

Trakanon Raider
I've never had an issue with undertaker, but a turn 2 deathlord in arena has been basically un-counterable horseshit every time I see it. Whats the plan for dealing with that while they just keep throwing out more and more minions from behind his 8hp shield?
Abusive Sergeant and such. I love when my opponent's throw out a Deathlord in Arena. It can get scary against a Priest though, but don't hesitate to silence it, even if you think you can kill it and get the death rattle next turn.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Well, you guys keep going on about how undertaker isn't broken, and I'll keep on winning games with undertaker.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Oh yea?!

Well I'll just keep winning games with Defender of Argus!
and Ragnaros
and Sylvanas
and Nerubian Egg
and Leper Gnome

(not all in same deck)



Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I've popped a silence into my priest deck and it seems to work quite nicely. Ruining a zoolock's Nerubian Egg tickles my pickle.


Finally got all the cards for my Handlock deck, gonna be spending some time learning it and playing it, maybe try to hit Legend this season. Pulled the last Mountain giant and Siphon soul I needed from a pack, then I got Alexstrazsa in the next pack, then crafted Jaraxxus.

Seems the Handlock is kinda tough against hunters and some of these other aggro decks, still trying to figure out how to play on those matches... it seems you auto lose if you tap till turn 4 for giant/drake.


Lord Nagafen Raider
handlocks direct counters are hunter and mage, I am seeing a ton of hunter on ladder so I wouldn't recommend it but good luck if you try.


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
I feel like a dick with Cancer Hunter. I'm down to twelve and rapidly going down. It just feels dirty and wrong.


Poet Warrior
I love cancer hunter. I hated UTH hunter. This version is so much better. It is more fun, less cheap, and more... (how do I put this??).... "direct". I like how single minded it is. It is Red Goblins.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Its easier to play for sure. I found the UTH shit last season more fun. As far as cheap? I know you mean like cheesy but this is very cheap to run dust wise, and really a full aggro to the face deck with a hero power + DD spells + cheap ass throwaway beasts to boost the nuke doesn't feel "cheap" to you? I imagine my wins causing so much more rage when I blow past a wall of taunts with two kill commands and a hero power than when I cleared those same taunts on a lucky buzzard + UTH. I got up to five last season with the midrangy hunter and I'm at seven right now with aggro and I consider the aggro far more groanworthy. Its basically zoo hunter, which makes sense since that's just what the class design lends itself to with the cards and hero power.


<Bronze Donator>
Played a priest, he thought steals once....thought steals force + savage, this fucking game.
I was streaming sometime last week and the thoughsteals where fucking outrageous. Losing to Cruel Task Grommash thoughtsteal is surprising to say the least.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Hit single digit ranks for the first time since I started playing this summer.

high fives, me.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
A lot of Zoo out there lately.

Fine with me!

Anyone else have a feel for what the meta is these days? I haven't run into much handlock or miracle anything lately (though Druids seem to be running a OTK deck these days).


Blackwing Lair Raider
There is a new, no shenanigans miracle rogue that is going to start making the rounds. I say no shenanigans because it doesn't have leeroy or malygos, instead uses more minions, like violet teachers. I'd say its worse against control, but better against the deathrattle decks. So I'd say control would be good to combat all of those, only problem playing control is games take so long.

The Master

Bronze Squire
So this new theory that match making isn't random and takes into account match up percentages seems pretty valid to me. If you're on a win streak you get a bad match up, if you're on a losing streak you get good ones.

Did some preliminary tests today. Any time I won three games in a row, I switched to Mage. 100% of the time I got a Hunter. Zero Hunters the rest of the time. I'd be interested if other people started collecting data on it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Well today i lost 3 games in a row with zoo to a bunch of hunters, go to my control warrior and immediately get the class I didn't see in the 12 or so games I played...priest. Not only priest, slow priest. Yeah lost that game and stopped playing.

Watching firebat play a mill rogue with a kidnapper, shit is hilarious.


Blackwing Lair Raider
WTF is up w/ slow priest, is there that much late game control on ladder? I was playing control warrior last night and last game I played was a priest w/ 2 thoughtsteal, 2 swd, bgh, mc, don't know why I bothered playing that one out. I'd be impressed if I just qued into the guy and he swapped decks, but I didn't. Who the fuck ladders with that shit? If you want to add to the tin foil hat, that happened while on a win streak.

I wanted to make a deck around wailing soul because you never see that card so w/ rogue I put in a bunch of cards w/ battlecries instead of deathrattles and other cards you'd want silenced like ancient watcher, dancing swords, anub'arak and I put in a kidnapper because I have a golden one (actually have gotten 3, explain that one to me) and you never see that card either. And it works beautifully when it works, but you're probably not going to cast it until turn 8 or so since you need to combo it. Thinking about it now though I may try one in the new miracle rogue since it runs prep, might be able to get a turn 6 one off occasionally.