

4 tgt packs in 4 arena here. I didnt get anything good however.
I just put together a dreadsteed deck. Only played 2 games so far though. It is a good change of pace and quite fun.


Trakanon Raider
Watching Noxious streams for the past few days and he is really bitching about RNG in this game. I think most people would say he's got a point too. It's not just the sheer amount of RNG in the game which is a problem by itself but also the fact that some of the best cards are RNG cards. For example Piloted Shredder is an RNG card and is also the undisputed king of the 4 drops. It's outclassed the old staples like Sen'Jins and Yetis by a considerable margin. Animal Companion is a 3 drop and all 3 outcomes are "good." Even lowly Leokk can swing games hard if you have a board and Huffer can outright win games on Turn 3 in an Aggro Hunter deck. Good old Dr. Boom is the same way with the boom bots. They're among the best cards in their slot and they have RNG effects that not only effect the outcome of the game but in many cases determine it.

Not complaining or anything. Just something I was thinking about.


Trakanon Raider
I've always had rage moments with Hearthstone, but it wasn't until TGT that I started having borderline death threat level rage toward the developers. I won't go that full retard, but I can feel it in my dark, blackened soul.

Edit: Posted this and then saw Angelwatch's post pop up above mine after posting. This is why I am feeling so much rage, the RNG is now too high. It is no longer 95% horizontal RNG, but all over the place. An Avenging Wrath has horizontal RNG, you know it is going to do 8 damage, even if you don't know where it will go. A Ram Wrangler has complete vertical RNG, you can get 1 damage, or 8 damage charge. It's out of control.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I would rate Piloted Shredder and Mad Scientist as the two most broken cards in the game. Mad Scientist just because the effect is absolutely retarded, and Piloted Shredder because it legitimately caused a substantial amount of power creep. You can't really call Dr Boom power creep because even though he's the new standard for 7 drops, there was no standard before him, the majority of decks just skipped straight from 6 to 8. Piloted Shredder completely destroyed the balance of the midgame because it's not only way more power and toughness than a 4 drop should have, but it's also set up into two packages to protect it from mass removal. And then you randomly get the nuts draw with a milhouse, succubus, or now wrathguard meaning you got 8 attack and 6+ health out of a 4 drop. Or when you occasionally get fucked by an oddball like Doomsayer or Cho. When playtesting token druid I actually got fucked by Cho out of a shredder twice in a 4 game stretch.

So instead of fixing piloted shredder, they just amped the power creep even more by adding a 3/6 taunt for 4.


I would rate ironbeak owl as one of the most powerful cards in the game. No other card enables whole archetypes and also stops other archetypes from being dominant


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I've always had rage moments with Hearthstone, but it wasn't until TGT that I started having borderline death threat level rage toward the developers. I won't go that full retard, but I can feel it in my dark, blackened soul.

Edit: Posted this and then saw Angelwatch's post pop up above mine after posting. This is why I am feeling so much rage, the RNG is now too high. It is no longer 95% horizontal RNG, but all over the place. An Avenging Wrath has horizontal RNG, you know it is going to do 8 damage, even if you don't know where it will go. A Ram Wrangler has complete vertical RNG, you can get 1 damage, or 8 damage charge. It's out of control.
Avenge isn't really the problem by itself though, the only reason you're dealing with it is the existence of Challenger.


Molten Core Raider
Pretty sure you are confusing Avenge and Avenging Wrath...And you are missing the entire point of why Wrath was referenced.


So, new season has started and it's seriously 80% paladins in the ladder. I farmed a bunch of those with my freeze mage, but i have no interest playing the same matchup again and again. Will wait a week or so till the meta settles.


I would rate ironbeak owl as one of the most powerful cards in the game. No other card enables whole archetypes and also stops other archetypes from being dominant
If it was an instant like in other games playable during someone else's turn you would be 100% right. It allows cards to get effects off though and just hurts them afterwards.


Trump's Staff
So, new season has started and it's seriously 80% paladins in the ladder. I farmed a bunch of those with my freeze mage, but i have no interest playing the same matchup again and again. Will wait a week or so till the meta settles.
Secret Paladin has a positive matchup against literally everything except Patron Warrior and Midrange Hunters playing 2 Flare. It's not going to go away, there's no reason to play anything else right now.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
This fucking secret paladin shit makes me long for the days when Huntertaker was all over the place. Who the fuck wants to play against a never ending parade of Paladin douches? The devs must hate their own game.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
I'm thinking the dev who worked on hunters got switched to paladins after BRM.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Except there was no good counter to Huntertaker except faster Huntertaker. There are at least 3 decks (freeze mage, patron, midrange hunter w/flares) with favorable matchups vs pallysecret. Tempo Mage with double missile is also pretty good against them.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I honestly think the devs/analysts had data showing that, over the past year (or since launch + adventures and expansions), paladin secrets were rarely played. If ever. So they thought they should give them a "reason" to. Not realizing the reasons WHY they weren't being played, thus you have cards like Mysterious Challenger.