

marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Think the creativity level has left everyone who works on Hearthstone. Time to fire.


Trakanon Raider
Just played a guy in arena with 2 Mechwarpers and 6 Shielded Minibots as the entirety of his 2 drops. He also drew/played them all in the first 7 turns as well as a Muster for Battle and 2 Truesilvers. Also, don't forget the Cult Master he played the turn after Muster. Lol. Not even salty. The game before that I beat a Mage that used 4 Fireballs, but was a horrible player. I finally drew lethal and pinged him for 1 and Fireball'd him for 7 to kill him. He went on to chain add me bitching about how lucky I was. 1 Fireball > 4 Fireballs apparently. In between the chain adds I saw that he must have went 1-3. This game is really entertaining sometimes.

Another interesting card with a bad implementation (making it a 6 drop). Maybe Blizz actually really loves Patron and wants it to be there forever? Not that this is super relevant to Patron, since you'd have to have your Patron out first, but jesus. What's going on over there in terms of design vision? I think it's too gimmicky to actually play around, but with enough Enrage minions in a deck it could still have potential. I just don't see a Boulderfist Ogre with a small chance of triggering Enrage being that viable. Sigh, it's too bad they made it a 6 drop. Woulda been a potentially interesting card to test in another mana slot. Seems Warrior will always get proper synergy while they can't seem to figure out how to give other classes decent complex synergy? I wish it was a Pirate; how exactly is a "Sea Plunderer" NOT a Pirate anyways?


Trakanon Raider
Icehowl is bad but at least they're learning that high cost minions need to do something the turn they are played?

I don't think he would be playable yet but if he had 12 attack at least he could knock out Ysera or Malygos.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
That really feels like it should get a cost reduction unless there's a ton more Frenzy all of a sudden.


Trakanon Raider
That really feels like it should get a cost reduction unless there's a ton more Frenzy all of a sudden.
I wonder why we haven't seen an Inspire: Whirlwind yet. Shit though, I hope we don't. Warriors have enough draw/triggers as it is.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
That warrior card is terrible. What a terrible Epic card. Wow. It's a Boulderfist Ogre which is a BASIC card... this thing is EPIC. What the fuck?


Icehowl looks bad on paper but theorizing uses has me intrigued.

For example, plugging him into a Shaman deck sounds fun. 9 Mana: Drop him and kill a minion. 10 Mana: Silence+Windfury for 20 damage to face. Probably still sucks but at least he actually can do something the turn he's played and it's going to be hard to deal with without BGH or a hard removal.

Also on 10 mana Icehowl+Rockbiter can kill anything in the game. Seems like a decent 1-of for Shaman at least, in the right deck


Trakanon Raider
That warrior card is terrible. What a terrible Epic card. Wow. It's a Boulderfist Ogre which is a BASIC card... this thing is EPIC. What the fuck?


Icehowl looks bad on paper but theorizing uses has me intrigued.

For example, plugging him into a Shaman deck sounds fun. 9 Mana: Drop him and kill a minion. 10 Mana: Silence+Windfury for 20 damage to face. Probably still sucks but at least he actually can do something the turn he's played and it's going to be hard to deal with without BGH or a hard removal.

Also on 10 mana Icehowl+Rockbiter can kill anything in the game. Seems like a decent 1-of for Shaman at least, in the right deck
If it was 8 mana, it would be an interesting Reincarnate and/or Windfury combo.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Icehowls phrasing and how Sacrifice Demon still works on Jaraxxus makes me wonder if Icehowl can attack Jaraxxus in minion mode but not hero mode.

Seems like an interaction that would be on a FAQ to clarify. Logic tells me that ANY hero can't be - but that same logic would make sac demon not work as we know it operates, so....


Trakanon Raider
Icehowls phrasing and how Sacrifice Demon still works on Jaraxxus makes me wonder if Icehowl can attack Jaraxxus in minion mode but not hero mode.

Seems like an interaction that would be on a FAQ to clarify. Logic tells me that ANY hero can't be - but that same logic would make sac demon not work as we know it operates, so....
No, because Jaraxxus is both a Demon and a Hero when he replaces your hero, so that's not the right logic there. But when he's just on the Battlefield, I'd imagine he is only a Demon. YOU, the player, are the hero. So I'm 99.99% sure that you could of course attack Jaraxxus the minion, but not Jaraxxus the hero.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I'm not so sure, Jaraxxus text says:
Destroy your hero, and replace him with Lord Jaraxxus.

I'm not sure Jaraxxus is a hero at all. So Icehowl might be able to attack him.

It could go either way though, probably will have to wait and see to know for sure.


Trakanon Raider
Aren't they doing maintenance today? I'm stuck in the office today so I'm not totally sure but I thought today was a maintenance day.