Heroes of the Storm


Blackwing Lair Raider
In HL if they both get out of the first pick spot it seems pretty common to go KT + Jaina afterwards and that combo is a frightening nightmare. I think I had a team yesterday of KT, Jaina, ETC, Diablo, Lili and it was frightening how much we just shit on the team.
Yeah, I hate being last pick because it generally happens my team's first pick is a specialist and the enemy team gets jaina and kt.

Jaina should be first picked every game as far as I'm concerned.

Also just fuck the specialist role in general, it just promotes bad gameplay because "I'm doing my job as a specialist." Noobs put way too much emphasis on pushing and don't realize if you win team fights objectives fall into your lap and you can push for free. Had someone chastise me last night for last picking valla on blackheart's bay when we had no specialist and needed more ranged dps. They were like zomg, we needed a specialist! Why do you need a specialist, especially on blackheart's bay?


I like the game, I got over the shitty looking mounts, but I feel like the spell effects are underwhelming. I do hate the LoL model of having limited heroes and having to buy the others.


Toe Sucker
In HL if they both get out of the first pick spot it seems pretty common to go KT + Jaina afterwards and that combo is a frightening nightmare. I think I had a team yesterday of KT, Jaina, ETC, Diablo, Lili and it was frightening how much we just shit on the team.
enemy teams fault for letting your team get ETC with that comp lol


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I think I last picked ETC as well. Though if I didn't get ETC I was going to get Sonya and leap wombo with KT and Jaina.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Good thing etc was available then, saved your teammates from having a sonya on their team.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Sonya would have worked well. Tyrael probably better. Sonya is a viable pickup if the team composition on yours and theirs allows her to do her thing. In that case Sonya wouldn't be the primary objective to kill nor the primary tank. She gets a bad rap because she's pretty fucking terrible in solo queue but she has a niche place in some games.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
This is the MurkybuildI use. It's so hard to land a fish, that I don't invest much into them... thinking about not even bothering with the level 7 talent either. Octograb is almost an automatic kill on an enemy hero if you have any sort of team coordination.. and you can solo squishy people with it. Healing bubble is amazing and with enough stacks of dream, I can clear the 4 merc camps... not to mention die a lot less. The only hero I really don't like facing as a Murky is Nova. She can basically one shot Murky before you can do anything.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I find Murky's innate HP regeneration combined with his small HP pool has made rejuv bubble less mandatory in his current state. If I wasn't going pufferfish past 10 I'd probably pick up B4B there instead.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Sonya would have worked well. Tyrael probably better. Sonya is a viable pickup if the team composition on yours and theirs allows her to do her thing. In that case Sonya wouldn't be the primary objective to kill nor the primary tank. She gets a bad rap because she's pretty fucking terrible in solo queue but she has a niche place in some games.
Well yeah, even before this last patch she was used primarily as an off tank. I have a friend who played her a lot before this last patch and he can't bring himself to do it anymore, as you pointed out tyreal fills the same role she would better, so does anub'arak and thats not counting etc, basically there is just never a reason to go sonya; hell even arthas is a much better pick. She brings absolutely nothing to the table unless her ult is off cooldown, 0 cc, her damage is shit, her sustain is now shit, one skillshot gap closer, no disengage. And also take into consideration she gets completely shut down by jaina and jaina is in every game. All of that adds up to her current dumpster tier status.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
He's probably mid tier. I actually played him yesterday after not playing him since some of his reworks. He seemed alright. I do think they need to buff something slightly about him either his survivability or damage. I know some organized team scrim with him but I haven't seen him in a competitive game for a little while (not that I watch a ton.)

He's still a god tier roamer in the early game


Blackwing Lair Raider
He's only bad in the sense that before he was god tier, but he does fine filling that secondary tank role when your team needs a second tank. In that setup people take sindragosa over his undead army to initiate team fights.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Murky op



Toe Sucker
Sindragosa needs faster startup, its way too slow. the moment you see arthas kneel down and toss his sword in the ground you've already played through 2 more games and had time to rub one off.

Seriously though, it needs way faster start up to be good in the midst of a team fight otherwise its useless unless you're pushing/engaging.

Stitches needs some love, i dont know how, but he needs something else since his dps is pretty trash now compared to all other tanks


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Just giving Stitches back some of his HP would pretty much fix him. I don't know if as a hero he can ever be universally balanced since his hook is such a game changer ability. If he was also a well rounded competent tank while also landing money hooks (ie: his old form) he's just too good.


Toe Sucker
Honestly, i'd like them to change "Shish Kabob" to hook ignores minions/mercs.

Make stitches legitimately scary at lvl 16, not damage wise, not tank wise.. just make his hook very, very reliable at lvl 16. You either choose range via Fish Hook, or the Shish Kabob replacement that will basically gaurantee a hero hook if you skill shot it without worrying about some shitty creep in your way.

Dude would be mad scary at 16 lol


Molten Core Raider
I have 20k, Who is worth buying these days? the main ones i see being talked about the last few pages that i do not own are jaina, and kael as hes new, should i grab both of these? i have a decent balance of heroes and it looks like ETC is pretty good now, ill have to grab him aswell.

guess i answered my own question, has the meta in tanks changed completely now that etc is top tier? back when i was playing he was decent but heroes like arthas were just god mode, i dont see any mention of arthas except the fact that hes not picked much anymore murky seems to be "good" now not sure what was changed but i know xith is happy as fuck, that was his favorite hero.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Jaina and Kael are pretty similar in how they play. I think I like Jaina better overall, but Kael can do ridiculous damage. Anub'arak is better now that his beetles aren't retarded. ETC is good. I haven't played Diablo much since the last patch, but I think he's still good.


Toe Sucker
ETC is very good, i think hes actually really fun with the changes he has. Specially at 20 when you can powerslide to reposition your mosh pit lol