

everytime I saw someone play him his invention either healed me or that stupid device turned the Tinkmaster into a chicken and then one turn later itself
the Tinkmaster himself is an ok 6/6 and I can see why people put him into their starter decks when they only have the standard minions but his inventions are too RNG to be used as a guaranteed polymorph/silence
other gnome

The Master

Bronze Squire
Um, Tinkmaster Overspark has the battlecry "Randomly turn a minion into either a 1/1 sheep or a 5/5 Devilsaur." You guys are thinking of the promo card Goblin Mekkatorque, which is different.


<Silver Donator>
Oh right, never seen tinkmaster played then, only mekatorque. Tinkmaster I guess can be better if you get it early and enemy has nothing on the board, like if you can coin it with a 1-2drop on your side, worst case you lose a bit of damage but you can also get a pretty big guy right away.

The Master

Bronze Squire
There has been debate about using him as, effectively, a hex/polymorph. Ihearthu had an article about it. Druids can certainly deal with a 5/5, so in that sense it might be superior to running one Naturalize since it doesn't give your opponent card draw. I'd still rather run Big Game Hunter though if that was a concern.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I've had him played against me once where it actually won the game, but the rest of the times it did nothing more than a 6/6 and a few times it actually won me the game by healing me twice in a row or sheeping the tinkmaster then itself.

Just faced a hunter in arena at 7-0, fucking annoying deck he had 3explosive, 2frost traps, savanah+hyenas+kodo charger, and then when I thought I finally had board control(at the expense of my health, I was playing rogue so had to weapon facetank some shit and all), he fucking turn 9 charge dino shit, didn't even know that card existed. Dropped me to 5 health, thank god I had enough cards on board to kill it and still retain my stormwind commander, and finished him before he could steady shot me to death. Finished with 1 hp, close game. Think it's first time I got to 8/0, I then played 3 more games just attacking into creatures I couldn't kill and passing turns. My rogue deck was pretty good, tons of creatures and most of the good ones, a few bigger guys for late(stormwind commander, core hound because the other 2 cards were shit and I figured why not and venture co merc cause I love this guy) and quite a bit of control. No backstab, only one draw(shiv), only one assassin blade/no perdition, no SI:7. Overall a shitty "rogue" deck, but a good neutral deck.
Rogues are my new favorite class for arena, since that 9-2 I had picking rogue the first time I had a 7-3 and just had another 9-2.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Just found out something new, once you get all the golden versions of your classes basic cards, you start getting golden neutral minions. Which ones you get depends on the class you're leveling. Kind of cool, considering some of the most commonly used cards are basic minions.


<Silver Donator>
I thought you couldn't disenchant them cause they're basic? I know the golden class cards I got I can't disenchant even though I don't give a fuck about a golden sinister strike.
Blizzard post about some of the upcoming changes to cards and other stuff:

As we move further into the closed beta, we're continuing to closely monitor card balance as more and more Hearthstone games are played. We also want to ensure that cards acquired in Hearthstone are done fairly through our various game modes.

The amount of gold gained by winning games in Play mode per day will be capped at 100 in the upcoming patch. This cap does not affect gold gained through Quests, Arena, or Achievements. There will be an indication within the game when this gold cap is reached. This cap is intended to combat certain methods of gold acquisition that violate our Terms of Service. The spirit of fair play is extremely important to us, and we will continue to monitor gold acquisition activity closely to ensure a fun and enjoyable game environment for everyone.

In regards to card balance, there are a few cards we've noticed that have sprung up that warrant some tuning, and we'll be making these changes in the next patch. Our goal is to change as few cards as possible over the course of time, but we felt the need to address these six cards in particular. The cards are: Shattered Sun Cleric, Flame Imp and Argent Commander. These cards will be adjusted along with the other cards we mentioned at BlizzCon: Mind Control, Starving Buzzard and Unleash the Hounds.

Shattered Sun Cleric is now a 3/2 (was a 3/3)
Argent Commander is now a 4/2 (was a 4/3)

These cards are quite good for their cost, and they currently feel to be slightly above the curve in power compared to cards of a similar cost and type. Players end up choosing these cards for their deck much more often than other cards at the same mana cost. We want to increase the variety of cards being played at 3 and 6 mana.

Flame Imp's Battlecry now deals 3 damage (up from 2)

Warlocks have a very strong early game, and this small change to Flame Imp should help a small amount. There are other cards that help the Warlock maintain early board advantage, and we're keeping a close eye on those as time goes on.

Mind Control's mana cost is now 10 (up from 8)

Mind Control has some pretty accurate flavor text . perhaps a little too accurate. Raising the mana cost will allow players to have a couple more turns to play with their big minions.

Starving Buzzard is now a 2/1 (was a 2/2)

At some ranks, Hunter was a bit strong versus Druids, Mages and Rogues. This change to Starving Buzzard will help even the playing field against those classes in particular.

Unleash the Hounds has been reworked and now reads: "(4) For each enemy minion, summon a 1/1 Hound with Charge".

The old version of Unleash the Hounds was allowing for Hunters to win in a single turn, starting with no minions on the board. The new version adds some fun, new card combos to Hunters and helps with their ability to AoE.

We hope these changes will increase your versatility and creativity in making card choices for your decks, and helps to make Hearthstone a more fun game for all to enjoy.
Hearthstone Update: Upcoming Changes - Forums - Hearthstone


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I was getting shit on with warrior yesterday but I'm also far from as good as many of you guys probably. Seems like removal is a chore and it gets buried by aggro decks even faster than other classes, especially with any kind of bad draw luck.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Dat Unleash the Hounds nerf.

Warrior is definitely my least played class, it is only like lvl 11 while all other classes are at least 20.


That Unleash the Hounds change just turned it into a very elaborate form of removal. Still seems good with the Timber Wolf and Starving Buzzard though.

Warrior will continue to be fairly weak until they change that hero power. It's no wonder that the 3 heroes with the weakest tournament results(Hunter/Priest/Warrior) have hero abilities that don't affect the board in any meaningful way. And Armor Up! is definitely one of the worst ones. The only warrior deck I've had success with is weapon focused with Wild Pyromancer/Whirlwind for early board control and finishes it with Warsong Commanders, Brewmasters, and Molten Giants. Not exactly top tier though. Still loses to control mages and those crazy aggro warlock decks fairly often.


Unelected Mod
Well, priest ability definitely effects board control, but I agree that warrior/hunter abilities seem fairly weak in that regard.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That Unleash the Hounds change just turned it into a very elaborate form of removal. Still seems good with the Timber Wolf and Starving Buzzard though.

Warrior will continue to be fairly weak until they change that hero power. It's no wonder that the 3 heroes with the weakest tournament results(Hunter/Priest/Warrior) have hero abilities that don't affect the board in any meaningful way. And Armor Up! is definitely one of the worst ones. The only warrior deck I've had success with is weapon focused with Wild Pyromancer/Whirlwind for early board control and finishes it with Warsong Commanders, Brewmasters, and Molten Giants. Not exactly top tier though. Still loses to control mages and those crazy aggro warlock decks fairly often.
Also has good synergy with knife jugglers, flesheating ghoul, and hyena.


I'd rather be able to remove a minion from the board than heal one of my own most of the time. Which sucks because I have to get Priest to level 54 for those gold Shattered Sun Clerics. And I hate playing Priest more than I hate playing against Priest.