

<Silver Donator>
I kinda like Priest's ability, if you're backed in a corner it can buy you a few more turns before you die(unless you're really getting crushed) and early game it has a lot of interesting class synergies with power word shield, divine spirit, lightspawn and northshire cleric as well as taunters and weird sized creatures(stuff like the 2/4 gnome that draws, 2/5 charger stormwind guy etc). Depends on the game obviously but sometimes you will win games against aggro decks purely on your ability to trade efficiently because you can heal up your minions after they trade. While generally a croc would do badly against a 2/2, as a priest you can trade then heal it up to full so it doesn't get druid/rogue/mage killed next turn.

I don't think it's top tier, but I don't think it's lower tier either, I feel it's a bit in the middle. And there's also 2 cards that let you change it, and while I think shadowform is shit because the change is permanent, auchenai is a pretty cool card. Changing your power into a 2dmg targetted nuke makes it into the best hero power in the game(I don't like shadowform because it kills your tempo and is almost unusable if you're behind without sealing your fate).

New Unleash the Hounds looks cool against certain decks, especially with the hunter synergies mentionned, Buzzard and Hyena, you can create a large amount of shit mobs and send them to die to trade efficiently(with a wolf or an orc leader) then reap massive benefits from those other cards. Also interesting pseudo synergy with Leeroy and could also consider it for Sea Giant.

That said, more interested in when they're patching. And if that's all they're doing(new features etc).


Vyemm Raider
These changes are pretty terrible, shattered sun cleric still the best 3 drop, argent commander still serving its purpose just fine, imp change does nothing, UTH and by extension hunters nerfed into oblivion. If you're unleashing for more than 3 zergling-hounds, you're already in a superbad position, and unleashing for 3 or less is awful for a 4 mana card, hoping to have a buzzard or hyena alive at that point and then to be able to do something with it is just wishful thinking.

I hate the direction they are taking with these changes, you can tell that everyone at blizzard only plays this game for like an hour a day to do their dailies and then they log off, and they are the same stupid bnet kiddies who whine about OTK hunters and mind control and get angry when their daily isn't mage. When they read the forums they stare at other people's problems like a monkey studying an algebra equation, then eeny-meeny-miny-moe to pick a solution from the comments.


Trakanon Raider
I don't know, I think the UTH change is really strong. I mean sure the one turn deck is now dead (for the better), but dropping a buzzard + hound on turn 6 is 5/4 worth of minions + 3 card draw, or even better, double buzzard + hound on turn 8 is a board full of minions + 7 new cards in hand. Seems very strong. Weakness is a single fan of knives / arcane explosion / whatever clears the entire field, but drawing 7 cards seems like it would still be worth it.


<Silver Donator>
Oh didn't notice the cost was 4. Severely dampens my estimation of the card then, still a good card to play if you have a combo setup ready, especially buzzard since you should draw like 3-4cards for it, which alone would make it an alright card and you get a bunch of crappy charges, but meh.

I think Shattered nerf is alright, it trades poorly with 1 and 2 drops now, directly, when before you'd generally need 2 or 3 drop to kill it and 2 or 3 to kill whatever it buffed(still need that). Probably a better nerf would have been hitting the buff though, making it +1/+0 instead, potentially both. Commander is a dumb card, should have buffed it to 4/4 and removed the divine shield. Imp is an ok nerf, warlocks need that health. Would have made Pyroblast 9mana too, so you can't pyro+frostblast or pyro+ping in the same turn. Hell even for 10 I think it'd be good.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Starving buzzard nerf is retarded.

"We felt that buzzard was to strong, so we made it weaker against some of the strongest classes hero powers and aoe removal, so now it is a loot hoarder that you can't play until turn 4"
These changes seem like a good start. I would like to have seen some changes to the absolute assfuck retardness that is mages thou.

I do like that they are making just making minor tweaks and seeing how it changes the gameplay instead of going wow-style where they basically always either completely destroy something or way overbuff it.


<Silver Donator>
What I wonder is what are they buffing, surely that's not all the changes. I mean there's a few OP cards that need to be nerfed sure, but there's like 3times as many cards that are absolute trash or slightly under budget. Could also use a bit more variety for certain roles, like silencing(to counter mages aoe freezing everything).


Potato del Grande
I had a killer Druid 1st hand yesterday. Two innervates and a Mana Coin = 2nd round Core Hound drop. GG.


Passengers aboard the hunter train, now disembark.
All aboard the mage train!


Unelected Mod
I think that hunter and warrior hero powers could use a buff, but not sure how to buff them without being OP or directly conflicting with other hero powers.

In general I think the main problem is the game is simply too fast. They need to slow everything down to make it more likely you can come back from a bad draw. Maybe add some initial health? Dunno.


Avatar of War Slayer
easy buff to warrior hero power would be "stances" or something.
Basically have it work like priest shadowform card.

Swaps the +2armor to +1 durability on weapon. While doesn't directly buff the armor portion. it adds a secondary option in how you can make use, and opens new tactics.

Hunter dunno off the top of my head.


I'm thinking +1 durability as a hero power on stuff like Arcanite Reapers and Gorehowls would be a touch overpowered.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Added durability to a weapon would be even worse, warriors don't really need anymore weapons then they already have and they have upgrade. Warriors could be something like +1 armor give a minion +1 health and hunter could be deal 1 damage to enemy hero and give a minion +1 attack. Don't know how feasible either of those are or how they synergize with their class, but those two hero powers are clearly the worst and it is because they have no effect on the board.


Vyemm Raider
gorehowl plus that would be ridic OP. Even just fiery or arcanite would be great... but 2 mana for another 7 damage to the face? sheeeeeet

I think making it 3 armor wouldn't be too bad. Warriors already take a lot of extra damage headbutting minions, and it's self only unlike the priests.

Maybe even making it targetable to minions would be good.... it'd be the same as the priest ability, except it lets you keep the enrage effects which the class is built around. Some minor tweaks to make it so some cards aren't too OP with it, like worgens.

Hunters you could maybe change it to something like a 2/1 beast with charge that flies at the opponent hero and suicides at the end of your turn. yes it would have good synergy with buzzard and hyena, but that's the point, hunters need some real help. tweak hyena so its ability is maybe only +1/+1, then change UTH to buff a random beast +3 or something like that so that the hero ability can maybe benefit from it.

the MAIN thing they need to adjust are all the garbage cards. the 0/4 taunt. the 1/4 taunt. the wisp. bloodsail corsair. there are tons of cards that are severely underbudget. bring them up to respectable levels instead of nerfing the 2-4 good cards in that slot and you'll see much more build diversity.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Mage is about the only fun class for me at the moment since it deals with the ultra agro meta going on in my games. Having board clears, and answers for imba combos just makes the game so much more like mtg for me. Can't stand games that are lost within the first 3 turns. If mage wasn't in the game I can't say i'd log in more than a couple times a month.

Can really tell people are netlisting quite a bit as well. Just can't respect people that don't come up with their own stuff.

The Master

Bronze Squire
I dunno, in Masters I run into a ton of different decks. Some of which are really weird... was playing a Shaman who seemed to be focusing on totems. He had Totemic Might, etc. It actually worked pretty well. Plus a ton of decks are the same 18 or whatever minions. Argent Squire, Knife Juggler, Shattered Sun Cleric, Yeti, Ogre, Harvest Golemn, Loot Hoarder, Novice Engineer, Argent Commander, Azure Drake, etc.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Playing around with a new Priest deck. A lot of my games are running into fatigue, but basically it focuses around efficient trades. Shadow Madness, Cabal Priest, Argent Commanders, Sylvannas, and Auchenai+Circle for board clear. No early game threats except Lightwardens and Injured Blademasters is a bit of an issue. Then Ragnaros and Prophet Velen as finishers. Primarily doing it for a change of pace, but I also kind of want golden Shattered Sun Clerics. Also working on a Druid deck for golden Novice Engineers. That... is not going well.


Trakanon Raider
Playing around with a new Priest deck. A lot of my games are running into fatigue, but basically it focuses around efficient trades. Shadow Madness, Cabal Priest, Argent Commanders, Sylvannas, and Auchenai+Circle for board clear. No early game threats except Lightwardens and Injured Blademasters is a bit of an issue. Then Ragnaros and Prophet Velen as finishers. Primarily doing it for a change of pace, but I also kind of want golden Shattered Sun Clerics. Also working on a Druid deck for golden Novice Engineers. That... is not going well.
You need to step away from Hearthstone...


Trakanon Raider
Weeeee playing against mass epics/legends every single game. Apparently everyone is playing annoying as fuck 25minute mages (all of them having x2 pyro, x2 blizzard, x2 spellbinder, x2 ice block. x2 counterspell. so fun to play against!!. Fuck this game.