This game is even more maddening than league. No bans, so every match has Illidan/Diablo/Sylvanas and you just better get used to it because it's going to stay that way forever. Instead of gently trying to coerce 5 teammates to group for 2 objectives(dragon, baron) and most people knowing generally speaking their place and responsibilities, this game requires 5 people to consistently understand what the priorities on the map are, where people are, etc, all without any sort of realistic vision control via wards. Playing solo queue in this is 1000x worse, and one person can and will consistently cost you objectives(dragon knight, etc) by doing dumb shit. Oh we both have two curses and the third one is spawning? Guess I better split push top as Malfurion while you guys 4v5, but don't worry guys I'm soaking exp so we're getting an advantage!!
Like seriously, how do you deal with this shit? Every game basically boils down to which team groups as 5 better, or which team picks the better comp. What, they have Illidan/Diablo/Rehgar and we have 3 ranged assassins and two supports? Cool!!! This will be a fun use of my 20 minutes.