

Mr. Poopybutthole
All CCGs have a pretty high barrier of entry, but they definitely could do a much better job making sure newer players tend to get paired up with other newer players.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I am not gonna call this game pay to win, but it is pay to compete for sure. Been playing ranked for few days now and I am just getting worked. I am rank 22 and I do not even own all the basic cards you get for free, so why the fuck am I going head to head with people that clearly have hundreds if not thousands of hours into this game?

Is this Blizzard's intent? So I feel compelled to spend cash to buy decks to compete? You can't tell me there aren't other people just like me, testing the waters to see if this game is for them. It would be nice to go head to head with some people based on the same amount of cards owned and see how I do. I want to get into this game, I just want to play it a little more before I drop real cash. Getting shit on 70-80% of the time is not fun, it doesn't make me want to buy packs it makes me want to say fuck it and play something else.
Well seasons last a month, new season starts the first of the month so the first week of ladder of a new season is rough on new players as you can face veterans on their way back up. If you are going the ftp route, as others have said, you will more than likely want to spend a lot of your time in arena to build up your card collection. If you do well enough in arena(depending on how much you play average ~4 wins a run) you can get new cards for free while doing infinite arenas. If you have a friend familiar with the game you could talk to while going through your first several drafts while you learn all the cards and what works/doesn't work I would recommended doing so. I don't mind if you see me on.

Then after about a dozen arenas or so if you really want to do ladder I would recommend making a warlock zoo deck, you can make a complete one for ~800 dust. Doing so early may require you to dust cards you don't normally use. A lot of the cards that go into zoo are just strong cards overall so they fill in nicely in any other basic decks you would want to make.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Just too many what-ifs for me, I'd rather take a solid 5 cost card. Not sure where you got 44% from, I'm adding up 38% in ranks 5-L if you count shaman, and it was something like 33% of class breakdown overall, and shaman is probably 50/50 with the doomhammer nowadays. And thats only 1 card in a 30 card deck you're hoping them to play and you have your 1 of at the same time. There is the burst shaman that runs 2 doomhammers, but thats even more rare from a class that is already rare.

So ~66% chance its nothing more than a 5/4 for 5. Even if you look at the very top of ladder and factor in some handlocks say its only ~50% of being nothing more than a 5/4 for 5 well I'd much rather a sludge belcher, azure drake, or spectral knight, which commonly go 2 for 1, than something that is commonly a 5/4 for 5. Besides the coin flip if he could possibly have any added value then you have to have him in hand at the right time. Like I said earlier I can often remember where I was playing against a weapon class and had him in hand and a weapon just never came or the weapon comes out and you don't have him in hand. So you're taking a percentage of a percentage of him getting value, like I said just too many what-ifs for me.

Not to say you can't run harrison or that he is a bad card, his value is phenomenal when he works, but I believe a consistently valuable card is better. I do like him in control warrior as you are more likely to make it to late game where you will have both drawn him and your opponent play a weapon. But with so many heavy early game aggression decks on the ladder sludge belcher and/or spectral knight are mvps.
You are kind of creating a false dichotomy. I'm not playing Harrison in place of a Sludge Belcher or a Black Knight. You have to imagine playing Harrison in place of the next worst card you'd put in your deck. Is he better than that card? Bearing in mind that since the card is going to be taking up one spot, it is also probably a utility card of some kind. Harrison is also the perfect response to weapons because weapons gain multiple cards of value, often putting you behind. Harrison not only prevents that but makes up for any lost value. Also he shouldn't be thought of as a 5-drop, you will play him on 5 only vs Hunter in all likelihood. He is a 9-10 drop minimum vs Handlock. And then you have to factor in your strong match ups. The match ups you are strongest in are the match ups where the classes do not have weapons. The match ups you are weakest in? Weapons. So you are shoring up a significant weakness. Which is exactly what one-ofs are supposed to do. The "what-if" question applies equally to Black Knight incidentally. He is only useful if you have him when your opponent plays a taunt or he is a 4/5 for 6, which is much worse. Does anyone here not run Black Knight in control right now? And often your opponent has only two taunts. Which isn't that different from 1-3 weapons. Control is about having answers, if you don't have the answer when you need it that sucks.... but if you don't even put it in your deck, you're never going to have it.

Not sure how I did the math wrong. It is 38% exactly, not counting Handlocks, according to those stats. 18% of that is Hunters and Hunters sometimes win matches purely with the Bow. That is not a small amount of value. I can't even count the number of times I won vs Hunter solely because of Harrison on a Bow. 3 traps and 2 bows is potentially 21 damage from weapon alone and that is a standard Hunter deck. And you have to count Handlocks. You can't ignore that. How much of that 34% is Handlock? At legend? Way more than half. I only ran into two Zoos under rank 5 last season.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Harrison craft is worth the art alone.



Mr. Poopybutthole
he was the first legendary I ever opened. I miss him, but dont want to dump 1600 dust re-crafting him.


Sounds like speed HS is part of the expansion given the teaser on their site.

Also something to do with WoW Mage portals, dunno about that teaser


Blackwing Lair Raider
I didn't realize it wasn't confirmed yet, I'm sure they are announcing an expansion. They filed a trademark for Eye of Azshara, ppl believe that could be the hs expansion. Now will they announce a launch date I think is the bigger question, or will they continue the "when its ready" approach.


Blackwing Lair Raider
You are kind of creating a false dichotomy. I'm not playing Harrison in place of a Sludge Belcher or a Black Knight. You have to imagine playing Harrison in place of the next worst card you'd put in your deck. Is he better than that card? Bearing in mind that since the card is going to be taking up one spot, it is also probably a utility card of some kind. Harrison is also the perfect response to weapons because weapons gain multiple cards of value, often putting you behind. Harrison not only prevents that but makes up for any lost value. Also he shouldn't be thought of as a 5-drop, you will play him on 5 only vs Hunter in all likelihood. He is a 9-10 drop minimum vs Handlock. And then you have to factor in your strong match ups. The match ups you are strongest in are the match ups where the classes do not have weapons. The match ups you are weakest in? Weapons. So you are shoring up a significant weakness. Which is exactly what one-ofs are supposed to do. The "what-if" question applies equally to Black Knight incidentally. He is only useful if you have him when your opponent plays a taunt or he is a 4/5 for 6, which is much worse. Does anyone here not run Black Knight in control right now? And often your opponent has only two taunts. Which isn't that different from 1-3 weapons. Control is about having answers, if you don't have the answer when you need it that sucks.... but if you don't even put it in your deck, you're never going to have it.

Not sure how I did the math wrong. It is 38% exactly, not counting Handlocks, according to those stats. 18% of that is Hunters and Hunters sometimes win matches purely with the Bow. That is not a small amount of value. I can't even count the number of times I won vs Hunter solely because of Harrison on a Bow. 3 traps and 2 bows is potentially 21 damage from weapon alone and that is a standard Hunter deck. And you have to count Handlocks. You can't ignore that. How much of that 34% is Handlock? At legend? Way more than half. I only ran into two Zoos under rank 5 last season.
True, he doesn't have to replace another card in the 5 slot, but he more than likely will as the 5 slot actually has competition now and you don't want to have too many 5 drops. Him not being an actual 5 drop is another problem with him having too many what-ifs, again I'd rather have a card I can actually play on turn 5, or any point prior to turn 9-10, if I want a turn 9-10 play I'd probably play a different legendary. You admitted he is a late game play, but most decks don't go into late game nowadays, look at the curves, many decks end at 6 with maybe 1 big card. The majority of decks on ladder are not built for late game because who wants to ladder playing 30 minute games?

I specifically said harrison gets enormous value when he actually works, the problem is that just isn't often enough, on ladder. When we originally brought up handlock I said maybe half of that 34% is handlock because I was being generous, up to rank 3 last season I barely saw any handlock, the majority was zoo, maybe once ppl actually hit legend they play handlock, but before that, all the way up to that top .2%, its mostly zoo. You say shore up your weakest end and hunter doesn't really scare me for one, and two a card like sludge belcher helps immensely against both hunter and everything else. Consistency is more important than getting the dream every dozen or so games.

Oh and as far as tbk is concerned, nearly every deck has some form of taunt, yes a number of those decks may only have 2, but still it is not only 1-2 cards in only ~33% of decks.


<Silver Donator>
So I recently started playing this a couple of months ago, and I have a question. Am I better off using my gold from dailies to buy entry into the arena instead of packs? I went ahead and purchased Naxx so don't need to screw around with it.


Molten Core Raider
Sounds like speed HS is part of the expansion given the teaser on their site.

Also something to do with WoW Mage portals, dunno about that teaser
Thank god, speed HS is extremely my shit. I ain't got no time to sit around thinking about the future I wanna throw down nowish.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Haven't played in forever and day but the world championship is going on at blizzcon right now


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Goblins and Gnomes expansion... Sounds like RNG card insanity. 120 cards of that. Hrmmmm. Comes out December too.


<Silver Donator>
Oh so this stuff is actually already well under way, thought it'd take forever, guess they were working on it in parallel with naxx. Expansion theme sounds shit but eh, more cards is good.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I wonder if having an entire expansion themed on RNG type crap will be better or worse for the competitive scene (which has exploded). RNG cards are fun, but they don't often make their way into competitive play due to that unpredictability.

There's bound to be some cool shit in them though.