Am I missing something? Wtybill could have popped Ice Block leaving Chessdude at 1hp a turn earlier than he did by using Thalnos. No one even saw it, and he could have played a doomsayer with it killing a possible Alexstraza
Looks like blizz is learning their lesson with board floods. Card is ass. Dark whispers never gets played and druid has better tools for buffing tokens.
Edit: thought dark whispers was 5 mana instead of 6... don't think the 1 mana less will matter much anyway.
First reaction is that Hogger doesn't look too bad. Decent body and ability and you should be guaranteed to get one Gnoll off of him.
With that said I remember Troggzor and he could easily be another one of those. If you're behind than the opponent can ignore him and keep applying pressure (or just win the game as a lot of decks are able to do by turn 7).
Well he's arguably better than Troggzor since your opponent has to give you at least one dude unless they can kill him with something like swd/siphon. And if you can't kill him in a single hit he gets even better. This might be standard playable considering how much power is rotating out. Obviously he's no boom, but that's a respectable generic 7 drop.
Giant Sandworm: Hunter Epic. 8/8 for 8 mana. If this minion kills another minion it may attack again.
Way too slow for Hunter. It doesn't fit their class at all. It also has zero board impact the turn it plays (even with Standard this is still, almost, a requirement for an 8 drop). It really seems that Blizzard wants to create a Control Hunter archetype but I just don't see that happening unless they change the Hero Power and get rid of things that are extremely aggro oriented.
Well I think it's more that they have to be super careful about giving hunter more aggro tools. Doesn't take much to flip the deck from shit tier to top tier.
That's a really, really strong effect. It's funny that it's coming as Belcher is going away. I wouldn't rule it out completely, but yeah there would have to be a hunter meta switch for it to see use in any decks.
Would be sorta interesting. I assume it would have to be either a hero replacement legend like Jaraxxus or something that changes your hero power like Shadowform.
Probably a hero replacement legend since it wouldn't make much sense for Magni to be getting corrupted. Maybe have his hero power be +1 hero attack permanently. Maybe make him quite a bit cheaper than Jaraxxus too.