

Trakanon Raider
Played for about an hour and won all the games I played (I'm a stinky mage so I simply use the auto deck builder, close my eyes and randomly click things and win). It was enough to get me to 2 star Shield Bearer (rank 20). The first ranks each have 2 stars. The second level of ranks have 3 stars. Each win has been giving me a star and because I had a win streak going it was giving me bonus stars (so I didn't need to win 12 or 13 games or whatever the number is).

As you'd expect the matching is completely random right now since everyone is starting at the bottom. My first opponent was using a basic Druid deck and I felt really bad pyroblasting him in the face. Those feelings of guilt vanished my second game when I had to overcome a Sylvanas, Prophet Velen and Ragnaros to win (I only run with one Pyroblast and topdecked it for the win which left one VERY angry priest who, by rights, should have beaten me). Rest of my opponents were a mixed bag in quality.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Played a few games, up to rank 21. Apparently you can't lose stars at that rank because I finally lost a game. So I wonder when you start losing stars.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Played a few games, up to rank 21. Apparently you can't lose stars at that rank because I finally lost a game. So I wonder when you start losing stars.
From the article:

All players first stepping foot into the revamped Ranked Play mode will start at Rank 25

Every time you find yourself victorious against your opponent, you'll gain a star above your medal. Collect enough stars, and you'll eventually find yourself attaining the next rank

As you progress through the ranks, you'll continue to be matched with opponents of equal or close-to-equal rank. If you hit a win streak, you may notice you collect more stars per win. However, once you progress up to Rank 20, a loss will cause you to lose stars, so play carefully! Win streaks will also end starting at Rank 5 through Rank 1, so every match will really count at those high ranks.


Molten Core Raider
uh so ive had a key for this sitting in my promotions folder, for a long ass time maybe someone here has a wildstar key thatd be sexy.
reward for winning 12 arena games:



Trakanon Raider
Also the adjusted arena rewards scare me, if 12 wins now equals the same thing that 9 wins was giving I don't see me playing arena much anymore.
So far

0-3 = Pack + 30G -- (from 2 chest)
0-3 = Pack + 30G -- (from 2 chest)

2-3 = Pack + 40G -- (from 2 chest)
2-3 = Pack + 50G -- (from 2 chest)

6-3 = Pack + 80G + 50d -- (from 3 chest)
6-3 = Pack + 130G -- (from 3 chest)
6-3 = Pack + 145G -- (from 3 chest)

7-3 = Pack + 180G -- (from 3 chest)

12-x = Pack + 505G -- (from 5 chest) ... WOW damn really?


Trakanon Raider
One other thing to note. The game "remembers" if you are on a winning streak or not. I closed out of the game, went out for a bit. When I came back and played another game, I won and it gave me the bonus stars for being on a win streak.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Damn son, so the rewards are actually a decent bit better and since you can play longer that means much more arena, looks like you got hosed with 2 golden commons teron. Thats actually looks about double the amount of gold/dust rewards 6 wins and below.


<Silver Donator>
Well from what it seems, 7wins always gets you 150g+pack, potentially more, under 7wins, it's rare you'll get 150g anymore because of the reduced pack and you can get extremely unlucky and get a card instead of gold, which isn't even necessarily a good card(the card seems entirely random, however it might not be gold or legendary, not sure). Over 9wins, you get a ton more rewards though, with gold values often hitting 300+g and apparently a high chance to get golden cards too. I guess contrary to the old system, it's worth going as far as you can(before it was mostly better to stop at 8 to get more gold than to go 9 and get a golden card but less gold than 8) as the number of wins seem to scale the max amount of gold per stack. Under 4wins looks worse in the current system though, you can get a card instead of gold and you basically just get one card+one pack, no gold at all, or if you get gold it tends to be 20-30g(above 4wins it bumps to 50+g but still random wether you get gold or not).

Oh and it seems they fucked up minions moving around MORE than it was before the patch, on top of the blood imp(and similar buff mobs like shattered, argus, stormwind) healing wounded creatures when it buffs them. Oh and apparently if you silence an enraged mob, it heals up to full when it removes the enrage. Hopefully they hotfix some of that shit.


Blackwing Lair Raider
You never got 150g below 7 wins to begin with. The worst I've ever finished is 2-3 which I've managed to do 3x and I got like 10-20g, a lot of 3 wins netted me 25g so derpa getting 40-50g on 2 wins is quite an increase.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah last night I got 60 on 5-3 so I'll take 40-50 for only winning two, especially since I suck at arena most of the time.


<Silver Donator>
You never got 150g below 7 wins to begin with. The worst I've ever finished is 2-3 which I've managed to do 3x and I got like 10-20g, a lot of 3 wins netted me 25g so derpa getting 40-50g on 2 wins is quite an increase.
Well before there was a huge variance and you could get higher gold, if you were lucky. Basically if you'd get all gold packs and some of them were max value at your wins. I've gotten 130ish from a 4wins prepatch, I doubt you can get that anymore. I think the biggest difference though is in the new system, when you have only 2bags and you get a common card, you're getting fucked in the ass. Even with 3bags getting a common card is a ton worse than before as even dust bags would give more dusts than common cards disenchant into. The rewards are a lot better on the top end, but they're at best only as good as they were before in the lower scores and can be a ton worse.

I don't care all that much I haven't done bad in a while, even that shaman deck I drafted earlier that had really fucking awful cards(no lightning storm, no forked lightning, no hex, no fire elem, no shattered/argus, only redeeming factor was one earth ele and 3 lightning bolts) still got me 7wins. Otherwise have been going 8-0 quite often then losing 3games on purpose to get more gold.

Also one thing that is beneficial for gold gains is the daily reroll thing. You drop your daily everyday if it's a 40g daily to try to get a higher reward daily(the ones where you have to win 5games or 7games). It's not much but it gives you a bit more gold everyday if you average it.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
lol, apparently the last arena i was doing before the patch was hunter with 3 buzzards and 3 shattered sun clerics. I don't like this deck anymore :x


Blackwing Lair Raider
Well before there was a huge variance and you could get higher gold, if you were lucky. Basically if you'd get all gold packs and some of them were max value at your wins. I've gotten 130ish from a 4wins prepatch, I doubt you can get that anymore. I think the biggest difference though is in the new system, when you have only 2bags and you get a common card, you're getting fucked in the ass. Even with 3bags getting a common card is a ton worse than before as even dust bags would give more dusts than common cards disenchant into. The rewards are a lot better on the top end, but they're at best only as good as they were before in the lower scores and can be a ton worse.

I don't care all that much I haven't done bad in a while, even that shaman deck I drafted earlier that had really fucking awful cards(no lightning storm, no forked lightning, no hex, no fire elem, no shattered/argus, only redeeming factor was one earth ele and 3 lightning bolts) still got me 7wins. Otherwise have been going 8-0 quite often then losing 3games on purpose to get more gold.

Also one thing that is beneficial for gold gains is the daily reroll thing. You drop your daily everyday if it's a 40g daily to try to get a higher reward daily(the ones where you have to win 5games or 7games). It's not much but it gives you a bit more gold everyday if you average it.
So because one time you got the 4 win gold reward equivalency to the guy who opened the pack with the golden legendary, legendary, epic, golden rare, and rare you think you'll get less gold at 4 wins?


<Silver Donator>
So because one time you got the 4 win gold reward equivalency to the guy who opened the pack with the golden legendary, legendary, epic, golden rare, and rare you think you'll get less gold at 4 wins?
There's a huge difference to me between dusts, which is only usable for constructed and only until a finite amount, and gold, which is usable for both and is required to do arenas. I like playing arenas, I don't like playing constructed. Also it wasn't as low of an odd, I don't think your chances of getting a gold legendary or a legendary are anything close to the chances you had of getting 4 bags of gold in old arena. I said once I had 130ish, but I'd say out of the 5-6times I got 4 or less, 3 of them had more than 80g total. I don't think you can get more than 50g currently until 4+wins. But yeah now you can maybe get a legendary. Hasn't been confirmed yet though, highest confirmation I've seen is rare, and not gold. It wouldn't be too surprising if you can't actually get golden cards until a certain level, or legendaries until a certain level.


Trakanon Raider
Haha 0 weapons in this Warrior Arena. The 2 cards not shown are Argent Squire x1 and Execute x1. OMG such a fun deck? the combos I have been pulling off are hilarious.