

Blackwing Lair Raider
To keep up with the earlier discussion about Harrison Jones, I ranked up from 13 to 6 (would've been a 2-star win streak into 5, got wrecked by a Priest who Thoughstole Sylvanas x2 and Ysera) with control Warrior and specifically tracked my Harrison usage. c/p of notes. I basically only mention if I won or lost before draw and I mention mulligans only if I kept it, if I got it after mulliganing I didn't mention it.

vs Druid: Won before draw.
vs Hunter: Lost before draw.
vs Priest: Played turn 7, traded with a Cabal Shadow Priest. Won.
vs Rogue: Played on turn 7 on a 2 charge Deadly Poisoned Assassin's Blade, it ate Backstab+SI:7 battlecry. Won.
vs Druid: Won before draw.
vs Warlock: Was Handlock, won before draw.
vs Warrior: Won before draw.
vs Warlock: Zoo, won before draw.
vs Priest: Won before draw.
vs Hunter: Played turn 7 on a 2 charge bow (after I triggered a Freezing Trap to add a charge), did 5 damage to face. Won.
vs Mage: Won before draw (Freeze Mage).
vs Warrior: Destroyed half a Death's Bite (which also baited an Execute as a result). Won.
vs Hunter: Lost before draw, I believe I would have won if I could have taken out his bow.
vs Rogue: Kept in mulligan, played turn 5 on a 2-charge Deadly Poisoned dagger, ate an Evis. Won.
vs Warlock: Used on Jaraxxus, added 5 damage to face. Won.
vs Priest: Won before draw.
vs Warrior: Destroyed a full Death's Bite, ate one charge of a Fiery War Axe to kill it off. Won.
vs Mage: Lost before draw. Discovered the Duplicate mid-range minion Mage with Counterspell is really good vs Control Warrior.
vs Warrior: Destroyed half a Fiery War Axe, Cruel Taskmastrer-ed Acolyte traded into it. Won.
vs Shaman: Won before draw.
vs Warlock: Was Zoo. Played turn 5, ate a Soulfire which discarded a Defender of Argus. This actually annoyed me as I had TBK in hand. Won (at 3 health and 11 armor).
vs Warlock: Handlock, won before draw.
vs Rogue: Played turn 9 to destroy a generic 1/2 dagger. Drew into next turn lethal. To be honest I had this game on lockdown, but still.
vs Priest: Lost before draw, this was the guy who had ridiculous Thoughtsteals (also I had lethal 9 turns in a row if I had drawn Grom, down to six cards left in deck and still failed to draw it. Died to Laughing Sisters x3).

20 wins, 4 losses. 24 games. 13 where didn't matter at all (won or lost before draw, which would have applied equally to any card I put in the deck) and 11 where it got draws, destroyed a weapon, traded for 1-for-1, or all of the above. In the Warrior Mirror (all but one of which went to fatigue) I do not believe there is any other card I could put in that would have given me as much value.

I'll keep tracking the games. I think rank 5 and below will be more interesting. Debating making a spreadsheet for this, tracking specific cards is kind of fun.
So what was that?, 8/24 games it actually got any value above a 5/4 for 5. That is my point. And you are playing about the only deck harrison can fit into since you admit he belongs in a museum, I mean a control deck. Handlock isn't going to run him, ramp druid the 5 slot is too congested, maybe he could go into control priest. If you want to ladder with control warrior or priest, ok, you could ladder with harrison... and still get value only about 1/3 of the time.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
The absolute worst thing about King Krush is the fact that his animation takes so long to allow you to queue his attack that your opponent has plenty of time to concede before you attack.
Tell that to Jaraxxus.

Fucker has to do a breakdance spin just to be a dick.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So what was that?, 8/24 games it actually got any value above a 5/4 for 5. That is my point. And you are playing about the only deck harrison can fit into since you admit he belongs in a museum, I mean a control deck. Handlock isn't going to run him, ramp druid the 5 slot is too congested, maybe he could go into control priest. If you want to ladder with control warrior or priest, ok, you could ladder with harrison... and still get value only about 1/3 of the time.
Yeah I don't get value out of Ragnaros the games I don't draw him, I'm gonna stop running him in control warrior.


Trakanon Raider
So RNG BS aside, mechs are starting to look like they might be a viable aggro option, but I don't know if they'll be better than the undertaker/deathrattle package.

Cogmaster, Mechwarper, Spidertank, and Micro Machine looking like definites, Annoyotron, Clockwork Gnome, EnhanceoMechano, Piloted Shredder, and Mimiron's Head looking like maybes, and thats just the early spoilers.
Considering Mimiron's Head counts as a Mech, I don't think it'll be that hard to get it to go off and I disagree that it's only a "win-more" type deal. You could easily feasibly have 2 random mechs out on turn 4 or 5 and then drop the head on turn 5 or 6 and as a Rogue, cast conceal and then next turn, GG.

Sneed's Old Shredder will be fun in Priest, since it can summon class legendaries as well (I assume). Although I am hoping that it gets battle cries, but doubt it.

I'm glad to hear that the expansion packs via arena won't be rare or random/and or some sort of special reward (i.e. once the set launches, all packs from arena will be expac). But although I don't need anything from the original set anymore, I do think it's stupid that once the expansion launches, all arena packs are defaulted to the expansion. You should be able to select what kind of pack you want in options and toggle it as you will.

Speaking of battle cries, was playing an arena yesterday and I can't believe I haven't run into this before, but what the fuck is up with Mirror Entity and Twilight Drake? Mirror Entity NEVER gives your opponent's copied minion a battle cry, so knowing my opponent had dropped a Mirror entity, I waited 2 turns to play anything so that I had enough for a Twilight Drake, assuming his would come into play with 1 health and I'd mage hero ability it, but it had the 8 health. Was so annoyed, that doesn't make sense to me... it IS a battle cry, therefore their twilight drake should NOT get the health. Pissed me off so much, lost the game because of that.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Mirror Entity summons an exact copy of the creature that's already in play, its no different from faceless manipulator. If you mirror entitied an Injured Blademaster, you'd get a 4/3, not a 4/7


Mr. Poopybutthole
This looks quite playable, and fantastic in arena.


The Ancient_sl

Mirror Entity summons an exact copy of the creature that's already in play, its no different from faceless manipulator. If you mirror entitied an Injured Blademaster, you'd get a 4/3, not a 4/7
The simpler explanation is that secrets proc after battlecries. Which they do. A Sniped Mad Bomber still throws out 3 bombs.

For some reason Jaraxxus acts differently though. Maybe it's the dance? I guess the more reasonable answer is he's still a target for the effect after he kills your hero and replaces him.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I think the first things I'm going to craft when the Xpac drops are Sneed's Old Shredder and a copy of Bouncing Blades. We'll see though. That priest Shrinkmeister card looks fucking amazing, with the interactions it has with Pain, Cabal, and Madness.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah I don't get value out of Ragnaros the games I don't draw him, I'm gonna stop running him in control warrior.
Well one of the problems I listed with the card is he is never in hand at the right time. He has to be in your hand at the right time in the right game. I don't know what there is to discuss unless the master is saying harrison belongs in more decks, which I don't think he is. The question was should you use harrison on ladder and it seems everyone here (and the entire hearthstone community) agrees unless you're playing control priest or warrior, no.

The Master

Bronze Squire
So what was that?, 8/24 games it actually got any value above a 5/4 for 5. That is my point. And you are playing about the only deck harrison can fit into since you admit he belongs in a museum, I mean a control deck. Handlock isn't going to run him, ramp druid the 5 slot is too congested, maybe he could go into control priest. If you want to ladder with control warrior or priest, ok, you could ladder with harrison... and still get value only about 1/3 of the time.
Did you miss the part where he got value in every game where he was drawn? Trading 1-for-1 is still incredibly valuable, it is all you ask of like 25 cards in control Warrior. Shield Slam? 1-for-1. Execute? 1-for-1 at best, you usually expend a resource to get the damage on a minion. Rag? I'm actually happy if Rag 1-for-1s, sometimes he goes face and then gets BGHed. Zero value. Yet all of those cards are run.

So to put that another way in 100% of games where Harrison was drawn, he got at least one card in value. In 61% of the games where he got value, that was value was 2+ cards. And you really need that value as control Warrior. I simply don't believe you should ever not run him in control Warrior, unless for some bizarre reason the entire meta is literally no weapons at all. But then you wouldn't be running Warrior....


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, the new rogue 2 drop mech (the barber) is pretty solid. It's only real problem is that it's not a real 2 mana 3/2 minion since you want that battlecry effect.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Well aggro in general makes stuff that is dependent on your opponents hand-size not viable for ladder play. May be ok for tournament decks though.

The Master

Bronze Squire
The problem with the Sapper is Zoo. As long as Zoo is a thing, it really won't be viable.
3/2/4 is OK as far as stats go for dealing with Zoo. Innervate it out and it'll trade with two minions most of the time. But who knows what the meta will be like once the new cards are out?

Also half of my vs Warlock games this season have been Handlock, not Zoo. Pretty strange. Now that I am at rank 4 I kind of expect it, but getting up there I was very surprised.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Man anyone who thinks Undertaker isn't broken needs to shut the fuck up and never post in this thread again. What a day.


Trakanon Raider
Man anyone who thinks Undertaker isn't broken needs to shut the fuck up and never post in this thread again. What a day.
Yeah well when several of us were complaining about it weeks ago, a ton of people here were arguing that it was fine. I agree with you, and those people are idiots. I am soooooo sick of the Undertaker meta and seeing it in 90% of decks. A 1 mana card that ends up being a 2 for 1, or even 3 for 1, so often and/or a 1 mana card that so often decides games, is just fucked.