

Its way better because it's synergy with Knife juggler which Zoo already ran.

I think the reason you don't see as many Zoos is because Cancer is fucking insane.

They are completely diffrent decks in tempo, and Cancer just puts out too much damage in the early game versus trying to control it.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
Admittedly I'm a new player that didn't live through the good ole' days so forgive me if I'm missing something, but if the argument is that a turn one Undertaker requires premium removal and relinquishes board control then how is that different than a turn one flame imp or zombie chow play in relation to tempo and board control? Would Undertaker be more palatable if it did damage to the player or healed the opponent like flame imp and chow?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Admittedly I'm a new player that didn't live through the good ole' days so forgive me if I'm missing something, but if the argument is that a turn one Undertaker requires premium removal and relinquishes board control then how is that different than a turn one flame imp or zombie chow play in relation to tempo and board control? Would Undertaker be more palatable if it did damage to the player or healed the opponent like flame imp and chow?
Because you can just play a creature or nothing in response to a flame imp and there is basically no danger of the flame imp getting buffed beyond the point where you can easily kill it.


The bi-weekly "nerf UT!" derails are the worst.
I think the discussions we had about Unleash the Hounds and Buzzard were worse though. Had a lot of people arguing that nerfing cards wasn't the way to go way back then too. They'll have to address it at some point. Scarlet Purifier and Lil' Exorcist were duds and they didn't add any new silences with GvG.

But if they've nerfed all that other shit like Gadget, Leeroy, etc., then odds are they'll get around to nerfing Undertaker eventually.


Because those cards aren't designed to be buff immediately by the deck itself, and the buffers themselves are always giving you something back even if they are cleared.

There is no doubt UT is one of the most powerful cards in Hearthstone. It's crazy how accurate Reynad is with his predictions some times.


Tranny Chaser
I've said this before but there needs to be a ranked mode that mirrors the multi-deck formats of competitive play, ideally identical to the one used at Worlds. The game should be balanced around that and not around the current best-of-one ladder. As things are now less expensive aggro decks are always going to be over-represented and people are always going to tire of playing against them. People need to move away from thinking about the game as deck versus deck and start thinking about it as a stable of decks versus a stable of decks.


Trakanon Raider
The bi-weekly "nerf UT!" derails are the worst.
For the most part, at least we're able to rationally discuss issues over here. Unlike, say, the official Blizzard forums where every other thread can be boiled down to "I lost to Card X. Please nerf Card X." Yeah some of us get salty over here at some of our losses or the meta or whatever (God knows I'm guilty of that) but it's a much better discussion here than other places on the interwebz. Would you prefer this thread be nothing but "What should I pick for this Arena run?" questions?


Molten Core Raider
It's crazy how accurate Reynad is with his predictions some times.
His top 3 for GvG were Muster for Battle, Fel Reaver, and Unstable portal.

Not in his top 10: Dr. Boom, Mechwarper, Imp Implosion.

Hearthstone card evaluation is still in diapers compared to MtG, I can go back in this thread and dig up some views that were waaaaay off.


Trakanon Raider
One of the things I was thinking that Blizzard should have built into the game was a "test region." Instead of launching GvG when they did, there should have been 2 "regions." One with GvG cards enabled and one without. Everything would carry over from one region to the other so if you bought GvG packs on the GvG region, they would remain in the "classic" region but just not accessible until GvG is turned on globally. That way they could say that the GvG "region" is a test bed and that changes are likely. This way we could play around with GvG cards for a month or two and expose what is broken before it goes "live."

The main advantage of this is that then they wouldn't be beholden to a philosophy of never nerfing cards because the game is "live." This region would, clearly, be marked as a Beta / Test region so Changes should be expected. Kind of like an Open Beta period.


We're in the Open Beta lol. Why would they test anything when they can make money off the population while they test it

You think Blizzard gives a rats ass what under 1% of there player base thinks. Have you not played WOW for the last decade


<Bronze Donator>
My initial reaction is that it's going hard to get an accurate temporary testing environment in a competitive game. You have to reach critical playerbase size to expose certain flaws but what player is going to sink that much time into a PTR knowing most of their time is wasted?


Trakanon Raider
So what the fuck just happened? Did someone win a tournament with a Murloc deck? Last 2 games (shaman and paladin) had nothing but murlocs.


Trakanon Raider
So what the fuck just happened? Did someone win a tournament with a Murloc deck? Last 2 games (shaman and paladin) had nothing but murlocs.

I disagree about Mechwarpers not being op. They are insane. Pint Sized Summoner is a rare and has 1 less health, which is huge, and yet it only works on your very first minion and even though it works on any minion type, that is negligible since if you are playing Mechwarper, you are going to have a Mech to play every turn. Mechwarper also has a creature type, another huge benefit. I just don't agree with the design decision, yes Pint Sized Summoner is shit, but that doesn't mean other cards should just be strictly better. You should not be able to have 6 minions on the board on turn 2, nor do something like this so easily, and it is easy:

My suggestion would be to simply make it so Mechwarper only reduced the cost of other Mechs to a minimum of 1, like Summoning Portal. It's not that huge of a nerf, but prevents ridiculousness.


<Bronze Donator>
I've hit a lot of streamers on the ladder. It's not uncommon at all really, at least if you hit the higher ranks. I hit Chakki 3 times in a row once. I've played Hyped, Forsen, Day9, a bunch of others that don't come to mind off the top of my head. Those are just the ones from the past few weeks.


Trakanon Raider
It was on the NA server so I'm not sure if it was him, but I played a Strifecro once. He was playing Druid at the time so I'm thinking it was. He wasn't streaming at the time and he, soundly, beat me.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I bumped into Day9 once. Pretty sure it was actually him, as I had been watching his show just before, he was the same rank, etc.


<Bronze Donator>
I give up. I just can't take it. Hearthstone hates me. Play Kel'thuzad, and what does shredder pop? FUCKING DOOMSAYER. Fuck you game, just fuck you.