

Mr. Poopybutthole
He's subtracting the arcane intellect itself from the draws, but the math really doesn't work like that. Regardless, it's a consistent spell, and late game you'd generally rather pull an arcane intellect than a loot hoarder or an acolyte of pain. I mean objectively, the traditional draw creatures for arena are still better, but what I was really saying is that it's playable in arena, compared to constructed where it's lousy.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I can see it late game, yeah. Still, two seems like overkill to me. I also "feel" like I always have it early and end up using it sooner than it should be too just due to draw luck.


Five fucking frostbolts is some seriously "fuck you" shit. I think AI is generally considered bad in arena FYI, but with that deck who gives a fuck. I usually run only one in constructed and even then it can seem like debatable value.
Five frostbolts, two fireballs and a pyroblast. I won one game by face-tanking a giant + a full board of weenie crap from full health for two turns while pinging the other guy down from 21 to 14 to 10.

And yeah, both AIs were "least bad" choices rather than "Oh yeah, Imma get me some of that".


I believe it. I don't really play as Mage much but I play against them of course and you can play around their burn deck somewhat but if you do... and they aren't running burn....you fall on your face.
I think this is one reason mages are bullshit in arena, you never know how to play against them. Play too careful, get nuked down. Play too fast get flame striked. In constructed you probably know what the aim of their deck is by turn 3. In arena all you can really do is try to play against flamestrike which can easily bite you in the ass. Playing safe makes it easy for them to ignore your shit and go for face + nukes. Playing big creatures makes you weak vs polly, fireball, and freeze. Basically are are forced to slightly overextend and hope for the best. I have to wonder if easy access to Truesilver Champion and Guardian of Kings is the sole reason why Paladins are so successful in arena just because those two cards are great answers to flamestrike, fireball, and freeze.

And then theres always the mage with a crazy deck once you get past 6 or 7 wins. Heres a good one from last night:
He has a water element out and something else. Sheeps one and trades with another, leaving him with a water elemental and a clear board.
I play either a sin'jin or yeti, cant remember which. Fireballed
I play a 6/7 orge, he plays cone of cold, wtf?
I play war golem, he plays another cone, wow really?
I play another war golem, haha fuck you flamestrike! He plays blizzard
I just play some crap 2 drop in case this asshole has flamestrike. Nope, its another blizzard, are you fucking kidding me.
I play 2 random mid range drops, cause theres no way he has flamestrike in hand, right....right? Wrong again Bob, its a flamestrike!
I drop everything I can cause I'm getting low from this goddamn water element thats still alive and some crap 2 drop + pings. He plays....ANOTHER FLAMESTRIKE! But wait, by some miracle I still have a creature alive! Nope, better throw a frostbolt at it.
I dont have much left at this point and he doesn't need a whole lot for lethal next turn. Fireball to the face, dead. I'm just in shock at this point, laughing maniacally.
15ish cards in he had: 2 or 3 frostbolts, 2 fireballs, 2 cones, 2 blizzards, 2 flamestrikes, 1 sheep. You cant win vs that, hell your not really even playing the game.

Here was another fun one:
Mana wurm
arcane missiles, mirror image
frost bolt, coin, 2 drop
cone of cold
frost bolt + ice lance to the face
fireball face

At least half my arena losses are from mages, and probably 65-75% of my losses past 6 wins. I even go out of my way to draft against mages specifically, making me weak vs other classes. Fuckina I'm salty =/


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah mage is stupid, made it to 9 wins today with a complete trash deck with 1 frostbolt/1 fireball/1 blizzard/1 pyro. All of my losses were to paladins who had 2+ truesilvers and the purple pally weapon whose name escapes me.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Here was another fun one:
Mana wurm
arcane missiles, mirror image
frost bolt, coin, 2 drop
cone of cold
frost bolt + ice lance to the face
fireball face
That sounds like one of my arena wins this weekend. Though I wasn't running ice lance or mirror image, but I love doing that shit on mage with wyrm.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Been getting nothing but garbage draft after garbage draft, to the point where if this game had disks I would have shattered them with a hammer.


My first 12 win arena deck. Had to run to the internet and tell all my imaginary friends.
Were you just killing everyone by like... turn 8 or something? Don't see how you got that many wins otherwise =O
That deck would be disgusting at rushdown with some backstabs! Grats on pulling 12 with that deck though, it warms the frostbitten (mage) cockles of my heart =p


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
O btw speaking of MTG. Which version was the ones you guys recommended for getting into MTG online version

There's like DOTP 2012, 13, and 14 on steam
2014 by far - they've steadily improved it each year without really losing anything.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Flamestrike is really the key to me. You can live easily without fireballs, especially with bolts, and without polys too. Flamestrike can really turn your match around in a hurry though.
My first 12 win streak was with a mage deck that had no flamestrikes. It did had 3 fireballs though. I used to grab every flamestrike that I could, now I take the first one highly, the second much less highly, and then none after that unless it would be up against 2 garbage cards.


Blackwing Lair Raider
That is pretty awesome, did he do any arenas in that time or just bought packs with all his gold, do you know?


Mr. Poopybutthole
2x Argent Commander
2x Frothing Berserker
2x Arathi Weaponsmith
2x Argent Squire
2x Bloodsail Raider
2x Faerie Dragon
2x Harvest Golem
2x Leper Gnome
2x Kor'kron Elite
2x Nightblade

2x Mortal Strike
2x Upgrade!
2x Heroic Strike

2x Arcanite Reaper
2x Fiery War Axe

I was watching his stream when he built the deck, although I'm not 100% sure he has two upgrades. I've actually got most of the deck. I don't mind the idea of crafting the argent commanders since they'll be good in other decks, but I really don't want to spend 200 dust crafting mortal strikes. Pretty sure the deck needs the untauntable damage though.


Trakanon Raider
That's actually a pretty solid Warrior deck concept. There's nothing subtle about it but the best, cheap, decks aren't subtle. Aggro "TO THE FACE" decks are always a lot cheaper than solid control decks which require very specific pieces (often including Legendary cards) to work properly.

Fun thing about playing on a Tuesday, the number of netdecks goes through the roof since a lot of the weekend tournament decks get posted. I'm of mixed feelings of netdecks. On one hand they annoy me because it shows how unoriginal the person playing it is. But the more rationale part of me understands that it's a path of least resistance because "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" and these decks have already proven themselves to work.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm running it -1 upgrade +1 injured blademaster. If you're adding legendaries, the original list I posted is -2 upgrade +1 black knight +1 leeroy