILL floods the board with fucking golems on Turn 6... After I cleared his board TWICE. Jade Idol needs to cost 2 Mana or that has to be some way to reset the stat ramp.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
You think you're salty now, imagine how bad it will be in a couple weeks once the lists have been refined.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
While most aggro decks can kill Jade Druid without too much issue barring a perfect card draw situation. It's almost a guaranteed loss for Reno Lock which is my favorite deck at the moment. All Reno decks are much weaker with Jade Druid out there.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
While most aggro decks can kill Jade Druid without too much issue barring a perfect card draw situation. It's almost a guaranteed loss for Reno Lock which is my favorite deck at the moment. All Reno decks are much weaker with Jade Druid out there.

Well nothing that came out in this expansion will elevate standard renolock from being a shit tier deck, which is undoubtedly a big part of your problem in the first place!
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Molten Core Raider
It shits on any control list though, kinda funny that Blizzard just decided to kill an archetype all together with the Jade mechanic.

Dragon priest can be built to be just fast enough to beat it, but I'm not sure in a few weeks when the lists are refined since you can't really make Dragon priest much more refined than it is right now.
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Trakanon Raider
Lets be honest here, blizzard didnt intend to kill control on purpose. they dont have a good playtesting/balance team looking at the long term effects of what they do..
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Molten Core Raider
Honestly, usually i'm the fag that bitches about the state of the game, but i think this shit atm is the best that the game has been since i've started playing. There's a bunch of viable and fun decks. Pirate war is relatively easily countered. The Jade mechanic is awesome for all three classes, albeit it seems the best in druid. There's a ton of variance on ladder. There's tons of Reno decks, priests, locks, paladins, and everything is awesome. Fuck the shamanstone that we just had to go through for the past 6 months. And the people that are bitching about control war, in particular, being raped by Jade druid, you can suck my dick. Control warrior is a 30 minute boring ass bullshit match at the end of which it usually comes down to a coin flip.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I played a ton of Jade Druid and while it has difficulty vs Aggro, I find Jade Rogue to be very troublesome as well.
Also, there are definitely ways to beat it as control but if Druid gets the god draws then yea.. probably over... but that's been every game vs Druid tbh, it's not much different than Force+Roar combo, you were always on a clock.

Its a fun deck for sure, got to rank 11 with it yesterday but have since fallen back to 15 while dicking around with other shit.
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Molten Core Raider
Also, Jade N'Zoth rogue is serious. Went on a 10 game win streak today. Beat 3 Jade druids easily, 2 dragon priests, Reno mage, etc. Lost the very first game to a handbuffadin that hit a sick curve.

Original deck by Kripparian. I put in the Twilight Summoners over Hucksters.

Jade N'Zoth.png
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Lol.... I just cabal'd an 8/8 tirion. hilarious.

Refined my thief priest a little, 2x pint size + cabal , won shortly after.
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Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
I think a good counter to some of this meta is Mass Dispel and Devolve. Both cards counter the hand buffed cards, taunts, and deathrattles that lead to huge jade turns. I've put mass dispel in a dragon priest list and it seems to work pretty well, especially since most people aren't expecting it. I think silence in general will see play to counter all of these new mechanics.
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<Bronze Donator>
Why an ancient of lore? To pack as much card draw as possible? Wouldn't a Loot Hoarder work better since it would be somewhat anti aggro?

nvm, didn't see your comment below your decklist.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
I feel like Feral Rage is the best card in my Jade Druid deck...
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
This is what my list morphed into to combat Aggro... haven't seen as much pirate warrior so could probably change some things.
I dropped the Raven Idols because they are dead cards early vs aggro, you pray to get an answer but instead I just have 2 Feral and Ooze..
Kun is a flex and I didn't have him for a while but I have come to like him a lot. I've used his Armor gain against aggro on several occasions, it also makes this deck favorable vs Freeze Mage.

Portal can be an AoW or another Drake, I think I added it after my AoW got Deadly Shotted and I lost a game lol. AoW seems like a dead card most of the time so I dropped him. Might just add 2nd Drake back.

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