

Vyemm Raider
I hate the Arena so fucking much it makes me want to quit altogether.
Yeah sometimes I ask myself why I even play Arena. Constructed can make me upset, but no where near the amount Arena does. It's moments like that third Equality, or fourth Flamestrike that make me rage so hard. Yes there are cancerous decks in constructed, but I feel like after learning about them you can play around them to an extent. Sometimes in arena you just can't play around stuff.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
What's killing me right now are the atrocious choices in the draft. I've watched enough vids and read enough guides that I understand the importance of a smooth curve and board control, but the last draft, out of 90 card choices, I was offered a total of five 4-drops (2 lightwells but no divine spirits) and I found myself having to pick between between 1's, 2's, and 3's, WAY too many times. Was offered 3 Mind Controls and 4 Holy Novas (only took 1 MC and 2 novas) and when I had enough of those had to choose between more shitty 2 drops. Wasn't offered any Velens Chosen, no northshires or no thoughtsteals. It was impossible to draft a decent curve, was offered no card draw at all and just got my ass stomped three in a row. I'm still tilted over it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I don't normally play priest, but this just happened...

That is -128 dmg


<Bronze Donator>
Circle of Healing + Double Northshires?

I do wonder what's so enticing about this game in spite of its too-common rage inducing moments.


I opened a few packs and got gahz'rilla, gladiators longbow, savannah highmane, and king of beasts. I haven't messed with hunter much, is there any sort of cheap build I should google that utilizes those? Doesn't look like it would lend itself well to zoos or rush..so I'm guessing control would be the best bet to build something around those? I have an eaglehorn bow as well, but not very much else that's hunter specific outside of commons.


Trakanon Raider
I opened a few packs and got gahz'rilla, gladiators longbow, savannah highmane, and king of beasts. I haven't messed with hunter much, is there any sort of cheap build I should google that utilizes those? Doesn't look like it would lend itself well to zoos or rush..so I'm guessing control would be the best bet to build something around those? I have an eaglehorn bow as well, but not very much else that's hunter specific outside of commons.
Only the Highmane is, currently, playable. Control Hunter is similar to the Loch Ness Monster. People claim to have seen it but it's rare.

Here's a cheap hunter deck for you (assuming you have Naxx):

2x Leper Gnome
2x Undertaker
2x Abusive Sergeant
2x Clockwork Gnome
2x Webspinner
2x Haunted Creeper
2x Ironbeak Owl
2x Mad Scientist
Your Eaglehorn bow (craft a 2nd ASAP)
2x Explosive Trap
2x Wolf Rider
2x Animal Companion (hope for Huffer!)
2x Kill Command

2x Arcane Golems (I put them down here because they are not a priority in most other decks but you can get the gist of what this deck is trying to do. So if you don't have them yet, you may or may not decide to try crafting them just now)

That leaves two spots. Unleash the Hounds and Loot Hoarder can fit in here.

Mulligan hard for your Undertakers. If you don't have one in your opening hand, throw everything else back. If you get a UT in your opening mullligan, keep all 1 cost deathrattles. Possibly keep a 2 cost deathrattle if the rest of your hand is good.

Strategy: Go face. Drop crap and then go face. Use your hero power liberally. If they drop a taunt, you drop an owl to continue going face. There are no decisions to be made, only math. You do whatever you can to maximize face damage each turn as possible (don't forget to factor in your hero power). This will take you to about Rank 10 easily. After that you may need to adjust the strategy a bit. But by then you'll start to get a feel for what you need to look out for. Your natural counters are Priests and Warriors but even they will lose to you if you draw really well and they don't.

Now as a disclaimer: The deck I listed is simply toxic and will generate a lot of hatred towards you. If you get a "friend" request after a match, accept it at your own risk. 99.99% of the time, the person on the other end is going to bitch you out hardcore.

Final note, this deck gets really old after awhile due to how simple and stupid it is. But it's cheap and, stupidly, effective.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
I love watching tournaments and friends play. Its worth learning the game just so you can watch matches.
Ya I've never been into watching video game streams but now have like four or five subscriptions on youtube just for HS. Been a long time since I've been sucked into a game so much.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
What classes do you guys dislike playing the most? For me I'd say it's Rogue and Paladin.

Mostly because I have to learn their meta.


Trakanon Raider
That's easy: Priest. I simply Auto-Concede against them. Even if I win, the 30 minute games are just draining when I have to think about how to counter everything they can do plus everything I can do has to be countered after it gets stolen.