

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah joust is awful. The King's Eleck seems ok for midrange hunter, other than that its so inconsistent in the currrent meta atmosphere. I've had terrible luck with master taunter in arena. The tusker dude is stupid too, might as well run healbot and have the ensured healing.


Trakanon Raider
Starting to see Patron creep back in already. Sad times. Ranked is so awful, I don't know how anyone does it. It is so repetitive and soulless. But Arena is dead to me atm with the random packs and the increased card pool. Interest in this game quickly, quickly waning. Once the meta shakes out and becomes 100% monotony again, it'll be just bad.

By the way. Fuck jousting. Joust cards have worked in my favor like 3 times out of 40+ games. Fucking stupid.

Sorry salty about losing because of that shit.
Your fault for putting in shitty Joust cards. They are all awful except for maybe King's Elekk because of what Angelwatch said below.


Trakanon Raider
Kings Elekk works because a failed joust is still a 2 mana 3/2 Beast. Boring but perfectly fine for the cost. Most Joust cards seem over costed if the joust fails and under costed if the joust wins.


Tranny Chaser
It's like a River Crocolisk with upsides!

Elekk can also be used as a psuedo tutor effect for a specific dude like Emperor Tharissan. The Hunter combo deck that runs a couple dudes and tutors up Emps isn't really there yet but it's something to remember exists.


Trakanon Raider
The smallest of sample sizes but I played two games as Secrets Paladin. Both games I just stalled until turn 6, dropped Mysterious Challenger and won the game. Both times were scary since I was against really hardcore Aggro Decks but I got SO much value out of Mysterious Challenger that my opponent wasn't able to recover.


The smallest of sample sizes but I played two games as Secrets Paladin. Both games I just stalled until turn 6, dropped Mysterious Challenger and won the game. Both times were scary since I was against really hardcore Aggro Decks but I got SO much value out of Mysterious Challenger that my opponent wasn't able to recover.
thats the plan


JunkiesNetwork Donor
Aviana is really pulling me out of some jams today. Playing against Dragon Priest and the fucker has four minions on board and mine's empty on turn 8. Turn 9 Aviana + Innervate + AoW + Kel Thuzad. Turn 10 Belcher and Ragnaros. Concede.


Trakanon Raider
Amnesia as a streamer gives the most information of any streamer I've watched, but it does get annoying watching a highschool kid with ADD bounce around stop.


<Bronze Donator>
I don't know what to think about this secret Paladin. It feels stupidly inconsistent

How is this really a thing that people think is actually good. God there are so many ways for you to just outright lose


Trakanon Raider
Still a small sample size but I'm 4 wins out of 5 with Secrets Paladin.

2 games were close up until I dropped Mysterious Challenger. 2 Games were won in a dominant fashion. The 1 loss came against a Priest which built their deck to hard counter Secrets Paladin (so yes people are starting to catch on).

It's actually a lot more consistent than people give it credit for. Unless my curve is super high (unlikely but the netdeck I'm using does run Boom and Tirion) I will actually mulligan for Mysterious Challenger. Opening hand with a Shielded Mini Bot, Haunted Creeper and Mysterious Challenger? I'm going to keep it all. One of the things people like to say about how this deck is doomed to failure is that it's really easy to end up holding a bunch of 1 cost Secrets. Yes this is possible. But with Divine Favor I just dump all of those for super cheap and restock my hand. One game I did just that. Turn 4 I played a Hero Power and 2 Secrets (was against a Hunter so had the added bonus of testing for Flare). Turn 5 I drew a Creeper so played that first and then Divine Favored which pulled Mysterious Challenger and a couple more cards. So far in all 5 games I've played with it, I've had MC on Turn 6 (or Turn 5 + Coin).

The deck still isn't optimized similar to early Patron Warrior decks. But I think that thing has legs and will be refined to a really scary deck. The current versions aren't bad. Just load up on sticky minions with Divine Shields or Deathrattles and then pop MC on Turn 6.


Trakanon Raider
6 Cancer Hunters in a row at rank 10. Anyone else seeing this?

I've played against Secret Paladin twice and both times, their Mysterious Challenger came out alone and was easily, easily dealt with. That's just been my small sample size tho. I do think it's dumb that Competitive Spirit doesn't trigger if you don't have any minions. That shit should fizzle! Edit: Okay, just lost to my first secret Paladin. I didn't have anything to play until turn 4 as a token Pal. If I literally had anything to play or drew a consecrate I would have stomped him tho.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Eh, ram wrangler, really? The biggest hits of TGT so far are definitely secret/token pallies and dragon priest, with new shamans a somewhat distant third.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I like how I got fucking win five tavern brawls today, maybe that's my fault for swapping my quest early morning prior to the brawl going down. I've been wondering if that quest only pops when there's an active brawl, anyone know?


Trakanon Raider
Eh, ram wrangler, really? The biggest hits of TGT so far are definitely secret/token pallies and dragon priest, with new shamans a somewhat distant third.
Agreed, but less so on secret pallies, which will die out. Token pallies, yes, very much so.

Arena Pack Rewards for me thus far:

Classic: 4
GvG: 3
TGT: 1

This will be my last arena run for a long time, average win # is down for everybody, packs suck, it's just not worth it. It's the end of an era.