

Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
no. From what I can tell, when they start the game, the tutorial does not load. the game goes right to the "click to start", with the art of the board closed. Before you even get into the game itself. the friends list is there, the options menu.

They can click on options, credits. and view the credits. which then dumps then into the game select. with play/practice options available. However, since they never completed the tutorial. They have no deck to play with in either.

*edit: well it started working. got up to Nesingwary and it stalled after trying to play a card. Now back to the same ole issue as before.


Trakanon Raider
Went 2-3 in the arena with a mage. In my card selection, I had not a single polymorph, flamestrike, pyroblast, fireball, or vaporize, and only 2 frostbolts. I wouldn't have thought that was even possible. Just didn't have an answer to mid through lategame big creatures.


Avatar of War Slayer
Vaporize seems like ass to me. who would be dumb enough to send anything over 4/4 vs you direct when you have a secret card clearly sitting there?

Ice barrier however. the +8 armor one, that persists after the first hit. So someone sends a 1/1 to activate. you STILL have 7 armor, to defend vs the 10/5 coming next.

well, I suppose in constructed? when you have several secrets? ice barrier first, then vaporize? But again, if you have 2 or 3 secrets on your hero, your opponent would be an idiot to not send in really small stuff to activate them first.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I always check the secret by a) playing a low cost, worthless-to-copy minion or b) attacking with a minion that would qualify for a).


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah, I dont know.

I can understand why it was made. its an idiot check.
Vaporize existing, means you have to check every secret card first.

yet no good player would really waste a slot for it... considering no one would be dumb enough to fall for it..
but you know, that they know, that you know..


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
It's not an idiot check. You play conservatively around the possibility that the secret could be one of five or six different things.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Or you just don't go out of your way to play around secrets and give them the 1 for 1s. It really depends on the deck. The only secret that's a real problem is the hunter secret that does 2 damage to all enemies. That card must be played around.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Went 2-3 in the arena with a mage. In my card selection, I had not a single polymorph, flamestrike, pyroblast, fireball, or vaporize, and only 2 frostbolts. I wouldn't have thought that was even possible. Just didn't have an answer to mid through lategame big creatures.
I feel your pain, I drafted a pally last night that got 0 consecrate, 0 truesilvers, and 1 hammer. Since I had no removal I drafted aggro heavy, yet somehow my last loss I didn't draw a single 1, 2, or 3 cost minion from mulligan through turn 3. I went 2-3 after averaging 7 wins over my last 10 arenas.
Vaporize seems like ass to me. who would be dumb enough to send anything over 4/4 vs you direct when you have a secret card clearly sitting there?

Ice barrier however. the +8 armor one, that persists after the first hit. So someone sends a 1/1 to activate. you STILL have 7 armor, to defend vs the 10/5 coming next.

well, I suppose in constructed? when you have several secrets? ice barrier first, then vaporize? But again, if you have 2 or 3 secrets on your hero, your opponent would be an idiot to not send in really small stuff to activate them first.
I'll sometimes draft vaporize if the other cards are equally terrible. Its a decent card, if you're ahead it'll at least remove a minion and if you're behind you might be able to play it when all they have is a big minion on the board so they can play it safe and not attack or they have to attack into it with their big minion. I actually do not like ice barrier at all because if you're already behind it does nothing to help that, it only delays the inevitable.

In other news, warlock is pretty badass. Played him for the first time in arena last night and nearly went 9-0, finished 9-1 though. Health is a resource is never more true than for that champion. A couple of the games were won with 1 hp remaining.


Avatar of War Slayer
I'll sometimes draft vaporize if the other cards are equally terrible. Its a decent card, if you're ahead it'll at least remove a minion and if you're behind you might be able to play it when all they have is a big minion on the board so they can play it safe and not attack or they have to attack into it with their big minion. I actually do not like ice barrier at all because if you're already behind it does nothing to help that, it only delays the inevitable.
yeah. I think mage is my favorite.. but yeah. I find it hard to justify any mage secret really. Save the 8 armor. which I think is strong vs heros. Pyroblasts, fireballs, starfires, etc.
Buying time on a mage DOES work. assuming you have your own pyroblasts, fireballs, etc to draw/play.

Hunter secrets seem more useful all around I think.


The "When an opponent plays a spell at a minion, summon a 1/3 as the new target" secret is super strong.

Saves your big guys, steals his buff spells, messes up his combat math. Targeted spells are less numerous than creatures and most decks generally don't run fodder spells that can be used to trigger it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I encountered a bug this morning when I started a match in Practice. After setting it up and clicking start, the loading bar came up and it went into an infinite loop. The loading bar would fill, then it would clear the bar and do it again, over and over.
Update on this. If you run into this problem, I was able to solve it byclearing the b.net cache. However, it came up again this morning and this time, clearing the cache did not work. So that solution is 1 for 2.

Hope they are able to patch these bugs out soon.


Avatar of War Slayer
The "When an opponent plays a spell at a minion, summon a 1/3 as the new target" secret is super strong.

Saves your big guys, steals his buff spells, messes up his combat math. Targeted spells are less numerous than creatures and most decks generally don't run fodder spells that can be used to trigger it.
yeah. definitely. spellbender The lore on the card even spells it out nicely.
"while its fun to intercept enemy lighting bolts, a spellbender much prefers to intercept opposing marks of the wild. it just feels meaner. and blood elves... well, they are a little mean."

Intercepting a mark of the wild, blessing of kings, etc. yeah. MEAN. And that is a secret that is really hard to draw out.
druids have alot of buffs like that. paladins have tons of buffs. divine shield, kings, wisdom, etc. shaman have windfury, rockbiter, etc. war have charge.
intercepting a silence that would have ruined a buffed guy. especially with a mage, who can deal 1 damage/turn to those 2/7 trolls. giving them +3 each time.


Trakanon Raider
After seeing it used as part of a combo in various situations, I really think the coin card needs to be changed. It is perfectly fine at what it does, provide a bonus mana for a turn. What I believe it should not do is count as a card and a spell. Some random examples that you can use the coin card for in a combo that I do not think was intended:

Buff a Twilight Drake due to counting as an extra card in hand
Buff a Questing Adventurer due to counting as an extra card played
Draw another free card with Gadgetzan Auctioneer since it counts as a spell
"Waste" an opponents Mind Vision if it's selected

Those are just a small few examples of things the coin card can be used for that has nothing to do with mitigating the turn advantage. I really think they should keep the coin mechanic in place, but instead of being another card and spell in your hand, just change it to a UI element or something.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It also counts as a combo for the rogue.

Yeah, it probably shouldn't count as a spell and the dev post that talked about the coin even said something along the lines of maybe it shouldn't count as a spell, but with win rates pretty darn close to 50/50 between player 1 and player 2 they weren't going to do anything at this moment and just watch it.


Molten Core Raider
uhg first time I've seen this. It was the opponents turn but he was just moving chards as if going to cast but not actually casting. It wasn't giving him the timer either. Then all the sudden he takes 3 turns in a row without ever giving me a turn. It was sad


Arena is so frustrating. I swear I always get Warrior, Hunter, Shaman. Warrior is supposedly good, if you get weapons. I just went through 30 cards and not one of them was a weapon.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I didn't used to draft any weapons because I felt like they were underpowered. After watching trump play a lot I've learned to respect the power of weapons. I typically have a lot of success with warriors and shaman in the arena. Hunters are a little more difficult since their class cards are beast themed and there's 0 guarantee you'll draft more than a couple beasts (if any at all - which can happen).


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Warriors are awesome in arena. You can obviously get dicked on weapons, but you just need to draft around it. Don't take upgrade if you don't have an arcanite reaper yet, etc. You don't HAVE to have weapons to do well though, as there are plenty of other shenanigans to pull with raging worgen/amani berserker and whirlwind/inner rage/cruel taskmaster. You can steal plenty of games from people with a single worgen. Warsong commander and korkron elite are traps and you usually don't want them; weaponsmith and frothing berserker are strictly better. shield block/slam and charge are mostly awful, but most of the rest of the spells are passable to awesome (mortal/heroic strike, cleave, etc). With warrior you're basically playing for a big midgame finish, ideally before turn 8, as their late game finish can be a bit rough unless you pull a bunch of insane shit like x3 arcanite/gorehowl/grom.

I also like to stack up on acolyte of pain and cultmaster for warriors as they are both generally superior card draw to battle rage. Cult master is such a huge monster I'd likely take him over almost any other pick. The ability to dump him out on turn 4-6 and trade away 2-3 minions is just retarded. Acolyte of pain is pretty cute with cruel taskmaster too for a decent trade and a couple cards.

If you do draft decent for weapons, especially arcanite reapers, don't be a pussy with them. Kill chillwind yetis, brewmasters, tazdingos, whatever, your health isn't super important as you're pretty likely to be boned if the game goes late anyway. Only thing to really watch out for is enemy life total, as you can certainly reach a point where just stabbing them is better (reaper in play, another in hand, enemy at 15 life etc).

Lastly, you want owls. Probably all of them you can get, as your removal isn't great, and they are close to your only access to silence, which you're gonna really want when people hide behind lord of the arena at 7 health. Obviously spellbreakers to0 (it's probably the best generic creature, or at least real close to it).


Vyemm Raider
I've had best success in arena so far with warlock. draft as many 3/2's as you can and go all out zerg aggression. 3 9wins in the last 3 days with that.