

Silver Squire
90$ is quite high and such a weird amount based on their current pricing. Even by going with their current worst gold rate, 5000 gold is 75$.


Poet Warrior
I couldn't help but share this. Me beating a golden Paladin. He's level 15 yes, but still....gold. He craps gold. The best part is that this Rogue deck is not net-decked at all. This is one of the few classes where I am still playing with my own creation.

Feels good man.



Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Jack's complete lack of surprise if those prices turn out to be accurate. Welcome to f2p bros.


Vyemm Raider
And I imagine those numbers will fall off pretty quickly if they actually roll out with a 5k gold nax plan.

You cannot simply buy gold. Most people will give the fuck up before they farm even a third of that. the people on this board that play a lot... yeah we can swing 5k as cringeworthy as it is, but I have many friends who play this game casually, and none have put even $20 into it... and they never will.

5k is astoundingly absurd to them. it really is. period. for casual players, the ones who struggle to get just 4-5 wins in arena and then feel like they did amazing, the ones who hover around rank 18-20, because "damn those hunters just get me every time", the ones who are using Illidan because it's the only legendary they've gotten from a pack, telling them to spend a solid 3 months of grinding away with their decks whose biggest drop is a stormwind champion? it's laughable how out of touch some people here are to think that price is ok for the masses.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
That "leak" is about as believable as the WoW patch notes they released on Apr 1 this year. No need to get all hot and bothered about some chinese asshole throwing out numbers like 5k gold entry fee.

an accordion_sl

My chinese isn't perfect, but I'm fairly sure that last column says sum total. It's 5000 gold for all 5 wings, or $90 altogether.
I'm not sure if this is a mistake or what, but I think its worth noting that someone pointed out that theres's a watermark of a illegal boosting service, and the slide also says that the "information came from North American beta test servers"
from reddit, so yeah, don't know how legit that is


I'm pretty sure the cost shown is the cumulative cost up to that point. I'm guessing it's Free, $9, $9, $9, $9. That would put the total cost at $36 and be about equivalent to 4000 ish gold.

That also seems reasonable. I'm pretty sure Blizzard knows their player base would balk at the idea of $90 to unlock a game mode fully.


<Silver Donator>
I'm sure there's one but you're capped to 100g per day anyway from the 10g every 3wins thing, add like 60g from daillies and you're still a decent amount of days off 5000g. Oh and potentially getting banned.


All the bot does is constantly drop taunters. Pretty effective against new players tho.

I assume it could also run Zoo as well.

Bot could potentially be good for grinding out Golden Heroes in ranked.


<Silver Donator>
If you keep track of your wins and losses and just concede on purpose several times to drop back to like rank 20 constantly, I would say it'd be pretty easy designing a bot that can win 30games a day with basically any class. The players at these ranks are awful as shit so you can win with anything, including a 30common creature deck that simply spam cards from left to right in your hand then spam your board toward the enemy's face then all his cards(so if he has taunters you eventually send them on it). It wouldn't win often but I'd say 10-20%winrate with such simplistic commands would probably be possible. Hell I saw one guy when I was doing daillies that I think might have been a bot because he kept trying to target me with his shit even though I had taunters and he only had terrible cards.

I don't really know if blizzard bothers checking for bots in this though. Probably would want to bot on a fresh account if you were to.


Trakanon Raider
I've seen bots a couple of times. It's pretty obvious when playing one. It's been awhile but they take a very long time each turn. It's very methodical where you watch every single card in hand lights up and whatever is possible to be played gets put on the board. Anything on the board is then lit up and the minions will go for taunts followed by the face in a very methodical manner as well. Every time I saw it, the bot was a Rogue so they'd dagger up and go for the face as well if possible.

It wasn't very sophisticated in that the bot wouldn't make "smart" plays but against really lousy players with really lousy decks, I'm sure it won enough to make it worthwhile. And as I said, the games are painfully slow as the bot has to run through it's algorithm each turn so I'm sure a few people simply concede out of frustration.

Personally, the risk of getting a ban from a bot is too great for me so I'd never try it myself (even on a dummy account in case they traced IP addresses and stuff since I'm not internet savvy enough to feel comfortable trying to mask my IP and all that jazz).


Blackwing Lair Raider
Bots are only going to become more popular I imagine from people wanting to play in different regions to people farming accounts to sell to people who want to play in different regions.


Blackwing Lair Raider
anybody have a shaman decklist that can actually win some games? I tried out Trumps standard shaman deck and it should be named the "cant win a fucking game" deck.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Shaman is one of the classes I've looked at the least. This is gaara's token shaman deck, looks like it was made to counter control warrior
Deck Builder - Hearthstone
As weird as it may sound I think frostwolf warlord is perfect for this deck because with beefy totems you're almost guaranteed 3/4 minions on the board at all times.

A more traditional one probably looks something like this:
Deck Builder - Hearthstone
If flametongue survives a turn you can leeroy+rockbiter+windfury for 22 damage. You can swap unbound elementals and/or a manatide totem for earthen ring farseers if you're seeing a lot of aggro and bgh/tbk for control. But like I said I haven't played shaman in awhile, just going off basically what I see.