

I've been playing a lot the last few days and so far I've reached a level 20 warlock and have yet to play another warlock, lol. It's a lot of fun saccing demons with a "gain a card when one of your card dies" and then finding another voidwalker immediately after that.


The reason why its so good is there is no way to block it even tho it's only drawback is it has to hit the hero versus a mage who can hit any target.

I guess that is why its a 2 point hit versus a mages 1 point hit.


Meh, not impressed with that Unleash deck. I'll have to post the Hunter deck i'm using tonight - i've probably only lost a handful of games in the past 100 or so. It's nothing that special either, just creature control with plenty of damage output.


Molten Core Raider
Wow sweet, got into beta last week didn't realize that the game is basically live if you're in already. Thanks thread!

PS: I am terrible at this game.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I've been playing MtG since I bought my first Unlimited starters from Waldenbooks. I'm not new to playing around cards. I really don't have that much of a problem with Mind Control in constructed play, since you are tailoring your deck and can accept certain risks with deck design. Not the same in Arena.

Edit: Also, Column, baiting for Mind Control is not "easy" like Polymorph or Hex. Large difference between "Here have a 1/1" and "Here have nothing and now I have an Ironbark Protector."


Molten Core Raider
I've been playing MtG since I bought my first Unlimited starters from Waldenbooks. I'm not new to playing around cards. I really don't have that much of a problem with Mind Control in constructed play, since you are tailoring your deck and can accept certain risks with deck design. Not the same in Arena.
I would say Mind Control is only broken in arena - where you can have more than two and can't tailor your deck to answer any of your creatures being stolen.

I still think it needs to be silencable (silence mind controlled minion returns it to you) or have a duration attached - because it has a built-in two for one value, which most cards you have to work for in order to get. Coupled with priest's innate ability to draw cards through other means just exaggerates its broken-ness.

You've played MTG enough to know that if you get your shit stolen you CAN have answers to it that don't involve destroying the mind controlled creature. You can destroy the enchantment or source of the control. You can use return each creature to their owners hand spells, etc. In Hearthstone if your creature gets stolen it is never ever yours again, and you've lost tempo and you now have to deal with the card you dropped. Removal for it is fine, you can use a Big Game Hunter if your newly dropped Ragnaros gets stolen, but that means you can't shoot their Big Bad Creature after you drop your BGH because you had to waste it on your own creature.

The only time it isn't a net loss of tempo, control and card advantage is if you use a board sweeper to kill it, and even then you only break even on tempo.

Edit: And yea you can't compare Mind Control to Hex or Polymorph - That's quasi-removal. It's more akin to a wildcard damage spell - no matter how big or bad your creature is, it gets killed. But it's worse than that, because not only is it essentially killed for you, but now your opponent has it on their side of the board.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah mind control is a very powerful card in arena due to it usually trading at least 3 cards for 1.

Its not any more difficult to bait out than one of the other cards. Against a priest if you don't have board control at that stage to bait it then you're already behind and most likely would have lost anyway. When you're behind you just gotta throw out your hail mary and hope he doesn't have mind control in his hand.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Good points Nidhogg and Mures. I understand what you are saying about being behind on the board vs a priest, but MC played properly should (nearly) always turn the board around. I guess my point is i dislike feeling like I have to throw hail mary's to beat competent priests in Arena.


You are definitely going to lose cards when he mind controls, there is no way around it.

But its something that will always be there so you have to play around it. Baiting him to take something you don't care about as much is better then losing what you really want.
I'll agree in arena it is much harder to deal with given what you need to contain it.

My strat against priests is the same with every class, aggravate them ,and they will always play mind control late against piddly shit.


Lord Nagafen Raider
As I said before, I'm discussing Arena. You don't get all the threats you'd like in every deck. Constructed? Sure. I'll play Unleash Hunter and I can ignore Mind Control entirely.


Well priest has always been upper tier in Arena. I don't think taking mind control away is the answer.

For instance if you make the minion explode after 1 round of play, then that leaves every class to just play faceless during that round to get it back with you getting nothing in return.

If you can silence it to return it to your hand you played a 5 (faceless) and 2 (owl) crystal card, and now you have one on the board with one in your hand to do with what you please.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Column, how often does a deck have Mind Control in it? How often does a deck have Faceless Manipulator?


Allot, I get faceless around 75% since beta 2.

I acutely wrote about that card at the beginning of beta 2 in this thread, and how powerful it was.

And you wont have to play it to really late in the game, so your chances of holding a faceless in your hand are pretty high.


Cult Master has to be my favorite card in this fucking game when playing a gay warlock deck with low hp but low cost.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Done talking to Column. Anyone who thinks he gets the same Epic rarity card in almost all of his drafts is obviously an idiot.

Just lost to priest in arena again. Played around the first MC pretty well. Didn't have much left to play around the second MC. If I was Column I probably would have had a 2nd Faceless for it.


As you were typing that I drafted a faceless into my new deck for today.

That card comes up more then a teenager in a whore house.
Faceless is still a play one card, and I have to counter with 2 on the current MC.

Continue to whine about MC tho cause you suck. Just go play a Mage with the rest of the scrubs and go 19-0


Lord Nagafen Raider
I know you aren't that smart so I'm going to make sure I'm not misrepresenting you. You believe that Faceless Manipulator (Epic rarity) comes up in arena decks more often than Mind Control (Priest class card)?