

Trakanon Raider
Wow what the fuck. I thought they said in the patch notes that Duplicate wouldn't take so long? I just lost 10 damage because of lag and Duplicate being triggered which made it so I couldn't attack because it took up 8 seconds of the fucking rope. Lost the game because of it. I swear to god I read in the patch notes that it wouldn't do that anymore. I am so annoyed. It was an extremely complicated turn and I needed to kill a Sludge Belcher to then attack with my 7/1 Flesheating Ghoul and another 3 attack creature. I think I have enough time to do it because you can swing fast, but of course, Duplicate triggers and takes 900000 fucking seconds of animations before I can even click or queue any attacks and bam my turn ends and he pings my ghoul. Does anyone, anyone at all like the delay between all the spell animations? It's awful. Anyone else remember back in beta when it was much, much smoother? Down to every spell and mage ability, even silencing was quicker and more pleasing to the eye. That shit is so infuriating. I remember back in beta when the spell animations and abilities were MUCH smoother. Then they randomly, silently changed it to the SHIT that it is now.


Trakanon Raider
Having the animations isn't terrible. But not pausing the turn countdown while they're playing is just fucking amateur. This is Blizzard, though.
I feel your pain.


Trakanon Raider
Having the animations isn't terrible. But not pausing the turn countdown while they're playing is just fucking amateur. This is Blizzard, though.
I feel your pain.
Did you play before they changed it so all spells have longer animations? I can see how if you don't know what you are missing it wouldn't be terrible, but it was much, much better when all effects were instant. You still had nice animations, but they happened instantly, instead of this annoying delay we have now. Which is ironic, because Blizzard is all about pleasing, smooth tactile effects. WoW is all about it, and their philosophy is that when you use an ability, it should happen instantly. There should be no delay between hitting the ability and it taking effect, yet in HS it's the exact fucking opposite and it certainly isn't pleasing.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Anyone else had their friendslist display coming up all fucked up lately? I tab out a lot which probably has something to do with it, but it doesn't resolve without restarting the game.


Trakanon Raider
Reynad just 3/0ed Firebat with Mech Mage in Battle of the Best finals. Get ready for more Mech Mage on the ladder!

It was a pretty impressive tournament deck. It teched in Black Knight (like I said, it's a target rich environment) and Bling-Fucking-Tron. Made for some crazy RNG but it almost always went in Reynad's favor.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Murlocs place well in that too or something? After a month+ since seeing a murloc in constructed, just went 3 murloc games in a row.... (and trounced all three without breaking a sweat... just weird to see murlocs back)


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
I have no idea who strifecro is talking to but damn if I dont like it since he helps me see the game in other ways.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Strife just said he wanted to "develop" his tinker oil. Once again confusing me about what "develop" means in this game.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Develop in chess lingo means to move a piece to a more active location. I think. Dunno how/why that would apply to HS.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Strife just said he wanted to "develop" his tinker oil. Once again confusing me about what "develop" means in this game.
Play on the board. Like if I am looking at my Assassins's Blade for max value that is 3-4 turns (3 with Blade Furry, 4 without) of using that weapon. When I develop it therefore matters and can impact all future turns. Tinker Oil is a card that can stuck in your hand, so you want to develop it at the right time. It isn't a standard CCG term, Strife must have picked it up from another game. Probably chess.


<Silver Donator>
The way I've seen it used mostly is to play a card that doesn't have a direct immediate impact to make use of your mana and put you in a better position in the future. For example a warrior playing a weapon when he has nothing to attack and just passing with it, "developping" it so that in the future turns he can just swing without paying the mana cost. Rogue with deadly/tinker oil. It's also used when playing a battlecry minion just to put something on the board even without using the battlecry, for example using BGH on an empty board against an aggro deck(no viable targets for it/you have 2 of them, and you just want a 4/2 on the board rather than do nothing and pass to challenge whatever comes next).

It's a thing some guy starts saying and then a few more people say it and it eventually becomes everyone saying it, like a lot of the dota/lol nomenclature which was pretty much invented by random people.


Molten Core Raider
Still getting wrecked in arena. I feel like if I'm going to win I'm going to have to try to go for a sort of early aggro type deck.

I'll just keep practicing I guess.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Still getting wrecked in arena. I feel like if I'm going to win I'm going to have to try to go for a sort of early aggro type deck.

I'll just keep practicing I guess.
Agro decks in arena generally do very poorly. If you try and draft one on purpose and get unlucky in your later picks, that is an easy 0-3. Generally up to ~5 wins in arena a lot of people go face and sometimes they win as a result, but those aren't agro decks, those are players who don't know how to do anything but go face. You never see that shit at 7+ wins, except for the occasional insane Hunter or Warlock draft. Keep playing the value game and eventually you'll stop losing to the face players.


Its because agro decks aren't designed for win streaks. They are made to get you around a 50% win rate on the ladder when the slower decks are out.

Hence not good for Arena


Molten Core Raider
I see, I guess I'll keep trying with that program then.

Anyway, I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions for my Priest deck. It started out as a net deck, until I realized I didn't have all of the cards for it, but also realized I can do some sick shit with what I did have at the time. Any recommendations?

2 x Circle of Healing
2 x Inner Fire
2 x Power Word: Shield
2 x Northshire Cleric
2 x Divine Spirit
2 x Echoing Ooze
2 x Lightwell
2 x Shadowboxer
2 x Velen's Chosen
2 x Dark Cultist
2 x Deathlord
2 x Injured Blademaster
2 x Stoneskin Gargoyle
2 x Lightspawn
2 x Sunwalker

I feel it's in a decent place, but is in need of some tuning now that I have more cards these days. Any suggestions?