

Mr. Poopybutthole
Double crush? hope you only queue into other control decks cause mech mage is gonna stomp a mudhole in your ass and walk it dry. So will sea giant zoo.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Just ran into the greediest ramp Druid ever. KT, Rag, Cairne, everything. Ancient of Lore, taunts, ramp, and legendaries was his whole deck. He didn't even run combo. If TBK were common in this meta he'd be so dead. As it is I can't imagine how he beats Hunter.


<Silver Donator>
Just ran into the greediest ramp Druid ever. KT, Rag, Cairne, everything. Ancient of Lore, taunts, ramp, and legendaries was his whole deck. He didn't even run combo. If TBK were common in this meta he'd be so dead. As it is I can't imagine how he beats Hunter.
Tree of Life baby.


Demon Warlock + Handlock = Demonhand



Trakanon Raider
Haha nice.

God I love Light of the Naaru. Such an underrated card. I'm playing a really fun Priest deck since opening Vol'jin and it's doing well. I seem to always have a huge card advantage on all of my opponents, even mirror Priests. Mass Dispel is doing serious work for me.

Double crush? hope you only queue into other control decks cause mech mage is gonna stomp a mudhole in your ass and walk it dry. So will sea giant zoo.
Speaking of Sea Giant zoo. Owned this guy in the 3rd screenshot after he got me to 7 life and I stabilised. Love this Priest deck so much. Climbing the ranks. And my double Shadow Madness stomps Mech Mage. Haven't played much control Warrior yet tho, but am optimistic.

Edit: And 4th screenshot, lol at my current Rogue Arena. Ship's Cannon killed Spectral Knight.


Trakanon Raider
I never saw Bloodmage Thalnos as a Priest card honestly. I'm not sure if it works with Lightbomb, but he only helps 3 of your cards (the holy novas and the holy fire). I'd swap him for something less situational myself. I also think that Cairne is a bit too slow and clunky in the current meta. Personally, I would swap both cards out for a couple of Belchers. Just a thought.


Trakanon Raider
I never saw Bloodmage Thalnos as a Priest card honestly. I'm not sure if it works with Lightbomb, but he only helps 3 of your cards (the holy novas and the holy fire). I'd swap him for something less situational myself. I also think that Cairne is a bit too slow and clunky in the current meta. Personally, I would swap both cards out for a couple of Belchers. Just a thought.
Cairne I I wouldn't say is too slow in this deck, because most of it is mid game anyways. He helps in a lot of situations. I might actually drop him for something like a Rag though, to have more of a finisher. But I'm doing really well with this deck as is atm. Will be in the lower ranks soon at this rate. Haven't really played constructed this season until now, but climbing fast with Murloc Shaman and this.

3 damage Holy Novas can be clench though. He won me a game I was going to lose against a Mech Mage because a lot of the minions are 3 health. You're also forgetting that it works with Circle of Healing, altho yes, it will kill your Soulpriest in the process (unless you PW:S or Cultist'd her, which isn't that rare), she usually dies the turn after anyways. Aside from that, he works as cheap lightning rod that cycles through my deck. I use Thalnos in a lot of Priest decks and really like him. It combos so well with Holy Nova, and even if you don't manage to get any benefit from the +1 Spell Damage, he's still so cheap that with the card draw it doesn't matter. He's also done me a shit ton of good when I had Undertaker priest Deck and even without Undertaker in my deck, I end up Thoughtstealing them a lot and he helps out there too.

Also, Thoughtstealing spells is a thing. This game was hilarious. He also Unstable Portal'd a Velen but I had a SW
ready for it. Thalnos genuinely just won me this game too.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Yea I agree about the Thalnos & Cairne.

Mind control or ysera would be better than Cairne imo.

If you took recombobulator over thalnos you have a better 2 drop body early game and he can be used to steal more things too. (shadow madness + recombob)


Trakanon Raider
Yea I agree about the Thalnos & Cairne.

Mind control or ysera would be better than Cairne imo.

If you took recombobulator over thalnos you have a better 2 drop body early game and he can be used to steal more things too. (shadow madness + recombob)
Love my Thalnos.

I do accept that there might be a better choice for Cairne tho.

At the end of this first game I had 8 cards in my hand and was at 26 health. There were x2 Shrinkmeister and x2 Shadow Madness in my hand, didn't even need them. This was against Mech Mage... God I love this deck. I didn't Circle once either, but one devastating Holy Nova is all it takes.

I think people just forget how good and versatile Thalnos is because he isn't popular right now, but he's still a beast.

Edit: Just beat a Control Warrior and Cairne lasting thru Brawl with Baine may have done it for me. I was expecting that to be my weak matchup, but got him to fatigue and won at 30 life. It was the net deck Control War.

Edit 2: And a 2nd Control Warrior loses to Cairne
This was the progression after brawl in these 2 bottom SS. I'm still play testing, but when Control War is probably my weak matchup and Cairne keeps pulling thru for me there, I'll end up keeping him.


Sparkletot Monger
Double crush? hope you only queue into other control decks cause mech mage is gonna stomp a mudhole in your ass and walk it dry. So will sea giant zoo.
Its actually been working really well. Ive accepted the fact that I lose if a Mech Mage has double Warp in his draw. But I do okay and make sure I mulligan aggressively for Axes. If I start seeing more Zoo and what not I can swap out for a Brawl or two.

But really, the two cards I swapped out from Sjows deck for the double Crush were Sylvanas and Harrison Jones.... neither would be useful anyway against those decks.

The double crush gives me great good board clear.

I usually work the crush in combo with Whirlwinds and Armorsmiths. That deck puts out so much sheilding that the only thing that really screws me are weapon killers, and nobody is running those anymore.


Trakanon Raider
I'm torn on thoughtsteal. I hate when it's used against me because I like control deck (meaning they are more likely to get high value cards). But one of the top Priest players once made a comment along the lines of "think about what you most want to thoughtsteal and just include those cards instead". Obviously if you want to thoughtsteal class cards, you can't do that but you also should never be in a position where you NEED to thoughtsteal class cards to win a game.


Trakanon Raider
I'm torn on thoughtsteal. I hate when it's used against me because I like control deck (meaning they are more likely to get high value cards). But one of the top Priest players once made a comment along the lines of "think about what you most want to thoughtsteal and just include those cards instead". Obviously if you want to thoughtsteal class cards, you can't do that but you also should never be in a position where you NEED to thoughtsteal class cards to win a game.
Wut? x2 Thoughtsteal is in every single Priest deck I've ever played. It is the versatility it brings. Thoughtsteal is an *amazing* card. I seriously cannot imagine a top priest player advising Priests to generally not play Thoughtsteal...? Who supposedly said this?


Trakanon Raider
I can't remember who said it exactly but that was part of the reason that Deathrattle Priest never ran Thoughtsteal. I'll see if I can find the article.

And I don't, necessarily, disagree but for every Ysera you've pulled with it, how many blade flurrys or shield slams have you taken? So why not just cut out the middle man and just plug in Ysera? It's not alwAys the right call but I'm in favor of minimizing RNG a bit. Like I said, I'm torn. It can be a great card or it can be worse than useless.