

Change Ancestral Spirit Text - Forums - Hearthstone

They're changing Ancestral Spirit to be: 'Deathrattle: Resummon this minion'. So you can get two copies of the minion if you have Rivendare out. Sounds like an interesting combo for Shaman.

Ancestral is 2 mana, Rivendare is 4, so 6 mana combo if you have something out to throw at a bigger mob. If you play Cairne on 6, you can do this combo on 7 to get two Cairnes and get two Baines.


Played a round on my iPad earlier today. Interface is exactly the same, I can't see a single tweak other than the log-in interface. Game seems to lag a bit for me on iPad 2 at times, but is completely playable.
I've been playing on my ipad via splashtop for some time, but this will be a cleaner option.


Trakanon Raider
I've been playing around with this Miracle Rogue deck:

(Legendary) Burstdown Miracle Rogue : hearthstone

The main change I've made is to swap out the Mana Addicts for Questing Adventurers. Their attack doesn't ramp as fast but they're a lot more durable with their added health from playing cards. You can easily cycle through your entire deck by turn 7 or 8 and some of the wins are absolutely hilarious. I had a 18/6 and a 12/something Questing Adventurer on the board under conceal. My druid opponent threw down a yeti and a watcher with a Defender of Argus. I Perditioned Bladed up, Deadly Poisoned, his board and smacked him in the face for well over 30 points of damage.

The biggest problem is that it's a very gimmick deck so for every amazing win, you'll get games where the combo pieces just don't come out and you fall flat on your face. But when I was playing Control Warrior, this deck was an auto-lose for me. Control Warrior is just too slow so it gives Miracle Rogue all of the time in the world to put together their combo and drop you from 30 to dead in a turn.


<Bronze Donator>
I just had one of the most nasty plays I've ever done from a seemingly innocuous board.

Raging Worgen - Wild Pyromancer - Healing Totem - Spell damage totem and a Stormforged Axe with 1 charge left against his empty board after my turn 5. He plays Unbound Elemental and totem and gets a 1/1.

I play Bloodlust, hit with 2 totems, Pyro, and axe for 14, Rockbiter on Raging Worgen for another 20. RIP in Peperoni turn 6 34 damage to the face.


You get a free pack with one win on the Ipad version.

Anyone using the latest Ipad Air btw? how is the performance?

I'm using the Ipad 2 ,and it's good enough to play , but I would be lieing if I didn't say it lagged.


I have an iPad 3 too and I want to say 70% of the time it's smooth. The worst thing is little fits of lag when trying to cast spells or targeted hero powers.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I have the latest iPad Air, and it's flawless, and I almost want to say even smoother than their PC client. And my PC isn't terrible.

Loving this game now that I can play it on my iPad at school between classes and shit. Although I seem to suck ass at Arenas, which confuses me, because I used to be really good at Magic and such, and understand plenty about card game mechanics.


Molten Core Raider
I have the latest iPad Air, and it's flawless, and I almost want to say even smoother than their PC client. And my PC isn't terrible.

Loving this game now that I can play it on my iPad at school between classes and shit. Although I seem to suck ass at Arenas, which confuses me, because I used to be really good at Magic and such, and understand plenty about card game mechanics.
While similar...There are huge differences in Hearthstone from MTG. The lack of instants kills a lot of the player ability to differentiate...And the lack of mana planning lowers the bar and once again removes the ability to differentiate between players.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It's definitely less complex than MtG but "lack of mana planning"? You mean the ability to not get land screwed?

The streamlining of the game is a big part of what makes it a fun online experience. Mana being added turn by turn allows you to plan deck construction knowing you will be able to curve out. I don't see it as dumb downed, more like design decisions.


Molten Core Raider
It's definitely less complex than MtG but "lack of mana planning"? You mean the ability to not get land screwed?

The streamlining of the game is a big part of what makes it a fun online experience. Mana being added turn by turn allows you to plan deck construction knowing you will be able to curve out. I don't see it as dumb downed, more like design decisions.
Anything that removes the player from making decisions by it's very nature dumbs down the game...Hearthstone is a fun game, but it's simplistic mechanics limit the ability of player to excel over another player...Making the element of luck much more powerful than you would see in MTG. That is just a fact. Otoh, Hearthstone is a million times more accessible and a lot faster to play...But it is MTG with training wheels.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Well, I get what you're saying, but I don't necessarily agree. And regardless, I completely understand Hearthstone's mechanics, which is why I'm a tad confused as to my poor performance. Although I have noticed there's a HUGE luck factor involved with HS Arenas (which is slightly different from drafting in MtG for instance), which allows some players to draft legendaries and others to never see a single legendary offered up in draft rounds (me).

I've only played a few Arena games so it's entirely possible I've just been draft/draw screwed thus far. That'd match up with my general luck in blizzard games!

And with regards to HS being a dumbed down version of MtG, I only agree with regard to lack of instants/interruptions, deck size, and card allowances (2x of unique card). In fact, the mana system isn't dumbed down, just different, and the monster/attacking system is in fact quite possibly more complex, in that the options of what to do with your monsters are much more varied than simply "Uhhh, I'll attack."

I will say the Secret system they have as a poor-man's interrupt/instant system is pretty disappointing. They seem... lame.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Hearthstone removes the randomness of land drops and somehow "the element of luck" becomes much more powerful. Ok bro.

Sean one thing I think tricks MtG players a bit is that Arena is way more Sealed than Draft.

Mountain Man_sl

Yeah I really hope they add instants and enchantments, or similar ideas at least. I would also like to see the deck size increase or at least let you have no maximum deck size. Being limited to exactly 30 cards is kind of lame.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The game was always designed with accessibility in mind, it's not supposed to be as complex as MTG. If there is one thing Blizzard knows how to do, it's in accessibility. Instants are never going to happen because the game (and cards) are not designed for the player to play during the opponent's turn. Just because it's accessible doesn't mean it's easy to hit legend (and stay there).