

If they change the card draw from 2 life to 3 life that will make zoo, and handlock still just as powerful.
Zoo could essentially play giants at that point even tho it's still not a good idea because of the curve, and lock will get giants much quicker.

What they really need to do is just be honest with the community, and admit they screwed up with that Hero power. Nerds respect Honesty on the internet from game companies.
And they need to re-valuate the whole class right now before it starts to trickle out of control. It's a game breaking mechanic that grows in power with the inflation of cards.

But this is Blizzard so I don't expect this to ever happen. They will just make more bad decisions until there core game is a mess.


Trakanon Raider
Again one of the big issues is that Zoo isn't a Deck with these 27 cards and a bit of leeway to swap out the last 3 depending on the Meta. It's a philosophy and not a deck (or as Kibler puts it, it's not a deck, it's a pile of cards and a Hero Power). Because of that, we're going to be "stuck" with Zoo until Hearthstone is cancelled. Freeze Mage, Ramp Druid, and Miracle Rogues are all decks that require specific cards and specific combinations to achieve it's goals. Zoo is a pile of cards and a Hero Power. So when we get our first real expansion in 2019 (just in time for Christmas), the real decks will be rendered obsolete where Zoo will simply swap things out based on what is most valuable at each mana curve interval.

Like it or not, Zoo is here to stay. As long as there are cheap, efficient, minions Zoo will be around to use them. Reynad may have popularized the deck, but it was inevitable that someone would make something similar. The only true way to "nerf" Zoo is to go after the Warlock Hero Power and I just don't see Blizzard doing that right now.


Having zoo in the game is fine as it stands with the cards that are currently in the game, it is only augmented by a broken hero power.

As cards get better everything in it will be replaced with better equivalents, and then that draw power becomes out of control, and unbeatable. Not only for Zoo, but for all of the decks Locks will play.


Mr. Poopybutthole
On an unrelated note, last night on Twitch there was some dude opening 1200 packs. This morning a different dude is opening 1800 packs. WTF makes people spend such ridiculous amounts of money on Hearthstone.


Thats over 2k on hearthstone, crazy.
Did they change the prices from beta btw? I just checked to see how much that would be ,and I thought for sure it was 1 dollar per pack now it's 3 bucks per 2 packs.

I opened I believe 220 packs cashing in all my gold right after Naxx. I have a shitload of dust now.


Trakanon Raider
High profile streamers can pull in a lot of cash for each session they play and stream. But most streamers who get less than 50 viewers aren't getting anything. So, yeah, 1,500 to 2,000 packs is insane for the average person. Even if you're at the gold cap (20,000 gold), that only translates into 200 packs...

The Ancient_sl

That's also why you can't just nerf Doomguard and call it a day (not advocating for or against a Doomguard nerf). If they nerf Doomguard, Zoo loses a bit of power but they just swap in the next best minion (Argent Commander perhaps since they perform similar roles even if they're not as sturdy).
People say shit like this and they are wrong every time. No Argent commander isn't close to being as good as doomguard, it's 1 more Mana and one less damage and you don't think that would make a huge difference?
Zoo is not good just because of hero power. Warlock specific cards contribute a lot to it

Flame Imp - one drop on steroids
Soulfire - op as fuck
Doomguard - op as fuck
Voidwalker - not really OP but can be a real pain in the ass

If you stumble on draw and zoo doesn't the game is over before the hero power really even matters.


Dassem you actually proven in that very quote how overpowered card draw is with card inflation. So as the cards progress you will eventually get to the point where there is no bad card draws, and everything that hero power brings into play will be a game ender.

While the other hero powers drastically get weaker by expansion till they are obsolete.

It needs to be reworked, and it needs to be reworked now in Naxx. I'm surprised they let it ride this long when they should have evaluated it during the over half of year of Alpha/Beta.
Blizzard is amazing at making solid as fuck games, that look and feel exceptional. They are not good at fixing things, even when it is smacking them in the face.

I'm not sure what the lock hero should be that would work with there current set of class cards, and not make them gimps. One thing is for certain, card draw as a Hero Power should have never been in the game.

People have been complaining about it since Alpha, but Bliizzard only sees what is going on the game right now, and not in the future.
So they pulled out there graphs ,and said obviously Locks are balanced because how they appear on the ladder in Alpha/Beta.


Trakanon Raider
Changing the subject a bit...

Is anyone else extremely underwhelmed with the Haunted Creeper? The 1/2 guy who spawns 2 1/1s. He just seems too fragile and doesn't have enough attack power to do anything really. He's really easy to kill off and then deal with the spawns with "splash" damage like Swipe or Whirlwind. I just think there are a ton of other 2 mana minions I'd rather play over him.


<Silver Donator>
A ton really? I find most 2 mana cards to be garbage(minions that is, tons of great 2mana spells). With the Novice Engineer nerf and Loot Hoarder being so so at times, do you really have that many good 2 drops? Faerie Dragon is alright, Ooze is alright, Knife Juggler if you're playing aggro, Sunfury, Wolf, Ironbeak and Wild Pyro are great cards but generally poor turn 2 plays, Zerker troll is alright in some type of decks. Then you have some class specific good 2drops but some that you don't want to play alone like the divine shield paladin one. On the other hand Naxx added 3 different 2drops, Egg, Weblord and Creeper. so they were trying to fill that gap.

That said even though I don't think 2drops are particularily good(at least not to play on turn2 for the best ones), Creeper is kinda meh. I feel it's only good if you can combine them with hero power(so preferably mage but also rogue and druid) or if you buff them(so like zoo and token decks). Even in those the fact they might die on the same turn they spawn due to being so week is kinda meh. Card would be a ton better if it was a 1/1 that split into 2x 1/2, but is kinda too good for a turn 2.

So yeah not a huge fan of the card but can be annoying to clear if you don't have a ping hero power and you're facing a druid(so you know you have to clear them because of savage roar/call of the wild).


Mr. Poopybutthole
Changing the subject a bit...

Is anyone else extremely underwhelmed with the Haunted Creeper? The 1/2 guy who spawns 2 1/1s. He just seems too fragile and doesn't have enough attack power to do anything really. He's really easy to kill off and then deal with the spawns with "splash" damage like Swipe or Whirlwind. I just think there are a ton of other 2 mana minions I'd rather play over him.
In practice, with Zoo you're effectively countering the best Zoo counter, which is board clears. If you're playing shaman you have extra 1/1s for lust/flametongue, same with druid and power of the wild/savage roar.

I think it has a place in Zoo, I'm not convinced it belongs in shaman or druid. Nerubian Egg is another story entirely.


Changing the subject a bit...

Is anyone else extremely underwhelmed with the Haunted Creeper? The 1/2 guy who spawns 2 1/1s. He just seems too fragile and doesn't have enough attack power to do anything really. He's really easy to kill off and then deal with the spawns with "splash" damage like Swipe or Whirlwind. I just think there are a ton of other 2 mana minions I'd rather play over him.
Not at all. It is a 2 mana investment that can net 3 creatures. This has potential for many uses and if someone has to attack it and damage their own minion then whirlwind (damaging own minion again) they waste 2 cards for 1. If they kill it, then you have 2 more creatures for a mass buff deck like savage roar, bloodust etc. In many decks a 1/1 can change a game. +4/+4, +4 taunt etc. These buffs require a minion to cast on, this is a 2 drop for 3 minions. It's totally acceptable. Not to mention the number of cards that "proc" on summoning a minion like knife juggler or starving buzzard.
I'm assuming you play a priest, warrior and mage. Just about any other deck and this card is nice. Even handlock has benefits of mass minions.


Good god man, When the low mana cards start to become OP ( which they will, and have already started in Naxx), then card draw becomes out of control. For Zoo you will be constantly replacing cards with better cards at the same mana cost eventually making you unstoppable because of the hero power. It works for any Lock deck really.

Do you work for Blizzard by any chance? you have that one brain cell vibe to you

If you don't understand the whole Power inflation aspect, then stop talking.

The Ancient_sl

I'm getting lectured by one of the dumbest posters on the forum. I'm really feeling bad now


You should feel bad because you are bad.

The fact you are still arguing that the Lock's hero power is fine shows how big of a dumb ass you are.


Poet Warrior
Not at all. It is a 2 mana investment that can net 3 creatures. This has potential for many uses and if someone has to attack it and damage their own minion then whirlwind (damaging own minion again) they waste 2 cards for 1. If they kill it, then you have 2 more creatures for a mass buff deck like savage roar, bloodust etc. In many decks a 1/1 can change a game. +4/+4, +4 taunt etc. These buffs require a minion to cast on, this is a 2 drop for 3 minions. It's totally acceptable. Not to mention the number of cards that "proc" on summoning a minion like knife juggler or starving buzzard.
I'm assuming you play a priest, warrior and mage. Just about any other deck and this card is nice. Even handlock has benefits of mass minions.
Just played a Hunter who set himself up with the double Buzzard double Creeper play. Too bad he had no way to pop his own creepers. I Pyromancered his Buzzards the next turn and he went on to lose horribly. I see the potential he's after but I feel as though that play lost him the game.