Heroes of the Storm


Blackwing Lair Raider
Reading the description I was wondering how the bone prison worked w/ a 2 second delay, but its target-able. Guaranteed 2s root sounds good to me.


Toe Sucker
yeah, amplify damage at 16 is going to be taken like 100% of the time to make bone prison cause vulnerability. He looks like he's gonna be really fun despite the irony of kael + chain bomb completely countering him if he has any skeletons up.

the fact that he has a mortal strike on his Q at 20 is going to make him really viable


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I have to agree with Jake on what he said on Town Hall. Necro seems fun and seems nice but doesn't fit a niche in the current meta. We need a true anti-mage and we need to give out silence to new heroes. Right now something has to change to force the mage meta away.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
I have to agree with Jake on what he said on Town Hall. Necro seems fun and seems nice but doesn't fit a niche in the current meta. We need a true anti-mage and we need to give out silence to new heroes. Right now something has to change to force the mage meta away.
I haven't played this since August/September and it'sstilla fucking mage meta? Jaina and KT were almost an auto-win if a team got both. Blizzard had so much potential with this game..


Toe Sucker
people need to get the fuck good with nova's Q build because it absolutely destroys mages.

This meta shouldn't be mage heavy anymore, specially with how good rehgar is and how well he synergizes with dive comps that should shit all over mage comps. Illidan + Rehgar? Gooodlike


I'm starting to like the new Nova. With One in the Chamber, she's like a ranged Thrall, weaving AAs with her abilities. Range on W and 2 charges on W are great for securing kills

The Master

Bronze Squire
I don't think there really is a mage meta right now. Lots of pro games lately with one or zero Mages. Since they are the only ranged area burst and punish poor play, they are still very popular in HL.


Toe Sucker
I'm starting to like the new Nova. With One in the Chamber, she's like a ranged Thrall, weaving AAs with her abilities. Range on W and 2 charges on W are great for securing kills
Yeah one in the chamber with two charges of pinning shot is pretty legit. I just started dicking around with her Q build which is a lot of fun too despite crying when you miss a Q with full stacks haha


Toe Sucker
Shouldn't you go for slow @ 13 if you're running executioner?

I pretty much buff Q anytime i can if they run a healer. I had a good laugh at an Uther popping benediction on a tychus with -75% heals and he legitimately didn't do fuck all to save him even with 2 holy lights lol

I wanna try his skeleton build for shits n giggles with raise skeleton at 20 just to see if it can be remotely viable


Bronze Knight of the Realm
You could. I find that I don't really attack many people that I don't root to begin with, so more damage seemed better to me. Also, that ultimate slows for up to 15 seconds, so there's that too.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Tbh I think Xul really needs some work - he's the only hero I've bought on release because the necro was my favourite D2 class, but he doesn't feel up to scratch right now (having both played him for a couple hours, then spent another hour or two playing other heroes against him). Maybe they decided to play it safe after the absurdity of LM? The basic concept feels solid, but some tweaking is definitely in order to make him feel like a viable choice and give him a defined role.

Right now it feels like they intended for him to have a bigger lane presence, but the skeletons are so weak that just isn't happening - his W gives him good clearing, but a shitload of heroes can clear just as well. In team fights his role basically boils down to running in with his shield up, picking a target for his E, dumping his cooldowns, then trying to run back out without dying and spending the next 25 seconds picking off stragglers around the edges until his shield is back up.

Most obviously, skeles are just shit - they don't do anything against enemy heroes, can't be controlled in any way and have the hit pool of wet paper towels. HP should easily be 2 - 3x what it is now or they might as well not exist - it's hard to say whether the damage is adequate because they die so quickly there's no chance to gauge it. They just don't add anything to the hero in practical terms, you could remove them and the playstyle would barely change (although I liked using that talent which gives you HP every time one spawns to top up my health on lane mobs between fights).

Trying to fit in a control might be a bit clunky on top of Bone Shield, but they could at least give a way to spawn them outside of lanes and participate in hero fights - maybe attach them to Bone Shield, so when it's cast, or wears off, some skeletons spawn and attack the nearest enemy, or your most recent target? Or a talent that spawns a certain number of skeletons whenever the necro uses a certain ability/abilities (I know they have this with the root, but 2 skeles for 1 spell isn't enough, and you have to give up the extra range on Q).

Bone Shield itself also feels underwhelming and a bit fiddly - my first impression is that it's not really enough for the main survivability tool for an otherwise squishy and non-mobile melee character, both in terms of duration (3 seconds out of 30, or 40 if you're against an AA heavy setup and go for the #3 talent) and in terms of general effectiveness. You have to activate it, which makes it another button to jam when you suddenly get a bunch of DPS on your ass out of nowhere, and it has a tiny duration, so as soon as it's down you find yourself having to play a lot more conservatively, which just doesn't work when you're primarily a melee character.

My first thought was that they should get rid of the duration limit and make it permanent (ie. you cast it, get the shield, then when it's knocked off you can cast it again after the cooldown duration runs out). This would help especially with the whole issue of getting jumped. Could also fiddle around the duration, cooldown, percentage, HP pool etc.

Q is ok damage wise, but way too fucking easy to dodge for anyone who's actually watching the screen, unless you got them with E, in which case the point is moot. I'm thinking maybe they could remove the 1 second delay before it goes off. Or at least make it move faster.

W seems solid, although it would be cool if they branched out with the "Curse" theme via talents - they could use this to help specialize him more, maybe givingsomething like Sylv's building shutdown to help with laning (or make the attack speed debuff apply to buildings), or something like a weaker version of the reduced healing from his lvl 20 #3 for team fights, and so forth.

E feels a little off. I get that they didn't want to make it too OP, being what it is, but the really tiny range and the long delay combined with lack of closing abilities makes it a pain to use as an opener, they need to give it some leeway with one or the other unless they intend to make him capable of staying in the thick of things a bit longer, imo.

Talent wise he's also lacking a fair bit - a lot of the the choices feel really weak, there's more or less no diversity in specs and even before the usual websites had recommended builds up, everyone was speccing 90% identical because almost every tier has a particular talent which stands out as well above the others (or at least, not as bland as the others), and even where there are choices they don't actually make a huge impact on the playstyle. They could really spruce things up here to make some of the tiers more exciting and create more diversity, since right now the only real difference I'm noticing is between the people who realize that Skeletal Mages beats the shit out of Poison Nova as an ulti and the people who don't :/

Overall I get the impression that they spent so long fiddling with the character and how they wanted it to play that other things like the talents and build diversity went by the wayside a bit, but the basic concept is solid and with a little work I think it could be an awesome hero (or maybe I'm just being optimistic for nostalgia reasons).


Kinda surprised no one commented on this weekend's NA spring regional series. Other than the downtime / overall length, I thought it was a really great event. Granted, I didn't watch everything, but the games I did watch were really quality and close games.

A good recap with links to YouTube vids:North America Spring Regional Recap


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Ok but, what do you think about Xul
Twitter has a 140 character limit, you might find that more to your pace


Kinda surprised no one commented on this weekend's NA spring regional series. Other than the downtime / overall length, I thought it was a really great event. Granted, I didn't watch everything, but the games I did watch were really quality and close games.

A good recap with links to YouTube vids:North America Spring Regional Recap
I was surprised Naventic did not take it, I mean they had a almost flawless performance in game 3 versus C9, but they just fell apart at the end. McIntyre on his stream said they were surprised how much they were running Zagara which is something they normally never do. Overall good stuff.