

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
No way in hell. I would stop playing HS and move on with my life rather than regress back into the MMO world.

Column is right, that game is aids. There is literally nothing, aside from kidnapping my family or some shit, that would get me to play it again.
Come on guys it will be fun. We can start a board guild to help each other with HS WoW tasks with Braen as the leader and call it Wispdroppers.


Trakanon Raider
Sooooo many Hunters in arena lately. All the scrubs that only play Huntard in constructed and then think Hunter are good in Arena and they have no idea how to play. But they sometimes get really really lucky drafts and it's ridiculous, but they are soooo bad. It's frustrating to lose to actual real life retarded Huntards.


Man, I went on a tear this morning with control warrior. I was just doing the win 5 quest, and it turned into a 20 game win so I'm back at 4 again.

I wish i would have won more games on my warrior because I'm sure they will nerf something on hunter again to make it mediocre. My poor Golden hunter =(


Golden Knight of the Realm
Hunters in arena are more the style of players that are just bad. If you suck at arena there's always a moderate chance of getting 12 wins by drafting face rush hunter and most of those decks play themselves. Any class can draft nuts and get a lot of free wins but no one can do it like hunter IMO. It is funny early in a new arena when it's just lolraping all the hunters that didn't get the draft they wanted, which is most of them.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I'm playing with an undertaker deathrattle priest deck today. It's insanely deadly when you've played utaker, chow, chow, by turn 2.


Trakanon Raider
So... What are thoughts now that Naxx has been out for awhile?

I'm sure things haven't settled down just yet as people are still experimenting with cards and such, but I think it's safe to see where trends are going. Hunter looks to be dominant again. The good news is that they do have strong counters (Priest does surprisingly well against them and Miracle Rogue is very tough for them to beat). In addition Hunters also form a pretty solid counter to the other dominant deck (i.e. Zoo). The bad news is that it seems Hunters are back to being a bit too dominant again. People are pointing to Hearthstats with good reason. Right now Hunters are well above a 50% win rate in Constructed with a very large % of matches having Hunter on one side. Of the 9 classes, Warlocks and Hunters seem to make up around 50% of the classes played right now.

I remember back before Unleash The Hounds was nerfed to 3 mana saying something along the lines of every single deck had to take a Hunter with UTH into account. The same thing happened after the nerf when Zoo decks went through the roof in use. We're now back to that point where every deck has to be ready to handle both Hunters and Zoo. Doing that is not as simple as it sounds either. In both cases, to counter a Hunter or Warlock, you need to play pretty defensively since it's nearly impossible to race either deck. In other words, you have to go Control. The biggest problem with Control is that it is so easy to lose a game by turn 3 or 4 simply because you didn't get the cards absolutely necessary to counter the deck your against or by simply falling behind.

At any rate, I'm not sure if Hunter needs to be nerfed or not right now but I can't believe that Blizzard feels the current Meta is healthy.


Trakanon Raider
In other news, I saw a notice that they adjusted the Warrior and Paladin class challenges. So we can all say that we beat them "pre-nerf"

I played through both and they are much easier now. The decks are much better designed. It took me 2 tries to get the Warrior one down and a single try for the Paladin (in fairness, I beat the Paladin one on my first try "pre-nerf" as well but it was much easier this time around).


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Now nerf all the heroics so I actually have the patience to get the stupid card back. Did like wing one and two and by the third time I was like fuck this boring ass shit, concede concede concede, lame.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Murloc is surprisingly good vs Hunter, for what it is worth. I got "Warlock Dominance" today and didn't feel like playing Zoo. 5 straight wins vs 4 Hunters and a Shaman. Then I ran into a bunch of Druids and it hurt. But you can race Hunter, all you need is a deck with more reach. They only run 2 Houndmasters and 0-2 Misha's for taunt, you can beat them by being more agro then they are. Backspace Rogue also gives them trouble. But Hunter is just really stable right now. Webspinner and Haunted Creeper did so much for them in terms of having strong opening plays. Before they ran one River Croc and prayed to get it on turn 2 so they'd have board presence, if they weren't face Hunter. Now having board presence is standard, it is a rare Hunter who gets a hand so bad he has no turn 2 play besides hero power.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I have a Baron in there even, for double the pleasure. Great for Belcher and dark cultist too.

Its Zealot's deck

The Master

Bronze Squire
Control Warrior blows post-Naxx... Or I just really suck at it now. Probably a bit of both.
Control Warrior is great post-Naxx. It got so many tools. It is one of the top ladder classes and everyone is running it in tournaments.

Hunter is a little too good right now and Mage is awful outside of arena. All the other classes are in pretty good shape.


Yeah Control warrior is really solid. Those few Nax cards made a huge difference.

There's a bunch of different variations, but this is currently my favorite.



Blackwing Lair Raider
You can say control warrior is actually pretty OP now but nobody complains because it's a pretty expensive deck that not everyone can make.


Trakanon Raider
You can say control warrior is actually pretty OP now but nobody complains because it's a pretty expensive deck that not everyone can make.
Actually pretty true. Same might be true for ramp Druid soon enough if someone makes a new variation of it and it gains some popularity. I've been doing extremely well with it, but it's a pretty expensive deck.

Unstable Ghoul and Death's Bite did soooo much for control Warrior. You have so much evade, removal (via massive armor and Shield Slam efficiency) and card draw it's crazy.