

Trakanon Raider
I wonder if the HS team will be less stubborn about obviously needed nerfs in the future? We all knew Undertaker would eventually be nerfed (except for 1 or 2 morons), and yet the weeks just kept rolling by without it happening and without anything "magically" changing (apparently that's what the HS team thinks will happen), to fix the Undertaker plague. Bout fucking time.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Time to find the next nerf target. Sorry Mechwarper, your clock starts now until doom.


Trakanon Raider
Uninstall, rage quit yo! It is the only thing left to do, or stop being a butthurt about going 11 wins...I am lucky to see 4-5.
I didn't just wake up one day getting 10+ wins on a semi regular basis. Took a lot of work to get consistently good at arena. I've been infinite again since GvG, but I have over 1700 arena wins of experience. Sue me for whining when I get a really, really shit reward.

Lol. Mirror Entity just cloned Piloted Shredder, which in turn spawned Sorcerer's Apprentice, allowing me to cast 3 Fireballs in the next turn. Good times.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
My last arena run, I had a shaman deck. Met a druid, I won, then a warrior for another win...then 3 paladins in a row which played almost identical decks for 3 loses.

That was kind of frustrating.

Played casual with a priest deck. Finished the game with a 32/32 Shade of Naxxramas. That compensated for the bad arena.


Trakanon Raider
I don't see any obvious nerf targets after the Undertaker one. Mechwarper is strong but not OP so. Same with Dr. Boom.

Right now I'm seeing a ton of Paladins which are hard fights. They are very good at just grinding you down. Also a lot of mech mage which isn't surprising after the Undertaker nerf. And aggro Hunter is still stupid with all of their damage and the clock of doom (I.e. The hero power). But the ladder is more diverse since undertaker was nerfed.

I never assumed that the undertaker nerf would make Hunter unplayable. They are still one of the most broken classes in the game with insane damage potential. But the nerf to Undertaker was vital for the health of the game.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The big predictions now seem to be control coming back in a huge way, will definitely be running facehuntard at the start of the season.

::EDIT:: Yea Dr. B is probably going to see a nerf, he is really strong.


Molten Core Raider
I didn't just wake up one day getting 10+ wins on a semi regular basis. Took a lot of work to get consistently good at arena. I've been infinite again since GvG, but I have over 1700 arena wins of experience. Sue me for whining when I get a really, really shit reward.

Lol. Mirror Entity just cloned Piloted Shredder, which in turn spawned Sorcerer's Apprentice, allowing me to cast 3 Fireballs in the next turn. Good times.
I have played two Arenas today and never won once. I also hate everything, but at least you're getting some wins in man.


<Silver Donator>
So after finally opening about 40 GvG packs, I finally pulled a legendary. Got Mekgineer Thermaplugg. Is he useful in any deck? Seems to be just a gimmicky win more card.


Trakanon Raider
Dr. Boom is retarded OP, what are you smoking? If every deck is incorporating BGHs and apparently MCTs because of one card, that's a problem.
I disagree. He's just the first good, neutral, 7 cost minion out there so, of course, people are going to run him. And at 7 mana he needs to be impactful and, if you don't have an answer, he should swing a game. He is, literally, the only good GvG neutral legendary. The rest are niche at best or unplayable at worst.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Dr Boom, Imp-losion, and Mechwarper are the most likely remaining targets for a nerf. Dr Boom is almost inevitable, Imp-losion might not be necessary with Undertaker getting, and honestly Mechwarper is probably fine.


Trakanon Raider
So I shouldn't have any reservations about disenchanting him then. Thanks, Angelwatch...
I don't like disenchanting any Legendary cards... But if your collection is still small and you're going to disenchant one, there's not too many worse than him to disenchant.