

Mr. Poopybutthole
a lot of the games is just "drop everything you can and attack face with everything that can".
That isn't how Zoo plays at all, Zoo is a control deck. Pure lock aggro is usually just a face race, but Murlock is somewhere between Zoo and Aggro. Unless you're playing full face aggro, the whole point of warlock is to bury the board under board control via the card advantage gained from your hero power.


Yeah not loving the style but trying them out.

I had a bunch of cards from selling gold/items in D3 back in the botting days and taking that blizzcash and using it in Hearthstone.


<Silver Donator>
That isn't how Zoo plays at all, Zoo is a control deck. Pure lock aggro is usually just a face race, but Murlock is somewhere between Zoo and Aggro. Unless you're playing full face aggro, the whole point of warlock is to bury the board under board control via the card advantage gained from your hero power.
Saying it's a control deck is quite a bit of a stretch, it's an aggro deck. You trade minions when it's an efficient trade due to being warlock and you have a lot of buffing cards to do these trades, but you don't run many actual control cards nor do you play for the lategame or especially not against actual control decks. You only play control against other aggro decks like rush hunter/paladin but against control decks and miracle you'll most often play like a pure facerush deck, only removing immediate threats.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I can't think of a single matchup when I'm playing zoo where I don't focus on clearing the board before I do face damage.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Which decks put more minions on the board than the Zoo deck where you'd have to be clearing? I agree with Pyros, I don't see Zoo as control. And how can Warlock Murloc not be aggro? I know this terminology is a little distorted because HS creatures can direct their attacks, but typically control would suggest some card advantage strategies. Warlock is totally tempo, trading away multiple cards for big damage/speed and trading life for more cards.


<Silver Donator>
Still doesn't make it a control deck. Does it have removal spells? Does it have good lategame? If the answer is no to either of these question, it's most likely not a control deck. Miracle also removes all the board as much as possible, doesn't make it a control deck. Zoo is awful in lategame at equal states, you need to get an advantage early and win by turn 7-8 or have the opponent under 10 otherwise you're most likely going to lose especially if you're playing an actual control deck that starts pumping out giants with argus, ancients of war, tyrion, sunwalkers and all that shit. This is what a control deck does, delay the game until they reach turn 6+ then win. Zoo is about overwhelming your opponent early and winning asap. It's aggro. At the very most, it's tempo, which is about in the middle of control and aggro.

Even then, the fact it relies on delayed threats to remove stuff still puts it closer to aggro. It doesn't have many charges, it doesn't have many control spells, it simply builds a large amount of shit on the board and can trade more efficiently due to drawing 2cards.


Vyemm Raider
Yeah some people have their terminologies really screwed up. Control does not simply mean "kill all the minions before killing face".

Yes, it's a MTG link so sue me, but the definition of a control deck isMagic: The Gathering deck types: Control

Control decks avoid racing and attempt to slow the game down by executing an attrition plan. As the game progresses, control decks are able to take advantage of their slower, more powerful, cards.[12] The primary strength of control decks is their ability to devalue the opponent?s cards. They do this in four ways:[13]

1.) Erasing threats at a reduced cost. Given the opportunity, Control decks can gain card advantage by answering multiple threats with one spell ("clearing"/"wiping" the board), stopping expensive threats with cheaper spells, and drawing multiple cards or forcing the opponent to discard multiple cards ("grinding"/"milling") with one spell.
2.) Not playing threats to be answered. By playing few proactive spells of their own, control decks gain virtual card advantage by reducing the usefulness of opposing removal cards.
3.) Disrupting synergies. Even if control decks do not deal with every threat directly, they can leave out whichever ones stand poorly on their own; e.g., a creature enchantment which will never need attention if all enemy creatures are quickly removed.
4.) Dragging the game out past opposing preparations. An opponent's faster, efficient cards will become less effective over time.

Control warrior fits the bill for all of this. Control warrior is a Control deck.

Zoo is the very definition of anAggro-Control, or Tempo, deck.

the definition of which is:
Aggro-control is a hybrid archetype that contains both aggressive creatures and control elements. These decks attempt to deploy quick threats while protecting them with light permission and disruption long enough to win. These are frequently referred to as "tempo" strategies, as their control elements are often more temporary; for instance, they may return opposing creatures to their owners' hands rather than remove them entirely.

Sound familiar? a bunch of little shits with just enough stalling (shield-bearer, divine shields) to make life a pain in the ass.


Trakanon Raider
I got enough dust to make another legendary card. I already have good ones like Rag, Maly, Leroy and Cairne. Should I go for Ysera, Alexstrasza, Sylvanas or Black Knight?


Trakanon Raider
It depends. All 4 are good choices but of those you listed (and didn't list) I'd rank them as follows:

1. Thalnos
2. The Black Knight
3. Alexstrasza
4. Ysera
5. Sylvanas

Thalnos is just too good. It feels weird spending all of that dust on a 1/1 buy he has paid for himself many times over in my decks. Works fantastic in Druid, Rogue and Mage decks.


<Silver Donator>
Warlock zoo is the very definition of a tempo deck. What a ridiculous argument.
The very definition of a zoo deck is an aggro deck. Now can argue that calling the deck zoo was a stupid idea(I think Reynad named the deck zoo, and he qualified it as an aggro deck too) and I do agree that MTG terminology is a bit weird when the attacking mechanics are so different.

On the legendary, I'd go either Thalnos for generalist option or Alextraza for control decks. Black Knight and Sylvanas are a bit situational imo and are basically counters to other control decks, which you might not need depending on what class you play(like control priest I don't feel need either to win control matchups even though they help).


Trakanon Raider
Keep in mind that Zoo has changed quite a bit since Reynad first started to play it. The original version was very much a board control / tempo / whatever you want to call it. The whole concept was to use minions that were hard to deal with and make efficient trades. That's why there are so many divine shields and things like harvest golems which will trade 2 for 1 in most situations.

The current Zoo deck is much more aggressive with flame imps and such. The current Zoo will play the board control game to a point but it also works by hiding flame imps and other beat down minions behind a taunt wall and going for the face much more aggressively.

Finally, it's worth noting that Zoo isn't a deck list in the same way that Miracle Rogue or Contro Warrior are. It's more of a play style in my opinion and not an actual deck per say. And that's why Zoo is impossible to nerf (which isn't something I expect out of Blizzard with a Naxx just around the bend). The reason Zoo works is, primarily, because so the Warlock hero power and I don't see Blizzard wanting to tinker with hero powers at this stage of the game.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Flame Imps have always been in zoo.


On an unrelated note, here's one of my favorite decks for ladder grinding. Went with a control shell, then instead of the traditional slow control finishers, I just plugged in a bunch of aggro cards. Definitely better than pure aggro warrior for most of the matches where aggro warrior is good anyway, and isn't quite so bad in the traditionally bad matchups for face warrior. I haven't tinkered with the list for awhile, but with the rise of handlock in popularity, it could probably use a black knight.

2x Execute
2x Shield Slam
2x Upgrade
2x Whirlwind
2x Fiery War Axe
1x Battle Rage
2x Heroic Strike
1x Slam
2x Cruel Taskmaster
2x Wild Pyromancer
2x Shield Block
2x Acolyte of Pain
2x Kor'kron Elite
2x Arcanite Reaper
1x Brawl
2x Argent Commander
1x Grommash Hellscream

The Battle Rage could probably just go back to being a second slam, or be pulled entirely for a utility card like Black Knight.


Trakanon Raider
I honestly forgot that the original zoo deck included flame imps. For some reason I thought they were a recent addition to make it more aggressive.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Nobody will ever guess the plays that led to this board happening rofl



<Silver Donator>
Well the 6/1 sylvanas is one that was buffed by the argus and you traded a sylvanas for it, which gave you this one. I assume the other sylvanas come from actual sylvanas played and a bunch of faceless manipulator. Also since you play shaman and the orc, I assume you have ancestral spirit and ancestral recall or whatever, the heal+taunt which you used on that guy but also the deathrattle: bring back to life, which you probably used on sylvanas. Not sure how they appear on the board, I would assume to the right, but potentially if it's to the left, then you traded one on the left for the 6/6 sylvanas he had and stole that then your sylvanas respawned.

It's impossible to exactly pinpoint the sequence of events, but yeah, ancestral spirit on a sylvanas(maybe a faceless one) then attacked into his 6/6 sylvanas and stole that, which explains 2 of them. 3rd is either the original or a faceless too.

Edit: Enemy class is warlock. Handlock from the argus.