

<Bronze Donator>
Since...TGT I think?...the cards from the newest set have an offering bonus. I don't remember was for TGT, but I think 50% for LoE and WoG.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
How about a modifier that cuts the chances to get flamestrike!
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<Bronze Donator>
Offering bonus on anything not classic indirectly does that. But I hear you, flamestrike's impact weighs heavily on the arena. Even with only a 20% chance for a mage to have it by turn 7(and that was WoG, not sure what the number is now, likely lower), just win a few games and that chance goes up because flamestrike is so good in this faster arena meta. Nothing else quite ruins your game like flamestrike because it's so hard not to play into it.

Which is a bit ironic because of firelands portal. Play into flamestrike or play into firelands portal? It's almost impossible not to do one or the other.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Fine, have a ban one other class option at your draft. Let all the mages play each other.
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<Bronze Donator>
Sounds like overkill, but I seriously like that idea. I think arena players are going to be sick of mages(more so than they already are :rolleyes:) by the end of the KZ meta. High offering bonus on a good 2 drop and firelands portal is going to make mage noticeably better than its only other competitor: rogue.

Maybe take it a step further and change up the offering bonus from month to month. Like spells under 5 mana are offered more this season. IDK, something like that. Long enough for people to adapt, but not too long for it to get stale, and powerful enough to promote real change in the meta.

It's essentially a tavern brawl/arena hybrid. But it won't suck as much as tavern brawl because the rewards will be substantial.
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marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Jesus, series between Dog and Eversiction just now was crazy good.
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Trakanon Raider
had a hunter deck with 4x kindly grandmother.. have had at least 1 babbling book in each mage.. yea it did feel a little overdone.
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Trakanon Raider
Also, maybe its just been my luck, but I've played hunter a few times lately and all done pretty well. I normally average about 4.5 wins, but my 3 hunter runs (before the disconnect one I bitched about earlier) have all been over 6 wins, 6, 8 and 9 wins. I knew hunter got better with this expansion, but I think they might be upwards of 4th/5th best now. Simply because going pretty aggressive tends to work against most people and hunter does it better then most. Having lots of sticky/deathrattle minions that are on curve, lots of curve cards in general, plus cheap removal/tempo plays (powershot, cloaked huntress + traps, etc..) to swing the board around turns 4-6. Very few classes have the tools to keep up with you, and you put enough pressure that even a flamestrike/bog creeper type of play generally isn't enough and you can just finish them off with your hero power even if it is.

The only problem I've run into is a good paladin deck, specifically consecration. It blunts your early aggression so they stay at a health life total. Then, because you normally don't want to make trades yourself, you open yourself up to a minion getting buffed crazy.
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<Bronze Donator>
I think some sort of Dragon Thief Rogue deck might work. I might have to try to figure something out. I'm thinking something along the lines of Nefarian 2x Azure Drake maybe a book worm? Then cards with Dragon synergy, plus all the steal a card cards. Maybe Twilight Drake?

I dunno, I think it could work. Lots of potential
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Book Wyrm is pretty good for sure. I made a Battlecry Reno Mage that focuses on Dragons.
13 Battlecries in the deck and Brann of course. Of course Reno means it still needs Reno to survive vs aggro so not consistent there.

I think Paladin or Priest has a hidden Dragon deck somewhere. Healing is very necessary in this meta.
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<Bronze Donator>
Dragon Murloc Paladin works really well

My first shot at Dragon Thief. I feel like I need to find a spot for Book Wyrm somewhere, but not sure what to take out

Edit: I'm actually going to try -Elise +Book Wyrm

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<Bronze Donator>
Snippit from a Brode post on Reddit

Arena Balance is one thing that has received a lot of attention recently, and has spawned a lot of discussion internally. We had plans for tools that would let us make changes in the medium-long term, but the online discussion has made us stop and rethink our timelines and options. That's honestly great. Hoping to have something to share on this in a couple weeks.

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Blackwing Lair Raider
Hmmm...Aetish? (Medivh's weapon) summons minions of the card's original cost. This is the opposite of what summoning portal does (or at least used to). Summoning portal would summon minions based on the actual cost you paid for the spell. I know this because I dicked around with a summoning portal priest when that set came out and that interaction led me to remove emperor from the deck. I wonder if they went back and changed it on summoning portal or if there are conflicting interactions there.
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<Bronze Donator>
Yeah, it definitely uses the reduced cost. Just cast a Moonglade Portal and got Sunwalker from it, then it summoned the 5 mana 3/7 combo guy from the weapon.
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Trakanon Raider
That Ben Brode post.. argh.. He manages to be condescending while sounding dumb at the same time, quite impressive.

Yes, we understand that you have access to information we don't. That's been the point a lot of the time. Riot, as an example, would often release their thought process BEHIND weird decisions, based on accumulated data that the public didn't have. If they did this proactively, it would eliminate a lot of bitching, rather then reacting to public outcries (i.e. purify and his little video he did explaining it).

Unless the data says they see a spike in users the more often they introduce complete RNG based cards and brawls, in which case just make a virtual dice rolling game with animations.. fuck it. Every other blizzard game has a significant skill progression and lack of random elements, but I guess they think hearthstone is the exception.

Also, yes there are idiots that only look at their own POV when making suggestions, but quite a few of the pros and most intelligent posters make suggestions based on what would be nice for everyone. Reynad's video about micro-decisions, based on Tracking, gave many concessions to the casual player, for example.

The fact they thought they could go 2+ years without having done shit for arena until everyone started complaining enough shows they aren't thinking ahead correctly.

P.s. if anyone has the 'play a friend' quest where we both get gold.. please hit me up :) Need to buy some classic packs, but my arena addiction keeps sucking all my gold away!
Enzee #1750
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, it definitely uses the reduced cost. Just cast a Moonglade Portal and got Sunwalker from it, then it summoned the 5 mana 3/7 combo guy from the weapon.
Woops, guess I was just drunk yesterday, lol. Got a sunwalker from a 4 cost moonglade portal, wasn't even thinking about the card itself summoning a random minion and I don't even know what 4 drop minion I got in that case.
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