

Molten Core Raider
I'm loving the trashadin deck...Please, everyone keep playing it. I'm like 7-0 against...And I've barely been playing at all. And bring it to the rerolled tourney!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Can't decide what two legendaries, thinking between Leeroy, Sylvanas, Cairne and Black Knight


<Silver Donator>
Leeroy definitely imo, Cairne fairly good everywhere, Sylvanas is ok, Black Knight fairly specific. Thalnos and Leeroy I'd say if you don't have Thalnos already. Otherwise Leeroy and Cairn. Or Leeroy and a bunch of epic/rare you might not have, or keep for a class specific legendary if you find a deck you like.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don't have Thalnos and I know its high on every list its just so hard to want to drop all that dust on such a small minion.


Poet Warrior
Leeroy. He makes all aggro decks better, instantly.

Think of Thalnos as a damage sponge, a removal sponge, a cantrip, a force multiplier, a combo piece, and a deck-shrinker all for only 2 mana.

Cairne is a mega-yeti. If you need lots of hit points and board presence at 6 mana, you can't beat him. Compare to Sunwalker.

Black Knight is weird. I personally love it. A 4/5 for 6 is not exactly the most efficient play in and of itself, but at the time that you would play him without using his Battlecry, then the extra 2 mana (over just a plain Yeti) is not usually that big of a deal so I still like the card for that alone. But when you DO get to use the Battlecry? Holy shit. Black Knight can end games. I've Knighted stuff as small as a Grizzly (mid-game) and had my opponent insta-concede. And if you catch a Sunwalker with it? Pfffff...... stick a fork in it. He also works in aggro decks to clear out that annoying Tazdingo so you can go to the face with your other dudes. It does sit in my hand on occasion I will admit but even still, a 4/5 body for 6 isn't exactly the end of the world. I really like Black Knight.


<Silver Donator>
I don't have Thalnos and I know its high on every list its just so hard to want to drop all that dust on such a small minion.
But a legendary you use in every deck or close to is better than one you only use in a few decks. I mean if size of the minion matters, do craft a Deathwing, it's 12/12. But then again it's a pretty mediocre legendary. Alexstraza, Ragnaros, Ysera and Malygos are big legendaries that are at least pretty good, but they only fit certain decks(heavy control decks or for malygos, miracle/spell dmg rogue decks). Thalnos is just a great legendary to have to put in every deck and be done with it. If you play control often though, then Cairne or Sylvanas I'd say would be better and if you play druid you might definitely want to consider Black Knight also to remove shit since druid removal is pretty shit overall.


Sylvanas, Cairne and Black knight are all 6 drops and I often find myself not wanting one of them in my decks, let alone two. I rarely find a really good time to play sylvanas, Black Knight is only really good against druids and Cairne is really bad against both zoo and miracle.

Admittedly, I don't play much constructed so I might be wrong, but legendaries on the whole seem quite bad at the moment. Leeroy, Bloodmage and some class specific legendaries are the only ones that I really use. i don;t even have ragnaros in any of my decks at the moment.


<Silver Donator>
BK is also very good against handlock. They're all control decks legendaries though, if you don't play control you don't really use any of them(could fit cairne maybe but probably better to go for an argent commander instead for that cost).


Trakanon Raider
They also announced that golden naxx cards will only be obtained by crafting them with dust. The reasoning is that testers felt heroic naxx was too hard and they felt it would be difficult, if not impossible, for some people to obtain golden cards through heroic mode as initially planned.


<Silver Donator>
Did they actually say it would be ONLY crafted with dust? The blue post I've seen said they can be crafted by dusts, but there wasn't a mention of them being only crafted with dust, just that it was a possibility.

Edit: Nvm I was linked to the other post talking about the negative feedback and shit. Still they might have dust rewards for achievements, which would basically be similar in rewards but without restricting you to do the achievements for the gold cards.


Vyemm Raider
It's stupid, and the PR spin line about the negative feedback was even stupider. "oh no! little timmy had a frowny face when he couldn't beat every heroic encounter with his deck full of frostwolf grunts, booty bay bodyguards and magma ragers! Better make it so he can just craft the golden versions with his parents' money, and of course we don't want him to feel bad when he hears that other people got them for beating the heroic versions instead, so we'll just take that out. What's that you say? prohibitive cost? nah, that just means more money hats!"


Molten Core Raider
Put the Leeroy combo into my control paladin, won me a couple games so far. I was just thinking, all the good control decks have a way to do 14+ damage on an empty board, might as well have the same thing.


Really disappointed with how they handled aquiring the gold Naxx cards. So what, 5 or more Legendaries, 9 class commons we knows about, and some other various shit; we're looking at 30-50k dust? Yeah, that's a lot more accessible than beating every boss on Heroic mode.

If you have every card, you're looking at 3500 dust per 40 packs, so you'd only have to spend ~$500 to get all the golden cards. Blizzard is a genius.


<Bronze Donator>
Really disappointed with how they handled aquiring the gold Naxx cards. So what, 5 or more Legendaries, 9 class commons we knows about, and some other various shit; we're looking at 30-50k dust? Yeah, that's a lot more accessible than beating every boss on Heroic mode.

If you have every card, you're looking at 3500 dust per 40 packs, so you'd only have to spend ~$500 to get all the golden cards. Blizzard is a genius.
I'm really hoping they flop on this and do it both ways, heroic or craft. I'll never have them gold if you have to craft them


<Silver Donator>
I put leeroy in every deck, control too. It is 6 dmg for 4, pretty much no class but mage and rogue can do that in one card(rogue does less but same mana efficiency). As control you can also use it as just removal, the 1/1 are easily dealt with anyway(paladin tokens, druid you just attack them, priest and warrior you can outheal them until you find something to remove them). So Leeroy into ragnaros+2dmg or whatever, works fine. Definitely useful to finish people with Leeroy+6mana worth of shit, like say Holy Fire or Force of Nature, 11-12dmg combo, nothing fancy but gets the job done. Can also buff it with shit so it's not as bad, Power Word Shield or Mark of the wild/nature(and blessing of kings if you run that but most people don't), makes it into quite a scary minion and you get the damage off right away so you don't lose much even if it's removed(and they do have to remove it asap).

Just like the card and while it makes sense to replace it with something better, I rarely can think of something better than 6dmg for 4.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If the only perk for beating heroic mode is a card back then I probably won't give a fuck about it. Golden cards would be far more enticing. Especially if it really is hard and time consuming. A card back? Who gives a shit.