

<Bronze Donator>
Yeah, I wish I hadn't been spending so much gold and dust with the purpose of getting golden cards. I thought we'd have more warning and I'd have time to save up. Oh well


RNG is one thing that a digital card game can do that a physical one can't, though. By going this route, they firmly set themselves apart from MTG.

Also, in a format like Arena, I definitely see Brode's argument being true. Mad Bomber doing work is awesome. Madder Bomber is going to be glorious.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Bouncing Blade with Armorsmith and Acolyte is going to be ridiculous. Also it is instant hard removal if the opponent only has a Rag or something on board. That card is going to be ridiculous in control Warrior.
I'd argue that more rng does require more skill. It increases the amount of different scenarios you have to think about and account for. The problem becomes that showcasing skill in a single game gets harder, same way that one hand in poker means pretty much nothing.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Looks like Clockwork Giant becomes the first completely unplayable giant. Maybe if its base cost was 10.

and yeah bouncing blade looks sexy as fuck.


More RNG is their dev team stalling for time so they can figure out how to make a serious expansion. It's ingenious really because they can release anything after bomber meta and look productive. If it sells well then they could do this as a cycle. Serious? season 1 - LOL RANDOM 1b - serious? season 2 - Farva 2b

But what if instead hearthstone is full clown shoes all day ery day from here on out? Is undertaker serious gaming?


Blackwing Lair Raider
I love Tiddler Celestial.

About the expansion: Probably gonna kill my interest in the game entirely. I don't really play it much as it is. I was assuming that they would get away from random effects as they added new cards, but it looks like it's vastly going in the other direction. I'm not going to enjoy this game when a third of the cards are random. When Scrolls launched, there were a couple random effect cards and players disliked them so much there hasn't been another random effect card since.

I agree that the expansion feels like a joke, and I agree that they should have waited after a few "standard release" expansions before dropping these cards.

It also feelslazy. There are so many cards that are "this other card but with more stats." Madder Bomber, really? A lot of cards suffering from the Brewmaster effect here like the Shredder / Sky Golem.

And what makes it worse is that contrary to a post above, a lot of these effects are actually strong enough to run. For example, Enhance-o-Mechano could work in a Zoo or Murloc deck, but like most of these cards it's going to be really swingy. Will your Doomguard get Windfury and you win or will it get Taunt and you lose? Who knows, woooo so fun!
If you think enhance-o mechanico is going to be run more than a week you haven't been playing hearthstone very much. People will run it the first week, realize its too coin flippy and unreliable and go back to using defender of argus or dark iron dwarf or another better new card. I'd run piloted shredder before enhance-o mechanico for the added deathrattle/anti-board clear. But its hard to say what will be relevant without seeing all the cards as well.

Looks like Clockwork Giant becomes the first completely unplayable giant. Maybe if its base cost was 10.
Yeah, I just noticed that card this morning, I like it, a mill giant!

The Master

Bronze Squire
Clockwork Giant will really help mid-range Druid pressure for lethal vs control decks. It'll be a useful card in tournament settings at a minimum.


What a retard. RNG is a direct fucking counter to skill. I.E. it makes no fucking difference how skilled you are if your Rag keeps hitting the wrong targets, or if his knife juggler juggles you perfectly.

Fucking tool.
On the other hand - knowingwhento play a RNG card, how to manage it so you maximise the benefits and minimise the risks; all of that takes more knowledge of the game than a 'plain' card does.


Trakanon Raider
Some of my, off the cuff, thoughts on some of the cards shown. I'll probably be wrong on a lot of them but these are my gut reactions:

Annoy-O-Tron: I love this one. It's a great anti-aggro card. He's really sticky so he'll help to slow the aggro down for a control deck to gain some steam.

Explosive Sheep: Also a really good anti-aggro card. Can be a really early board wipe against Zoo.

Bomb Lobber: Too expensive for a 3/3.

Dr. Boom: Sounds decent. He's in BGH range but the bombs are going to cause your opponent headaches.

Mim's head: Gimmicky like Thaddius. I don't like it.

Spider Tank: Solid 3 drop. It's a mini yeti.

Unstable Portal: People don't play Far Sight very often. This card is just as bad.

Velen's Chosen: Great buff but, other than Mark of the Wild, I don't care for buffs. Too many silences in such a deathrattle heavy meta.

Bouncing Blade: Great card, as has been said, for Control Warrior.

Recombobulator: I don't like it at all. I can see uses (such as using it on near death minions to get a new one) but overall I just don't like it.

Clockwork Giant: It's a meta card. But as long as Zoo is a thing, it will never see play.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Unstable Portal doesn't say from your deck. It is probably literally any collectible minion in the game. For 2 mana and 3 less cost, that might work out to be a net win more often than not (not willing to run the math until all the new cards are out). I know I'll be running it when I want to fuck around.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Unstable Portal doesn't say from your deck. It is probably literally any collectible minion in the game. For 2 mana and 3 less cost, that might work out to be a net win more often than not (not willing to run the math until all the new cards are out). I know I'll be running it when I want to fuck around.
Is it a mage card?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Bouncing Blades looksinsane. I like Clockwork giant in theory as I like Mill decks, in theory, but I've had no luck getting mill to work even 50/50 so it's hard to see that giant making it in.


Golden Knight of the Realm
If you think enhance-o mechanico is going to be run more than a week you haven't been playing hearthstone very much.
I love how "macho" everyone tries to seem when they're talking about an online card game.

I fucking realize it's bad because of the RNG factor, that was what I said in my post.


Trakanon Raider
Detroit kid wins Hearthstone championship. Detroit confirmed better at Hearthstone than at football, baseball, and basketball. Possibly hockey too but its debatable.