

New constructed is pretty addicting. I had to force myself to stop after playing for a couple hours straight. Climbing the ladder is a pretty fun carrot on a stick.

My warrior deck topped out around rank 20 where you start losing stars if you lose. Switched to my rogue deck and it made it to 17 after some streakiness and a little plateau at 18. I have yet to see a hunter or a shaman over rank 20. It's been mostly aggro locks, control mages, and paladins. I did play one priest at around rank 19, but just one.


I've run into quite a few druids at 18. Most hilarious thing I've seen so far is my Elite Tauren Chieftain Power Chord summoning a Cairne Bloodhoof. I've also had it summon a 2/2 Grunt so that card is a bit of a crapshoot.


Trakanon Raider
I played a series of 5 mages in a row. A warlock. Another Mage.

I'm not, quite, on the nerf mages bandwagon but they are obviously a FOTM class right now (which stinks because that's what I primarily play).


Blackwing Lair Raider
Checked my promotions tab in Gmail and I got an invite yesterday, I guess they're still sending them out.


Trakanon Raider
Getting bored of this RNG! My last 4 arenas. Priest without a single Shadow Word of any kind, no Holy Nova, no Northshire Clerics/Lightspawns or Mind Controls. Mage without a single Fireball/Frostbolt/Flamestrike/Blizzard/Polymorph and then despite doing well, a Warrior without a single weapon. Then I play against people that get ridiculous amounts of everything. I have a great Warrior deck right now, but I just played against a Mage with Blizzard, x2 Flamestrike, x3 Fireball, x1 Pyroblast, x2 Frostbolt and x2 Polymorph. What the fuck? Before that I had a Priest with 3 Mind Controls. Hate losing to bad players.

I've been using unconventional tricks to get card advantage/card draw with Warrior and it's been a blast and very successful as people don't expect it. Acolyte of Pain + Cruel Taskmaster or Battle Rage = <3 and Auctioneer can do some sick shit.


Trakanon Raider
Wow finally a decent draft. Haha it's like 3 cards from being constructed. I deserve to be shot if I don't get 9 + wins with this.

Edit: LOL NM RNG hates me. Just lost a game with 8 cards left, 2 of them being Blizzard/Flamestrike/Cone of Cold x2/x2/x2 hahahha. Then I played against a Mage with early Ragnoros and 3 Frost Novas where the Ragnoros hit ME 3 times in a row despite there being 5 creatures on the board. Wow this game.

I really wish they'd shorten the time you have for your turns. It's getting ridiculous lately. Has anyone else noticed how slow players are recently? Just had a 40minute game with a Druid that went down to 0 cards and died of fatigue, he ran the timer almost every single turn. He had 2 Faceless Manipulators (which he copied my Sea Giant and Molten Giant with), an Ancient of War, an Ancient of Lore and Cenarius. and yet his turns took the max almost every time. He kept doing this thing where he'd look as if he was going to play something, he'd drag the card to the field, then pull it back, then do it again, then again, then another card, then back, and then wait 10 seconds, and then use his hero power. Almost every fucking turn.

Edit 2: Ummm what are the chances of playing 2 different druids in the same draft with 2 faceless manipulators each? wtf? Oh god my luck...

NOT a fan of the new graphics, they feel really, really awkward (e.g. Mana Wyrm or Silence).


Trakanon Raider
Feel bad for my friend he already is done with arena because of its RNG and how the game plays, he in the same boat as me now.

Play constructed to finish up the dailies and then log off. Once they add more rewards to constructed I'll most likely play it more.


Trakanon Raider
@Mr. MorrowGirl - There's still plenty of skill involved with making crappy draft choices work. Moreover, it's much better to think through your moves and all possible outcomes in order to ensure you win. It's not about one slick move that will win you the game, it's about gaining little advantages that build up over time. Here, just read this:

Vivafringe??Ts Guide to Arena | iHearthU.com - Hearthstone News, Articles, Guides Community
I've just had a ridiculous string of bad luck and RNG lately. I went 7-3 with that draft above. With my skill level I should have hit 10wins+ no problem. I make shitty decks hit 7 wins all the time, but fuck me has it been annoyingly messed up lately. A string of bad RNG is really pissing me off. The 3 games I lost you would not have believed the RNG. there was a game where a guy had a Mad Bomber do something that was statistically around 4% or like Ragnoros doing something around the lines of 1%. Just uggggh. You get an amazing draft like that and you are happy that finally the RNG is on your side, and then it laughs in your face. 7-3 with that above draft is an atrocity.

So far with the new Arena I got 105 gold for 5 wins. 180 for 7 wins and 265 for 9 wins. Not sure which system I prefer. I do NOT like getting stupid fucking commons that aren't even golden. Such a waste.


Trakanon Raider
So far with the new Arena I got 105 gold for 5 wins. 180 for 7 wins and 265 for 9 wins. Not sure which system I prefer. I do NOT like getting stupid fucking commons that aren't even golden. Such a waste.
So far this is the latest from pooling together data. (Just C&P the guy's post)

0-3 = Pack + 30G -- (from 2 chest) ... this is not bad, just 20G from breaking even
0-3 = Pack + 30G -- (from 2 chest)
0-3 = Pack + 30G -- (from 2 chest)

1-3 = Pack + 1 common card -- (from 2 chest)
1-3 = Pack + 30d
1-3 = Pack + 30d
1-3 = Pack + 35d

2-3 = Pack + 40G -- (from 2 chest)
2-3 = Pack + 45G -- (from 2 chest)
2-3 = Pack + 50G -- (from 2 chest)

4-3 = Pack + 60G + Common
4-3 = Pack + 75G -- (from 3 chest)

5-3 = Pack + 60G + rare card -- (from 3 chest)
5-3 = Pack + 55G + 55d -- (from 3 chest)
5-3 = Pack + 115G -- (from 3 chest)

6-3 = Pack + 80G + common card -- (from 3 chest)
6-3 = Pack + 80G + 50d -- (from 3 chest)
6-3 = Pack + 130G -- (from 3 chest)
6-3 = Pack + 145G -- (from 3 chest)

7-3 = Pack + 150G + 40d -- (from 3 chest)
7-3 = Pack + 170G -- (from 3 chest)
7-3 = Pack + 180G -- (from 3 chest)

8-3 = Pack + 175G + golden common -- (from 4 chest)
8-3 = Pack + 200G
8-3 = Pack + 205G
8-3 = Pack + 220G

9-3 = Pack + 150G + 2 gold cards
9-3 = Pack + 160G + golden common + common
9-3 = Pack + 175G + golden common
9-3 = Pack + 180G + golden rare

10-3 = Pack + 185G + 75d + golden common
10-3 = Pack + 270G + golden rare
10-3 = Pack + 285G + 90d
10-3 = Pack + 370G

11-3 = Pack + 205G + 80d + Golden card
11-3 = Pack + 360G + Golden Epic
11-3 = Pack + 485G

12-1 = 2Packs + 255G + golden wisp <<< (LOL)
12-1 = Pack + 315G + 25d + Golden Rare
12-0 = Pack + 335G + Golden Common
12-2 = Pack + 475G + Golden Rare
12-2 = Pack + 490G + Rare
12-? = Pack + 505G -- (from 5 chest)

***** CONCLUSION: *****
- you still need 7 wins to guarantee you 150G (another free Arena entry)
- seems like 8 wins and 9 wins now yield you less gold than before, I remember I could retire at 8 wins and can get around 220G to 285G, looks like blizzard wants to emphasize on card collection (give out more cards / golden etc).
- which means in order to play infinite arena, your winning average will have to higher than before

- the gold you get from getting 10/11/12 wins varies widely (above shows with 12 wins it ranges from 180G to 505G)
- there seems to be a pattern, ones you get to the past the 8win mark, the chances of you running into a mage significantly increases, not conclusive, just saying.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Holy shit is ranked so addicting for me now. Got to rank 18 without dropping a game then kept trying to get to 17 and kept going back and forth between 2 and 3 stars. My paladin is so shit tier now
I don't want to break out the mage deck so time to find a shaman or rogue deck I like.


Trakanon Raider
That deck is not as great as you think it is...though with good draw rng it should be able to get 7 wins
That deck is amazing. It's like 4-5 cards off from basically being a top constructed deck. It should have easily gotten 9+ wins. I managed 7 wins even with the worst RNG ever. Even the game I mentioned above with Cenarius I won. same with the other Druid that used Faceless manipulator x2 on my Giants. Still won. Pretty much all 10 games were horrible RNG and I still managed 7 wins. But ah well, 7 wins ain't so bad. I just really wanted to try to get to the new top end today and that was the deck to do it.

The new spell effects are driving me nuts. Please tell me I'm not the only one going crazy here? They don't feel fluid at all anymore. They don't feel smooth and instant the way they did before, particularly silence. It's really clunky now, horrible change.


<Silver Donator>
That deck is amazing. It's like 4-5 cards off from basically being a top constructed deck. It should have easily gotten 9+ wins. Eh, 7 isn't so bad tho I guess.
Not really no. It doesn't have a bunch of cone of colds/blizzard/frost nova/ice blocks to stall for giants, which there's only 2 of anyway, nor does it have the direct damage to face rush then nuke and finish at 8. Only one fireball, no pyro, no ice lances(not great but does quite a bit of direct damage) means you're not gonna nuke the face and most likely use the the nukes for control. However you also have a bunch of small cards, most of which aren't good combat cards, no shattered, no commander, no dark iron, one argus. Only 2 giants have more than 4 damage as creatures, and the giants are fairly conditional and can be dead cards for many turns(especially molten if you're controlling a lot). Very little drawing so you can't quickly spam your small creatures when they inevitably die in trades.

It definitely has good cards, but imo the deck looks a little weak and I wouldn't expect to get more than 6-7wins out of it. Unless you get heavy momentum and keep drawing the right stuff, you'll run out of steam before you can finish your opponent. The only way I see it winning against good decks would be if the opponent gets derpy and overextend into flamestrike or blizzard, or if you get the giants out without him having any sort of answer at all.

I got 9 wins with a fairly similar deck earlier, I had a lot of good cards, but not enough draw, not enough lategame, not enough direct nuking(unless I could keep my one frost bolt to combo with my one ice lance). I ended up with 9wins but the last 3 wins were pure luck, I top decked twice for a win one turn before death(fireball and the other I top decked frostbolt with icelance in hand) and the other game guy must have had shit for draws cause he pretty much didn't play anything for 4turns.

I find myself building more top heavy lately as unless you're warlock or get lucky on neutrals and/or class cards that give draw, doing an aggro deck when you're not guaranteed to get the good aggro cards(mostly the buffer cards so you can trade you 2 and 3 mana crap for 4 and 5mana mobs) I find a bit pointless. I'd rather smooth the curve and add more lategame options because most games tend to go to 10turns or more and once you're at 0-2cards in your hand you don't want to be drawing a raptor. Varies depending on the class though, don't mind it as much on druid because of mark of the wild/mark of nature, can make shitty creatures into good ones easily. I'll generally draft 5-7cards for 5mana and more though, potentially more if they're good ones and I have decent early control.