

Trakanon Raider
I am also seeing a metric fuck-ton of mech mages on the ladder right now. Every single one opens with a Mechwarper and then floods the board with mechs. Unstable Portals and Echoes of Medivh are normal plays as well along with Molten Giants to seal the deal while they sit behind Ice Block. Kezan Mystic mandatory perhaps?


Mr. Poopybutthole
I am also seeing a metric fuck-ton of mech mages on the ladder right now. Every single one opens with a Mechwarper and then floods the board with mechs. Unstable Portals and Echoes of Medivh are normal plays as well along with Molten Giants to seal the deal while they sit behind Ice Block. Kezan Mystic mandatory perhaps?
Tides, Kibler, Strifecro, Day9, and a couple others were all streaming variations of mech mage which is why it's so big now.

Plus Unstable Portal is fun as hell.


<Silver Donator>
So who wants to bet Antique Healbot gets a Novice Engineer style nerf because of how it instantly became so heavily played?

Personally, I feel a big playable neutral heal is an important option to have for deck building since it opens up so many decks that are basically unplayable without it, but man it may have pushed handlock over the edge.
I could see it get a +1 mana cost maybe, it's currently extremely efficient for healing, especially for being neutral and a mech condition activator(not necessarily useful in every deck but still). It's basically Far Seer + Holy Light for one card(slightly less than that but still). Mostly the broken aspect is the neutral, it's like not that good compared to paladin/druid typical heal choices(and warrior armor), but for everyone else who didn't have any heals, it's way good, and it's a lot more usable than Alexstraza(both in cost and in the way it's used to recover health since alex only works when you're a good bit under 15, though obviously it has other uses also). And when you give decks that typically traded health to do stuff like rogue or handlock a very good heal source, well that becomes kinda mandatory. It's also used in mech decks just by nature of being a mech and easily replaces frost armor secret for mages in that regard.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I could see it get a +1 mana cost maybe, it's currently extremely efficient for healing, especially for being neutral and a mech condition activator(not necessarily useful in every deck but still). It's basically Far Seer + Holy Light for one card(slightly less than that but still). Mostly the broken aspect is the neutral, it's like not that good compared to paladin/druid typical heal choices(and warrior armor), but for everyone else who didn't have any heals, it's way good, and it's a lot more usable than Alexstraza(both in cost and in the way it's used to recover health since alex only works when you're a good bit under 15, though obviously it has other uses also). And when you give decks that typically traded health to do stuff like rogue or handlock a very good heal source, well that becomes kinda mandatory. It's also used in mech decks just by nature of being a mech and easily replaces frost armor secret for mages in that regard.
Another way to look at it is a vanilla 3/3 for 2 + a self only healing touch in one card.

Also, I've seen lots of paladins running it, and thats a deck that already has access to lots of playable heals. I don't know if it's too good, but I'd wager on it being the single most widely played GvG card which is why I mentioned the novice engineer nerf.


<Silver Donator>
Another way to look at it is a vanilla 3/3 for 2 + a self only healing touch in one card.

Also, I've seen lots of paladins running it, and thats a deck that already has access to lots of playable heals. I don't know if it's too good, but I'd wager on it being the single most widely played GvG card which is why I mentioned the novice engineer nerf.
I find weird paladins would run it though, unless running some mech deck. Guardian of Kings is a lot better tbh. I guess if you want more heals, it beats Holy Light probably, but that's a lot of healing. In a mech deck I could see it, replace Guardians with some mechs, though 3/3s are pretty shit even if they're mech, but guess you'll take any mech when it comes to activating mech conditional shit.

Anyway they're sure to hit a bunch of stuff with a nerf bat in a month or so, probably whatever's most played in the upcoming 2weeks.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It comes down two turns sooner than Guardian and heals for 2 more. I don't know that I'd replace them straight up since you're significantly diluting your threats against other control decks, but I can see the argument for running them.

The fact that healbot is a mech is basically irrelevant to every deck I've seen it run in so far.


Strifecro running Cult Master in his paladin deck at the Kinguin charity tournament and absolutely wrecking shit. Dude is always among the first to innovate the new shit.


Trakanon Raider
So glad that GvG changed the meta up and now I'm hardly ever seeing Huntards. Oh wait... That was just a dream I had last night.


Pretty good day for me today, went 8-3 in arena with a solid druid deck, and my pack had Prince Gallywix... anyone know if he's even played? Seems like the popular Legendary cards from GvG are Vol'Jin, Dr. Boom, Sneeds, and Mal'Ganis.

The only rogue decks seem to be Mech decks though. :/


Mr. Poopybutthole
Rogues are still finding their place now that miracle is pretty much dead and buried, and yes Prince Gallywix is quite good. Of the few rogues I've seen while watching streams, he was played by almost all of them.


Trakanon Raider
I'm still running across the occasional Miracle Rogue here and there. But I can't remember the last time one beat me. The nerf to Auctioneer plus all the new cards just really took them out of viability. They got some pretty nice cards with GvG though so I'm guessing we'll see a new archetype for Rogues come back (maybe a return to tempo Rogue).

But, without question, I am still facing Huntards more than any other class in the game by at least 2:1 margin. And so much for people going "Maybe Control Hunter will be viable now." Nope, they're all "TO THE FACE" Huntards. Yeah it's still early in GvG but I just don't see a paradigm shift happening. Undertake is still broken as fuck. Their Hero Power still encourages an aggressive "beat down" style of play (the sniper did nothing to change that). And Savannah Highmane is still one of the best (if not the best) 6 drop in the game because it has synergy with beasts and undertaker.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It mainly comes down to how cheap the deck is. 0 Legendaries, 0 epics unless you run snake trap. Hunter is the new zoo. Cheap, effective, easy to play.


Trakanon Raider
So who wants to bet Antique Healbot gets a Novice Engineer style nerf because of how it instantly became so heavily played?

Personally, I feel a big playable neutral heal is an important option to have for deck building since it opens up so many decks that are basically unplayable without it, but man it may have pushed handlock over the edge.
Antique Healbot is insanely good, I was surprised when so many top players ranked it quite low. It wasn't in Reynad's top 10. Cards that have two effects usually suffer from extra costs tacked on. Like if you consider Antique Healbot as a vanilla 3/3 for (3) and the 8 Healing as a (3) healing touch then you'd have a total of 6 mana (although granted it can't target minions, 95% of the time you'd want it for hero anyways), combine those costs into a single card and if you follow the method for every other card that has two effects, it should cost 7, but it costs 5. So I think they'll probably bump the mana up by one and put it at 6.

Undertake is still broken as fuck. Their Hero Power still encourages an aggressive "beat down" style of play (the sniper did nothing to change that). And Savannah Highmane is still one of the best (if not the best) 6 drop in the game because it has synergy with beasts and undertaker.
Yup. Exactly what I was saying and why I was telling the people that were saying others were crazy to think Hunter meta wouldn't change were wrong.


Been playing Shaman a lot lately. Using Powermace as a one of with only two Zap-o-matic's. A three mana Fiery War Axe is still strong even without taking advantage of the deathrattle I feel. Also running my Gold Neptulon in it. The value out of that card is unreal sometimes.

Still wondering if a Vitality Totem is worth running but as I'm sure everyone has noticed so far, it's hard fitting all this new shit in a deck. Maybe I'll shove a Healbot in there somewhere.

Necrath Evilcraft

Golden Knight of the Realm
Just got my first 12 win since GvG came out only played 4-5 arenas. It is probably news to few, but turn 3 coghammer on about any 2 drop is such an insane tempo shift. That along won me a few games.


Trakanon Raider
My win streak with Murloc Shaman is out of control. I love this deck so much.

Also, another thing that has made Warlocks even more powerful is the fact that they can get free cards to discard to Doomguard/Soulfire etc via Spare Parts. Doomguard discarding two Rusty Horns isn't that much of a penalty.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Antique healbot killed my freezemage goodtimes