

Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm surprised Warrior is on the bottom. I haven't played this expansion but shouldn't control Warrior just farm an environment with nothing but aggro decks?

Control warrior was barely playable in year of the dragon, then all the boom+mech shit rotated out and ashes didn't really offer up any replacements. And to be frank you can't reliably out-control the incredible amount of gas that DH has, or the infinite value of Galakrond decks.

And Galakrond Warrior lost an incredibly valuable piece when town crier rotated out.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I'm surprised Warrior is on the bottom. I haven't played this expansion but shouldn't control Warrior just farm an environment with nothing but aggro decks?

I've been trying to put together a control warrior deck but so far it's just lost too many tools. There's a lot of card draw and board clear available to you but no value engine.

I went into fatigue with a demon hunter and won but it took a long time. A lot less fun to play than Dr. Boom Control Warrior.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Finished off the legend grind with spell druid, got a free brightwing.

Last game was particularly satisfying as I was able to one shot the dh from 30 while I was alive at 1 because his stupid demon didn’t hit my face once on her end of turn bullshit.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
The only thing I really hate about Demon Hunter is all of their shit can do face damage. Forcing anything in a Demon Hunter meta to have healing or armor to survive. In addition to as much removal as you can handle because the DH will absolutely draw 2/3 of their deck before you draw half.

Since that is their design. Being a SMORC class I guess. Why the fuck do they get lifesteal?


<Bronze Donator>
I don't mind the lifesteal design. I think the intent was frequent use of face to deal with the board, so healing to make you relevant. I think the problem is in how much of their stuff hits face that should be minion only. It's like they forgot all the lessons of the past


<Bronze Donator>
Every time I have Imprisoned Antaen in hand, it feels like a dead card. Or, at the very best, a win more card. I never feel like I can pay the tempo loss to essentially waste 6 mana for 2 turns.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Every time I have Imprisoned Antaen in hand, it feels like a dead card. Or, at the very best, a win more card. I never feel like I can pay the tempo loss to essentially waste 6 mana for 2 turns.

IDK, I would argue the only tempo loss you have is if you don't play something in the next two turns. So your tempo is only lost the turn you play it. While your opponent has to play shit they can use immediately or has a fat ass that won't get killed by the Antean or by any removal you use. Antaen right into Priestess fucks over most board states hard.

Because on turn 1/2 of the Antean you really can't drop much unless you have an answer for the 10/6 on top of leaving a body on the board just to eat some of the Atean's damage.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Every time I have Imprisoned Antaen in hand, it feels like a dead card. Or, at the very best, a win more card. I never feel like I can pay the tempo loss to essentially waste 6 mana for 2 turns.
I don’t think the current dh decks run antaen.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Played a pretty interesting secret quest rogue deck I hadn't come across yet. Mainly revolved around making multiple copies of Shadowjeweler Hanar, which basically turns the rogue into a secret pumping machine with access to secrets from all classes which you get to discover.. The game went to the wire with him edging out my galakrond warlock thanks to the secrets. Gonna play it some later to see how it does over a bunch of games.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>

  • Venue: ONLINE – join us in the chat!
  • Dates: Friday, Saturday, Sunday - April 17 – June 7, 2020
  • Broadcast Start Time: Broadcast days kick off with the Asia-Pacific region playing at 2am PDT / 11am CEST / 6pm KST on Friday, April 17
  • Casters:
    • AMERICAS: Dan "Frodan" Chou and TJ "Azumo" Sanders
    • ASIA-PACIFIC: Jia “Jia” Dee and Darroch “Darroch” Brown
    • EUROPE: Simon “Sottle” Welch and Alex “Raven” Baguley
  • Prize Pool: USD $500,000 in prizing globally for Grandmasters Season 1

Looking forward to the new season. New expansion + new players.
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Molten Core Raider
Easiest it's ever been to get legend I think. Got it with this indecisive deck, making mistakes, mostly doing dailies
Hearthstone Screenshot 04-14-20 crop.png

Winning play last game was an Altruis 9 card combo against lock with a big board


Mr. Poopybutthole
You're basically aggro instead of tempo at that point, no?

Kind of a meaningless distinction with DH, but 6 of the top 7 lists by win rate have cut priestesses. Not something I can get away with without Warglaives, Kayn, or Metamorphosis though.

Easiest it's ever been to get legend I think. Got it with this indecisive deck, making mistakes, mostly doing dailies

Winning play last game was an Altruis 9 card combo against lock with a big board

Yeah I think it's gonna be a tough road for me to hit legend with DH without at least crafting Metamorphosis, it definitely would have won me one game I lost last night, probably more. Thinking about tossing in Zephrys for yolo lethal, god knows I can burn through my deck quick enough to whittle it down to just singletons.
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<Bronze Donator>
Kind of a meaningless distinction with DH, but 6 of the top 7 lists by win rate have cut priestesses. Not something I can get away with without Warglaives, Kayn, or Metamorphosis though.

Yeah I think it's gonna be a tough road for me to hit legend with DH without at least crafting Metamorphosis, it definitely would have won me one game I lost last night, probably more. Thinking about tossing in Zephrys for yolo lethal, god knows I can burn through my deck quick enough to whittle it down to just singletons.
Probably, but I hate saying I play aggro.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Nerfs coming for sac pact, albatross, felwing, and kael'thas, as well as open the waygate and bloodbloom.