

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Well, can you not attack with your minons, cast it, then be able to attack with your new treants on that turn?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Well, can you not attack with your minons, cast it, then be able to attack with your new treants on that turn?
Seriously doubt it since I would think the card would say minions with charge (like UTH). Plus that would be pretty OP.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It doesn't look that good overall. Best use I think is vs control decks like warrior or handlock. Perfect counter to that double giant sunfury/argus. It's definitely a defensive spell. I can't see any offensive combos that are worth the cost and card slot. As said the best synergies are still awkward. 9 mana for a board clear that costs 2 cards and requires you to have both in hand is pretty weak. Turning your Force of Nature treants into permanents also sounds good except that it costs all 10 mana and 2 cards for something that's not worth it's cost, let alone the card slots and hand space. Even worse that combo only works if you attack them into their face in which it's only 6 damage. And you can't savage roar on the same turn without 2 innervates. Gross. Could also do a Poison Seeds, Geomancer/Bloodmage, Swipe for 10 mana but again, too much required.

As removal though it's not bad at all. I could see it being the cornerstone of a possible druid ramp/control deck. Not so sure if it'll fit in all that well with the standard druid curve deck.
You make it sound as if 2-3 card combos are hard to pull off. At least half of my druid games end in force of nature/savage roar combo and I only run one of each. And you don't have to combo the card, just the ability to remove multiple big threats for 4 mana is huge in itself. In some cases even removing/nerfing a single big threat like a stealthed auctioneer or an opponent's rag on a empty board can have a huge impact on the outcome of a game.


We know the first wing will be free, then subsequent wings (released each week) can be unlocked either with in-game gold or real-world money.
Well, I guess this is there method for not introducing all the cards at once.


Molten Core Raider
I bought a load of cards for this in beta. I was under the impression when the game launched those would be wiped and we would get new packs to open ?


I bought a load of cards for this in beta. I was under the impression when the game launched those would be wiped and we would get new packs to open ?
They only wiped once, and that was for the early beta players like myself.

It was wonderful because it introduced a gold bug into the game, and I got a shitload of gold. =)


Hunters have absolutely ruined this game. That is all.
Hunters are pretty beastly no doubt. Between the in the face UTH decks, and the Fatty hunters you really don't have to play anything else.
That being said they intend to nerf UTH again...... Let's see what the brilliant minds at Blizzard come up with this time.


Poet Warrior
I bought a load of cards for this in beta. I was under the impression when the game launched those would be wiped and we would get new packs to open ?
Nope. They said they would not wipe after open beta.

Angel, I love rope-a-doping hunters with my druid. Makes my day. Speaking of which, I know this isn't a hunter but it's still a first for me. Don't try to play slower than a druid pala-bro!



Trakanon Raider
Hunters are pretty beastly no doubt. Between the in the face UTH decks, and the Fatty hunters you really don't have to play anything else.
That being said they intend to nerf UTH again...... Let's see what the brilliant minds at Blizzard come up with this time.
Well according to Ben Brode, UTH is on a "watch list" but there are no plans to adjust the card right now...

So yeah, this game blows right now.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Was it here or someplace else I saw savj said he talked with the balance designer and basically said they are changing uth without being allowed to just come out and say they are changing uth?

The uth is on a "watch list" quote was weeks ago, and this was just the other day savj said this.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, but the way he worded it, was something like "I talked to the lead balance guy and while I can't say anything, let me just say they are aware it has extremely powerful combos."


Sounds like they're just putting all their hopes and dreams in the Naxx basket, hoping that it will give the underplayed classes the boost they need to stay competitive. Sadly, that may mean 2 or more months of Hunter/Warlock dominance on the ladder.

Who knows, maybe they'll give Priest/Paladin a turn 5 clear the board and draw 4 cards option.


<Bronze Donator>
I'm actually not seeing Hunters today at Rank 4. Lots of Warriors though, mostly agro but the occasional control. It's mostly that and zoo