Help with rain damage and insurance claim

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
This man speaks wisdom and truth. Exactly what I thought. Take pictures of standing water when next it rains.
It's got to be a crack or issue with the drip pan under the patio. I emptied a bucket of water on the patio-- not even enough to cause it to drip off the edge, and I got drips downstairs through the hole. And a fucking major storm is supposed to blow through here tonight.. Going to call serv-pro and see if they can do anything in the interim..


Mr. Poopybutthole
Thats some top notch paint, holding up all that soaking drywall and insulation.
Yeah that was the first thing my Dad said when I showed him the picture. Also Wombat, he (20+ years of roofing experience) said there was no way to tell if the water damage was gradual or sudden, so the adjuster was absolutely blowing smoke up your ass.

The critical part I missed about the leak problem was the fact that you said that every single unit is experiencing leaks. Speak with the other owners who have had leaks about meeting with a lawyer, because it sounds to me like you have grounds for a class action lawsuit against the builder of the condos. I would take a permaban bet that every single one of those patios is built improperly and leaking water into the condo below.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Yeah that was the first thing my Dad said when I showed him the picture. Also Wombat, he (20+ years of roofing experience) said there was no way to tell if the water damage was gradual or sudden, so the adjuster was absolutely blowing smoke up your ass.

The critical part I missed about the leak problem was the fact that you said that every single unit is experiencing leaks. Speak with the other owners who have had leaks about meeting with a lawyer, because it sounds to me like you have grounds for a class action lawsuit against the builder of the condos. I would take a permaban bet that every single one of those patios is built improperly and leaking water into the condo below.
Yeah, we met years ago when it was still under builder's warranty due to repeated leaks and threatened legal action. When we engaged an actual lawyer, she basically said that in Texas it's very hard/expensive to prove construction defects in court, and that even if we won most builders in Texas are basically shell companies that just declare bankruptcy if they're found liable. Not sure what our current legal recourse is against him now years later (place was only built in 2008). But yes, every unit leaks from the patio.. It's just been really hard to nail it down because they only (visibly) leak when we have crazy storms, and that's typically 1-2 times a year.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Texas has some impressively draconian laws if you can't prove construction defects with leaks in every single unit. I'd at least talk to another lawyer and see if they say the same thing.

But yeah, get a roofer to look at the patio to tell you what the problem is, and you'll probably (if you want to stop the water damage) have to relevel every single one of the patios to drain properly. Or at least the one above your condo that is. If the builder is among the people doing a shell game, it might be cheaper for him to pay for the patio fixes than to deal with declaring bankruptcy on the shell company, and if he's not doing the shell game he might be willing to pay for it to avoid litigation.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<WoW Guild Officer>
Drip pan under the patio? That sounds like a terrible idea.

I wish I could see more for myself.


<Gold Donor>
The spiral staircase is all you need to see to know it was built/designed by a retard.

It most likely is leaking on a seal. The seal that's leaking is most likely on the far edge. I'm going to guess the T where the two panels meet the concrete barrier.

1. Gouge the seals out and reseal with epdm. Should take you 3-4 hours as a noob and cost around 100$.

2. Get your contractor friend to right up a bill for 2000$ and send it to the insurance company.

3. ???

4. Profit.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Still have to pay to fix the damages, not just prevent new ones.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The spiral staircase is all you need to see to know it was built/designed by a retard.
I wasn't even paying enough attention to that part of the picture to notice that. Where the fuck does it lead, to the next floor's patio? Why the fuck would you design a building so it was easier for someone's upstairs or downstairs neighbors to break in to their condo and murder them?


<Gold Donor>
I wasn't even paying enough attention to that part of the picture to notice that. Where the fuck does it lead, to the next floor's patio? Why the fuck would you design a building so it was easier for someone's upstairs or downstairs neighbors to break in to their condo and murder them?
maybe there's a treehouse.


HOA deductible is 5k.
Our deductable is 5k too. Imagine our joy when some dumbass in the building (or more likely someones dumbass kids playing with the paper shredder) kept flushing shredded plastic down the toilet and blocked the drains causing flooding FOUR damn times over a few months. 20k wasted in a 17 unit building. Imagine our joy.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Maybe after the storm we're getting tonight they'll reconsider. That sucks dude :/
Insurance companies are not a charity. If you want what's yours, you have to fight them. Make sure to go over the text of the coverage very carefully.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Id say you've got a slam dunk in suing the builder, too.
Hard. A lot of builders contracts say that once it's been given a certificate of occupancy, they cannot be sued. Whether that contract holds up depends on your lawyer.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
I wasn't even paying enough attention to that part of the picture to notice that. Where the fuck does it lead, to the next floor's patio? Why the fuck would you design a building so it was easier for someone's upstairs or downstairs neighbors to break in to their condo and murder them?
They are 3 story attached townhomes, so all 3 levels belong to me. The spiral staircase leads to the flat roof which has a rooftop deck. Technically, the partitions between units on the roof are trivial to climb over, at which point one could climb down a neighbor's spiral staircase and get access to their patio-- so you are correct in a sense. If it wasn't for the stupid staircase, I would just get an awning installed on the patio and be done with this issue..

In any case, I collected about a gallon of tea colored water drippings overnight during the storms, so at least in the case of this specific leak, the cause must be recent as the ceiling wouldn't be able to retain that type of leakage volume in any ongoing fashion. I have a structural engineer coming tomorrow at 10am to try and determine the exact cause.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, this. Ideally you want both. The 2 engineers we had here couldn't spot a problem that the roofer spotted in literally 30 seconds. But the engineers did catch ventilation and other problems that the roofer did not.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I mean it would probably work about as well as expecting a structural engineer to find a water leak lol