

Trakanon Raider
Doesn't entirely feel like it is being balanced by people experienced with CCGs. Which is weird, because the people behind it developed the WoW CCG and as a team they have done tons of other card games... I think the ability to rebalance because it is all digital is something they haven't figured out.

Also the fact that they completely skipped balancing arena by rarity and constructed by actually dealing with the cards is silly.

Also the amount of people playing HS who have no CCG experience from many of the comments/posts on other sites I'm seeing.

Like the following:
so it's not bland when someone without a board kills you in one turn and you can't do anything? or if a warlock opening is so sick with blood imps you cant aoe his creeps down which is the only solution to not lose the game? And yes, a game IS about fun and nothing more. Clearly you don't know what that is


I do agree that they are homogenizing things too much.
I don't see this patch doing this at all. Maybe now we won't see Novice Engineers and Sylvanas in 90% of decks. If anything, this patch will increase the variety of Warrior, Mage, and Hunter decks out there.

The only thing I would disagree with would be the Charge and Argus nerfs. Charge being too severe; Argus not severe enough. If you didn't think Pyro or Sylvanas needed a nerf then you were playing a Mage. Even after the nerf I'll still keep Sylvanas around and just drop one Pyro in favor of a Flamestrike or something.

Everything else about this patch I liked.


Yeah, I guess it depends on what you were used to playing. I didn't find Sylvanas to be too crazy (great card of course but rarely game dominating or anything) while I still see argus as essentially just as strong as before.

Pyro and the trickling changes to mages concern me some though. No, not because mages are not strong but because they are nerfing based on total fun for the player pool and frankly, I've got zero fucking faith at all in the player pool. If control or dd decks are unfun for timmy then they'll be made to function less well than a slammin' minions decks and I find those boring as hell. All is well and I am anything but shocked by these sort of changes but still, there needs to be *some* room for playing cards that do more than just have health and damage.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
My gold sylvanas will be nice to DE I guess, but I'm more worried this just establishes a pretty bad precedent for them to be following. Yes, they claim this is the "last" round of big changes, but thus far every cycle of nerfs has been nothing but hammering what is popular. So how long is the next crop of top-tier decks going to get their moment in the spotlight before they all get crippled as well? It just isn't the way to balance a CCG.

And I'm not even sure how or if you play constructed warriors anymore. Warsong was very nearly their best card, and it's nearly unplayable now. What do they have left? Some janky pirate build?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The warrior thing doesn't surprise me since they are clearly very against OTK decks, but they just went about it and every other change in the most backwards ass way. Changes are inevitable but a few random dudes in this thread came up with better fixes than the people running the game, which isn't encouraging. Pyro isn't so bad, and we knew that was coming too, but everything else is a head scratcher. Why they dropped UTH by two mana after they JUST changed it is confusing.


Trakanon Raider
I'm actually thinking Warlock Giants deck might be the next deck to counter. Strifecro's druid deck is absolutely demolished by Giants and I see a lot of other decks having issues with them. I'm starting to see the deck a lot more and it's just really hard to deal with. Though, ironically, mage aggro rush was able to beat it most of the time since the Warlock tended to do very little the first couple of turns which let the mage, quickly, get the warlock into lethal range.

I'm seriously considering crafting one post nerf because, for whatever reason, Blizzard loves their giants gimmick and doesn't want to touch them. Currently I have 1 Twilight Drake and 1 Mountain Giant so I'll need to invest 1,300 dust (minimum) to make it work. But I'll be getting 1,200 dust back after the patch to offset that...


<Silver Donator>
And I'm not even sure how or if you play constructed warriors anymore. Warsong was very nearly their best card, and it's nearly unplayable now. What do they have left? Some janky pirate build?
The warrior deck kripp was playing up to rank 4 or 5 or whatever he was didn't have warsong in it. Did have charge so that nerf affects it. Basically play warrior as a control deck, not as an aggro deck. Cleave, Slam, Execute, Whirlwind, Shield Slam(and Shield Block to fuel it plus it gives card draw AND "health"), Fiery War Axe, Brawl, warrior is excelent at clearing shit off the board. Then you kill with a few different things, Alex to reduce someone to 15, Gorehowl to keep clearing or finish, Azure Drakes because it's likely they'll be at high health from you not doing all that much anyway and having quite a few card draw, Auctioneer(which doubles as draw obviously), Cairne, Sylvanas, Ysera, Ragnaros, Faceless. Remove all the threats, outlast your opponent due to hero power, then drop all your lategame legendaries and finish the game since hopefully they don't have enough removal. There was Alex charge combo though that's not gone, but you can still charge Cairne.

As for aggro warrior, I think you make it work with worgens, whirlwinds, pyromancers, commanding shout, armorsmith and frothing. Warsong should still work with both Frothing and Worgens.

The Ancient_sl

People whining about card changes to cards that were clearly stronger than other options and claiming it's homogenizing the game is quite hilarious. Like it's not homogeny when every deck has 2 defenders of argus because the card is just that good. I get why it might rub someone the wrong way that they make changes to cards that are outside the reasonable power curve because "that's not the CCG way", and they are right. The CCG way is to have those cards banned from usage in competition. Much better...


Tranny Chaser
The CCG way is to have those cards banned from usage in competition. Much better...
What are you even talking about. Do you even shuffle?

What stands out in this patch is that they just went and nerfed a bunch of meat and potatoes staples. That's a fucking miserable path to be on. Hearthstone needs a bigger card pool. It doesn't need to be hammering down everything popular within its very small card pool.


Trakanon Raider
Lot of the recent posts are mad they are nerfing the cards they are nerfing. Would it be better if they left warrior OTK decks unchanged? Does anyone actually enjoy playing against them? Blood imp and pyroblast both have multiple posts in the past week saying how much they need a change. They are now changing those cards, and it's a terrible thing? Can't seem to win!


Tranny Chaser
When you establish that you are willing to make changes to cards all the time then no, you can't win. Why? Because your players are always going to be bitching about something. It's a card game. There are always going to be popular decks that define the environment in which people play. There are always going to be efficient cards that find their way into numerous decks. This whole thing is one big If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.


Trakanon Raider
What are you even talking about. Do you even shuffle?

What stands out in this patch is that they just went and nerfed a bunch of meat and potatoes staples. That's a fucking miserable path to be on. Hearthstone needs a bigger card pool. It doesn't need to be hammering down everything popular within its very small card pool.
Nailed it.

Lot of the recent posts are mad they are nerfing the cards they are nerfing. Would it be better if they left warrior OTK decks unchanged? Does anyone actually enjoy playing against them? Blood imp and pyroblast both have multiple posts in the past week saying how much they need a change. They are now changing those cards, and it's a terrible thing? Can't seem to win!
I'd be fine if they didn't change them and I don't even play any of those cards (I'm druid/pally). I also have no issue playing against them because I understand different people have fun different ways and, they are not super busted decks like in MTG Ravager, Protean Flash, and etc. Plus some of the changes are just lazy/poorly done like Blood imp and argus.


Looking at the nerfs, it's almost all stuff we knew was going get nerfed.

We already knew about the Imp.

Sylvanas, Warsong, Argus, and Pyroblast were a sure thing

Iron dwarf was a little strange, but whatever.
OTK warrior wasn't even popular at all in EU. Mirey's control warrior was a lot more common and only Charge change hurts it but it should still be viable. Still happy to see that bs OTK deck gone.

Overall not really surprised at the nerfs, maybe the novice engineer a bit but it kinda makes sense since 99.999% of the decks have it.

The Master

Bronze Squire
So after a lot of experimentation, I think I figured out what is wrong with Shaman. They really have to pick being slow or being fast. They can counter basically any agro deck, but will then auto-lose to any slow deck (Paladin/Druid/Control Warlock). Likewise they can beat Priest, Druid, and Paladin at the slow game, but then lose to agro decks. A compromise loses to both. So they are a terrible class for laddering, where you are running into random decks, but it explains the sometimes stellar tournament performance. I don't have any actual solution to this, they need more flexible cards. Also I am frequently running into the seven minion cap and having it cause issues... like, I could win, if I could just play a minion. I think the hero ability needs to be reworked somehow.

That said after the changes I expect the meta to shift to slower decks, so I think they'll be a little stronger overall.


So you're telling me there isn't one Shaman deck that beats everything. Color me surprised.

And when is the next Rerolled tourney? Get on it bro.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
OTK warrior wasn't even popular at all in EU. Mirey's control warrior was a lot more common and only Charge change hurts it but it should still be viable. Still happy to see that bs OTK deck gone.

Overall not really surprised at the nerfs, maybe the novice engineer a bit but it kinda makes sense since 99.999% of the decks have it.
mireys "control warrior" is an otk deck.


Trakanon Raider
Lot of the recent posts are mad they are nerfing the cards they are nerfing. Would it be better if they left warrior OTK decks unchanged? Does anyone actually enjoy playing against them? Blood imp and pyroblast both have multiple posts in the past week saying how much they need a change. They are now changing those cards, and it's a terrible thing? Can't seem to win!
Warrior OTK was broken but the fix went about it the wrong way. I've been saying for weeks now that the Giants are the real problem because they are too gimmicky and people have figured out how to play into and exploit that gimmick. I also figured that it would be Warrior charge mechanics that actually took the nerf so they could ignore the Giant issue. While their fix completely kills off Warrior OTK, it still leaves Giants as hugely exploitable. Case in point, Warlocks are starting to run rampant with Giants decks these days.

As for Blood Imp and Pyroblast, the game should not be balanced around the low end players. Low skill level players are going to make mistakes, not have access to every card and cry for nerfs. High end players had already adapted to these cards and were winning just fine. Low skill level players should be looking to emulate top players. But Blizzard has gone on record as saying they want to nerf "unfun" issues which have given these scrubs a rallying cry to gather around. And the worst part of it all? Blizzard listens and caves in. The only nerf Blood Imp needed was to remove the 1 Attack. This makes it so he can't attack and ping something off on his own. That's not something a Warlock wanted to do in the first place but with a stealth assassin imp on the board, there were times it made sense (especially in board control lock decks). Pyroblast was fine as it was. The nerf went too far and the card is worthless now. Aggro mages don't live to turn 10 and control mages are an already dying breed thanks to previous freeze nerfs.


Blackwing Lair Raider
And I'm not even sure how or if you play constructed warriors anymore. Warsong was very nearly their best card, and it's nearly unplayable now. What do they have left? Some janky pirate build?
As usual these changes are always 2 weeks behind the meta, control warrior is already the go to warrior build.

I'm actually thinking Warlock Giants deck might be the next deck to counter. Strifecro's druid deck is absolutely demolished by Giants and I see a lot of other decks having issues with them. I'm starting to see the deck a lot more and it's just really hard to deal with. Though, ironically, mage aggro rush was able to beat it most of the time since the Warlock tended to do very little the first couple of turns which let the mage, quickly, get the warlock into lethal range.

I'm seriously considering crafting one post nerf because, for whatever reason, Blizzard loves their giants gimmick and doesn't want to touch them. Currently I have 1 Twilight Drake and 1 Mountain Giant so I'll need to invest 1,300 dust (minimum) to make it work. But I'll be getting 1,200 dust back after the patch to offset that...
Yeah, waiting for the patch to hit so I can de my pyroblasts and craft the two giants I'm missing.